In my Coat of Arms project, I have different colors, symbols, and an animal. For my first picture, the blue stands for law enforcement. My mom was a Lieutenant for the Uniformed Division from 1983-2006. Currently, she is an agent for the Secret Service in the Investigation Division. Therefore, the gold color stands for her badges. Since, my mom has grown up in Enfield, North Carolina, the peanut represents Enfield. Enfield, North Carolina was one of the leading cities for growing peanuts in the U.S. The green portrays the green fields grown. My uncle, Dr. Charles is an Assistant Superintendent for School Administration/ Student Services in the Alamance-Burlington School System. My Uncle is on my dad’s side of the family. Moreover, the green
This will be my last post in not only All Sports but in any sports forum. I told Sohil Majdi a week ago that I am no longer going to comment regardless if the Patriots won or lost. The text is saved for anyone who needs to see it.
The coat of arms I created symbolizes hockey, writing, and photography. To symbolize hockey, I created two hockey sticks, and a puck. The circle represents the puck, which I placed on top of a trophy. Inside the puck I wrote my initials. Then I created two pencils to symbolize writing and a camera to symbolize photography.
I belivie that in the past and even today men are seen as the stronger sex. They are the ones who make the destions and control most things. This fact makes me want to work more harder and stronger to be able to take care of my self. I see my self as being able to be independent and deserve to be happy. And I want everyone to to feel and see themselves this way. I'm also fully aware that I'm not quite ready to be completely independent. My age has a lot to do with that. Most people wouldn't rent out an apartment at 17 years old. But as I continue to grow and change I will become more mature and capable of reaching that leaves of independence.
Hello "rickykillaz" here, Here just putting up some For Honor game play footage I thought it would be cool. I dropped some random footage because I play For Honor a lot and it is one of my favorite games to play right now. The first video is "Live" which is me going up against one of the biggest characters in For Honor history, the moment is called "Clash Of The Titans". The second video is called "View" which is me going around and show you the view of For Honor, while doing the "Chameleon Run" and show of my armor, Dou watch and
Being that i am getting older in age my declaration to you is that i get more freedom and to liberate. I'm writing this because i find it unfair that my brother had more freedom than me at the age of 16. I believe that with the same amount of freedom gave in to my brother and sister i will be more social and a more pleasant person to have around. I will gain more of a personality.
I'm turning 18 soon and I want to clarify my freedoms if I'm going to continue living with my parents. I'm afraid they'll continue to restrict me like they have for the past 17 years. If I'm living under their roof, are they allowed to tell me that I can't go out? Living there is a generosity, so legally, I don't think they can hold me from going out, but they could not let me back in (which they'd never do, but it's always possible). And for house rules, I completely understand taking out the trash, doing the dishes, but do they really have that much power over me that they can set a bed time. This may be a sit-down-and-talk-about-it-issue with my parents, but legally is this possible? And lastly, my dad said he would give me his old car which
I am here to vouch for my friend, Jake who has been charged with underage drinking.
A subject that inspires me U.S History. I have always wanted to learn more about our country. I have never been the best at math or science, but whenever I go to my history class I was always eager to learn more. I would always show up early to class and read the chapter we were learning about and ask questions to the teacher.
The artifact represents personal objects and meaningful moments, person influence on our own life. This is one of the assignment in our program to share our artifacts toward our colleagues and professors. This will take in more about different culture, uniqueness, identity and values of our schoolmates and how they reflected in their life.
Believe it or not colors also meant different things on a coat of arms. On my coat of arms I put the colors green, blue, and red. Green means joy and loyalty, blue means loyalty, and red
Growing up with two different Heritages is like growing up in two different worlds, it was tough growing up being Native and Hispanic I would either get made fun of because I was Native or I was made fun of for being Hispanic. I guess you can say that I have somewhat of a different life, living with any Hispanic family but considering myself more Native, because just at home i just speak spanish, and eat amazing food made by my mother who isn’t even Hispanic who’s just Native American who didn’t consider herself Native American because she herself lived with my grandmother or she lived with a family friend who was Hispanic and showed her things about a culture that she didn’t know anything about.
Your Honor, I request to represent myself due to the financial in ability to retain an attorney. I plead Guilty to the suspended license charge; I was not aware, and not guilty to the failure to report charge. You’re Honor on August 5th 2014, after getting off work I went to a 7/11 of Newtown Road and Lake Edward Drive. I was simply there to grab a bite to eat. Once I purchased the items, I went to my vehicle the only car in the parking lot of the 7/11 roughly around 3:00am in the morning. Once I became secured in my vehicle seat belt on and ready to head home, I look over both shoulders and rearview mirror before backing out of the parking spot I was in.
My personal coat of arms follows the usual kite shield design. Because of how the shield is width increases with the height I arranged my symbols to reflect that with what I believe is of greater importance sitting more prominently higher on the shield. Starting from the bottom, I used the maple leaf design on the Canadian coat of arms as a base. It’s at the base because I would not describe myself as a Canadian when asked who I was but firmly believe that being a Canadian is at the root of what I value. Going above that Is the Filipino flag, which represents my loyalty to my heritage as a Filipino. At the top part of my coat of arms has an image of oil wells and an Albertan wild rose. Oil wells in this image are linked to my perception of
For my coat of arms, I drew a dragon and a moose for the supporters because i think they represent my heritage very well. The reason I used the chinese dragon was because it symbolizes China and my chinese heritage. I also chose the dragon because it was the year I was born in was the year of the dragon. I used a moose for the second supporter because the moose represents my Canadian heritage. The supporters are holding the flags of Hong Kong and the United Kingdom because they represent the main languages I speak, which are English and cantonese, it also represents the language environment I grew up in. Inside the flags we see mountains and wheat. Both of these symbolize Alberta, the province I was born in and where I live right now. I lived
In the 90’s life consisted of watching tv shows like Saved By the Bell, Full House, Seinfeld, and Boy Meets World. All of which still play on tv today. Everyone was listening to Backstreet Boys, Alice in Chains, and who wouldn’t listen to Nirvana. The shoe style was weird and the clothes were different. Then in the late, late 90’s (so like ‘99) I was born. But there was something very different about how I was born as well as how I got my name.