I have had my mind-set on UNC Wilmington for a very long time now. There is many factors about UNC Wilmington that creates much interest and love for me. In 2014, my eldest sister enrolled into UNC Wilmington. I was very excited and happy because this meant I would get to visit the campus quite often. The day we moved my sister into her dorm was a day I will never forget. Seeing the campus first hand was truly amazing. After that day, I knew for sure I wanted to be a sea hawk. Recently in the fall of 2016, my second oldest sister was admitted into UNC Wilmington. After her first year there, she and my eldest sister rented a house with a few other friends. I now am able to go down to UNC Wilmington freely and see the campus I hope to one day
East Carolina University is and has always been a dream school for many students including myself. I have grown up hearing about the University and it is nothing short of spectacular. Many family members of mine have attended East Carolina, and I have always pictured myself at this school. It would be an honor to be a pirate. Throughout high school I have struggled in Science and Math. I know I could have done better in high school but in life you can always do something better, im eager to push myself more and work harder than ever to succeed as an adult, if given the chance There are many times when I should I have put school in front of my extra curricular activities such as dancing, art, work, tennis, and swimming. However, all of those
When I think about what I could contribute to Florida A&M University based on the knowledge that I do have with your institution is that i’m a extremely committed student who has beliefs that you can do anything that you set your mind to. There may be some times when I may feel discouraged but why must if I feel like that if things aren’t easily handed to you. You must chase your dreams, and when you do that things will slowly fall into place (not exactly how you planned for it to be at times). I learned that through the many obstacles I had to experience to make me the well informed women I am today. The best activity, interest, experience, and achievement in my life was being a Big member of “Big brother, big sister”. Becoming a mentor for
I am a high school senior at Fair Park, looking forward to my first year at Jackson State University in the upcoming fall. My cumulative GPA is currently at a 3.6 average and anticipating to increase next semester. I would be considered the best person to receive a scholarship simply because I go the extra mile to assure my success. Although college is an extensive goal, it could be quite expensive. There is no better way to pay for college than by being awarded money for outstanding academic excellence.
UNC Wilmington has been my top pick for the college I want to attend to obtain my Bachelor’s degree in Business ever since I was a Junior in high school. I applied for the fall 2016 to spring 2017 semester my senior year of high school and was not accepted into UNC Wilmington. I knew I had a big decision to make and I needed to figure out what I was going to do since I was not accepted into UNC Wilmington. I had been accepted to other universities and I could have easily attended one of them instead but I knew where I really wanted to be was UNC Wilmington. I finally made the decision to take one year at Cape Fear Community College and work hard to get my GPA up to where it needs to be in order to be considered for the fall 2017 semester. I realized that
When my physics professor told me that, I was rather upset than happy. I am here to learn, not to only know couple of equations for the test. College classes are designed to challenge students, not to give easy A’s. My time with Harford Community College was great but not challenging enough. I desire more hands-on experience and research projects, which my community college both lack of. This is when I realize that I need to transfer to somewhere that would give me a lot of opportunities to shine.
Why Tulane? There are plenty of obvious reasons for wanting to go to Tulane. For one thing it’s in New Orleans, and who doesn’t love New Orleans? I live on the North Shore. I could come home every, single weekend and I would never miss a holiday with my family. Groceries and laundry wouldn’t be a problem.
Wilmington started out as home, then became just a vacation. After years of moving and resisting the pull to move back, I finally made the best and brightest decision I think I have ever made. I am moving home, and in the process, I thought there would be no better place to further my education than The University of North Carolina at Wilmington. I have recently taken a year off in between high school and pursuing my college education, and frankly, I think it has been one of the most humbling experiences of my life. I have learned to appreciate everything that was taught by my parents and the schooling I have received. In that year I took part in America's workforce constantly facing the struggles of being independent and caring for myself,
I can earnestly say that I am blessed to attend Beloit. college It allows me to see the world from a different perspective for what I am use to, and that may be a dilemma when I return back home. Beloit College is a liberal school where everyone is open to new idea's while back at home at everyone is more structure and demanding. In college I can come and go place as I please, without getting consensus from an adult. Meanwhile, back at home it is imperative that I check in with my grandparents when I leave the house, so they can know where I am going. At school I eat healthy full coarse meals while back at home we eat fried chicken or fried pork with rice every other day. Life at Beloit College and life back home differ in various ways.
As most journeys begin, it all started with the arrival to Vincennes University. The morning was sadly not bright and sunny, but rather bitter and stormy. It was definitely not one that aroused happy thoughts when it comes to traveling, but still Ben Davis University scholars boarded the charter buses. Patience was a virtue in which we all lacked. We all arrived by 10:45 on June 10th, but still only began moving around 11. We groggily moved towards the buses, dragging around our luggage that would somehow enable us to live and survive during our 1 week stay.
During my high school days and the last few semesters when I was at Sandhill Community College I was way too comfortable. I slacked off and all I was thinking about was just getting doing the minimum to just be finished already. Recently, I was pushed by the looks of my grades that I just needed to get things done; I wanted to be free, not to do my best, just to finish so I could say I passed all my classes. Now I realize life isn’t about just getting by, but about bringing all you have to be able to become successful in what needs to be done. In the next paragraphs I will explain what I expected to happen, what actually happened, what I learned, and how I will apply what I learned to future plan.
For the duration of my time at UWF, I have assisted friends and students with course-related materials and exam preparation, both in and out of the classroom. Primarily, I have mentored and assisted students in Precalculus Algebra (MAC 1140), Calculus I (MAC 2311), and Calculus II (MAC 2312). Most notably, throughout the Spring 2016 semester, I voluntarily hosted tutoring sessions for students in Calculus I, conducting both one-on-one and classroom-style instruction for
When trying to even begin why the University of Pittsburgh is a good school for me, my mom had me help her make a pot roast. Peeling back the brown crispy layer of an onion, the second layer of white skin appeared. Epiphany struck me; The University of Pittsburgh is like an onion.
While attending Kennesaw State University, I was able to participate in the new program that allows for student teachers to spend an entire school year in one classroom. I spent my year long student teaching experience in a kindergarten classroom within the Cobb County District. This experience allowed for me to see all the aspects of being a kindergarten teacher, from working collaboratively with the grade level teachers, participating in creating activities for students with EIP's, attending 504 meetings, parent-teacher conferences, professional development meetings, after school activities, and so much more. Throughout my time spent at KSU, I was able to spend time with a variety of grade levels at multiple schools, therefore, I have gained
It is important to me to chose a school where I think I would most fit in. My tours to the University of Houston have really shown me how diverse the community is, and I love it! I am a very active person who loves to chatter, make friends, and educationally challenge myself everyday. The social, yet focused environment that I felt on my trips makes me believe I would fit right in. The people are so friendly, and to me, it is amazing to see the different races and ethnicities come together to watch and cheer at football games or sing along to everyone’s favorite song the way the students do at the University of Houston. My family is another big part of my decision to apply to the University of Houston. My family is very tightly knit. From attending
Montclair State University was the first college I visited. I arrived knowing nothing about what to look for or what I even wanted in college. I honestly didn’t even think I was going to like the college. This was mostly because it was a commuter college and I felt like I wanted to become independent, not stay at home with my parents. However, on the tour I felt like it was a place the students genuinely had fun in, even if they didn’t technically live there. My tour guide was constantly telling us about how many events and extracurricular clubs there were. He talked about how MSU has no limits because if there was a club you wanted that didn’t exist, you could create it yourself. As someone who is really focused on being able to have a lot