I live in 24 Congressional District. Its major cities are Suburban. It is predominantly urban. This Congressional District Lean Republican because people who lives in this 24 district have higher education than who does not have educational. My Congressional District Representative is Kenny Marchant and my Senators are John Cornyn and Ted Cruz. First, I will talk about my Congressional 24 District Representative’s Kenny Marchant. The background of Mr. Marchant is “As a lifelong conservative, Congressman Kenny Marchant is committed to the values of limited government and fiscal responsibility. Congressman Marchant has a strong record of fighting for lower taxes, eliminating wasteful government spending, bringing accountability and transparency …show more content…
Now a day, it is very difficult to find a person like this. Many people are focusing for themselves and does not care about their country anymore. He also admires the military people and giving respect to the soldiers. He wants to create jobs for the people and lowing tax to the business owner. In my viewpoint, he will be a good leader for this American country and I will reelect him again for the next term. John Cornyn sees many key issue in this country. For example, federal budget and debt: he argues that government are spending and wasting too much money and owning money to China. Like the words has said that “Nothing is Free” that is why it is very dangerous to think about what is the Chinese are planning to do with the United States. Second, National Defense: it is very sad to see that Nation defense is weak and terrorist can attack this country easily. As a result, innocent people are dying like every month or years. Another key issues of John Cornyn discuss that education. He believes that Texas children are most likely to succeed when their parents and teachers are in control of their education, not Washington bureaucrats. The next generation of Texans is too important to be left in the hands of anyone other than their parents and teachers. Senator Cornyn is committed to ensuring that opportunities for Texas school children are
My U.S. Representative is Devin Nunes. Nunes belongs to the Republican party, and has served in the House of Representatives since 2003. Nunes is 43 years old and is chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, as well as a member of the Ways and Means Committee. He authored and published Restoring The Republic in 2010. Nunes graduated from Cal Poly, receiving a bachelor’s in agricultural business and a master’s in agriculture. At the age of 23, he was elected to public office as one of California’s youngest community college trustees. Nunes currently serves the 22nd district, and has been a member of congress for the last thirteen years. For constituent services, Nunes offers help with D.C. tours, academy
Republican John Cornyn was first elected to the United States Senate on November 5, 2002, by winning more than 55 percent of all votes. In 2008, he was reelected for a second term as U.S. Senator of Texas, and also in 2014 for his third term, where he is currently serving. In 1973, Senator Cornyn attended Trinity University, located in his hometown of San Antonio, Texas. Where he had first wanted to become a doctor and major in Biology, but after realizing he didn’t have a passion for it, Cornyn switched majors and graduated with a degree in journalism. Afterwards in 1977, he attended St. Mary’s Law School, in San Antonio, Texas, where he graduated with a specialist in defending doctors and lawyers in malpractice suits. In 1995, Senator Cornyn earned a Masters of Law from the University of Virginia. His committee assignments are Committee on Finance, Committee On The Judiciary, and Select Committee on Intelligence. On September 7, 2017 Senator Cornyn introduced the S.1781 bill, or National White Color Crime Control Act of 2017. This bill would reauthorize grant programs to improve the prevention, investigation, and prosecution of white collar crimes. It has been read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Another bill introduced by Cornyn, is the Building America’s Trust Act. Which would authorize $15 billion over 4 years to build a border across the United States full Southern Border. The bill is currently in Congress waiting
Congressman Bucephelus Roscoe represents Texas’ 21st Congressional District. He is a Republican from Austin where he has lived his entire life. Roscoe has been a Representative for almost fifteen years, and has established himself as a sound politician and representative for his district and state, and has run unopposed the last two elections. He is a member of the House Joint Economic Committee and the House Committee for Science, Space, and Technology. While describing himself as a Texas boy through and through, Roscoe is somewhat of an enigma in Texas politics. He is a conservative on the majority of issues, but he does believe in a greater need for government oversight for the business, technology
Wilson Q. James. American Government, Brief Version. 11th ed. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. 2009, 2012, 2014.
Representative John Frullo has been on the Texas political scene since the 1990s. Prior to his service in the Texas Legislature, Frullo was a “successful Lubbock businessman and CPA auditing government entities.” (house.state.tx.us) Representative Frullo has served on many committees during his service in the Texas Legislature, including The Culture, Recreations, and Tourism Committee and The Licensing and Administrative Committee. True to his Republican Party values, Representative Frullo believes in small government, is a supporter of pro-gun rights, and supports many pro-life issues facing the citizens of Texas.
Growing up on a dairy farm near Holton, Kansas, Lynn Jenkins learned the values of hard work, keeping your word, and the importance of serving your community. Those are the same values that led her to public service and still guide her decisions as she represents the Second District of Kansas. Congresswoman Jenkins currently serves on the House Committee on Ways and Means, the chief tax writing committee in the House of Representatives. As a member of the Ways and Means Committee, she serves on both the Health Subcommittee and Trade Subcommittee. During Congresswoman Jenkins’s time in Congress, she has developed a track record for supporting fiscally responsible public policy to promote job creation and economic growth, working to improve transparency in Congress and backing a strong national defense. She continues to oppose wasteful government spending and is working to reduce the record deficits and national debt. Congresswoman Jenkins is a Certified Public Accountant by profession and brings nearly 20 years of experience helping individuals and small businesses manage their finances to the House of Representatives. Jenkins graduated from Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas and has two children, Hayley and
Should Campbell focus on his stance on healthcare and women’s rights, he could lose a large portion of republicans willing to cross party lines. Women’s access to family planning and abortions is a very divisive issue between the parties and could easily be an issue that defines a voter’s party ID. Within this topic he also difficulty ahead in the large portion of Texans that remain uninsured. Since this will be Kling’s first elected office it will be difficult to directly connect him to the Affordable Care Act but his support of it could also injure his republican sway votes. As a democrat, support of a woman’s right to choose is something he will have to stand up for should Campbell attack him for his stance, Supporting this right may be divisive but framing it as an issue of equality and rights may decrease the backlash from pro-lifers on Kling’s swing
All members of the Texas state legislature should have one common motive. That is, to represent the citizens of their state. Champagne et. al. states that “…members…are responsible for bringing the interests and concerns of their constituencies directly into the democratic political processes” (2017, p.211). In order to effectively do so, a member of the Texas House will represent roughly 168,000 citizens while a senator may represent more than 811,000 constituents (Champagne et al., 2017,
Senator Cornyn has a long history in politics and legislation. He served as a district judge, a justice on the Texas Supreme Court, and Attorney General of Texas, all before being elected to the Texas State Senate in 2002. Cornyn has worked to improve international relationships, tax reform, and small business relationships. He has been recognized and awarded for his work in all three subjects. Senator Cornyn is actively serving on the Senate’s Finance and Judiciary Committees, and is also the Majority Whip. Senator Ted Cruz is a first time senator who was elected in 2012. Cruz is currently serving on five senate committees: Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Armed Services; Judiciary; Joint Economic; and Rules and Administration. Before becoming a Senator, Cruz was the youngest, longest serving, and first Hispanic Solicitor General in the state of Texas. Now, Senator Ted Cruz is running as a republican candidate for President in the elections of
Moreover, my platform for the campaign was to improve the quality of education and provide affordable costs to students. Besides this, I focused on the roads of Texas and their status. The roads are not good enough and are undergoing construction. I am standing on those issues and on reducing the tolls. My platform also considered the advancement in public health. I focused on improving the health services of the people. My agenda is particularly on providing easily accessible medicines and services to the public so that they can be benefitted. ‘Health is wealth’ is my propaganda. Since, my platform is focused on such issues and my agenda have positive impact on the education, health, and transportation, my placement on these committees is justified. It serves my district’s needs. We have less health services and people cannot afford those facilities. Expenses are higher for people. Improving the
. With a population of roughly 26 million, Texas has a unique blend of languages, cultures, and political ideologies. With such a huge population and varying interests, there are many representatives to help voice the majority concerns and interests within the state. These representatives hold office in varying levels of government such as local, state, and national government positions. My permanent home is in Keller, Texas, and I am represented at all three levels of government. My local government consists of six city council members who all represent the city of Keller. The council consists of members: Debbie Bryan, Gary Reaves, Tom Cawthra, Bill Dodge, Bill Hodnett, and Rick Barnes. Further up in the chain of government is Representative Giovanni Capriglione. Representative Capriglione represents me in the state government level in the 98th district. Finally, in the national level of government, republican Congressman Michael C. Burgess represents me. Congressmen Burgess represents congressional district 26. Michael Burgess addresses several needs of the citizens of the 26th district and has taken certain stances on a variety of issues and topics. Three issues Congressman Burgess considers priorities are energy, federal spending, and health care. Burgess has made headlines regarding the stances he has taken on these issues. Burgess believes that his stances best represent the 26th district of Texas and serve the citizens best. Along with his role of congressman,
My promise When you elect me as the district 23 state senator you will be enabling us as a district to make an important progress because I will ensure that the national government hears your voice. By doing so you are guaranteed that you will also remain in the loop.
Through the duration of this course some of my opinions on civic issues have changed and some have stayed the same. An opinion of mine that has changed is the number of flaws in our education system. This is an important civic issue because the education of young people is deciding the future of this world. This is politically significant because this generation will grow up to be a part of politics whether running for a role in the federal, provincial, or municipal parliamentary or simply voting in an election.
Now let's take a look at what Texas U.S. Rep. Will Hurd had to say
Growing up in a very conservative household within an increasingly liberal society, I've had difficulty identifying my own political beliefs. I’ve been taught to pick a side: the left or right. That mindset has always left me torn and confused, but I have discovered that I don’t want to choose. I am a moderate. For me, politics is about my own values and my own ideologies, not whether my values are specifically conservative or liberal. I have a more liberal view on issues such as same-sex marriage, the death penalty, and abortion. And I have more conservative views on taxes, the free market system, and welfare. What I believe should not be swayed by trying to affiliate myself with a particular political party. I don’t fit perfectly into the