
Personal Narrative: My Decision To Divorce

Satisfactory Essays

When I made the decision to divorce my husband 10 years ago, I thought I had pretty much figured out what my life would be like. Single parent with a great support system. Working full-time as a software sales professional, and faith that moved mountains. I GOT THIS! Commercial break... I made the decision to leave my husband because while I worked hard to ensure we had the lifestyle we always dreamt of, he took on the profession of "serial cheater." As a mother, of 2 girls, I never wanted my daughters to think it was okay to be the provider, while your husband created chaos in the household. With that said, after years of being cheated on, among other things, I was broken. "SIGH", as those 3 words flow through me, let me repeat them... I WAS BROKEN! Unfortunately for me, I forced myself to believe, I wasn't built to break. My faith in God was my insurance policy and it clearly stated... I AM UNBREAKABLE! So, I put on my mask and moved on with my life. I was living life on my terms. Well, at least I thought I was.... I stopped praying, rarely went to church, began hanging out, partying, you name it, I was doing it. Running and hiding from the pain but more importantly I turned my back on God. I was the great pretender. Pretending …show more content…

I am beyond broken. I am lost and low self-esteem has taken over my life. The last few guys, I've dated all have a common thread... They are emotionally unavailable! My refusal to pause and take time process my past hurts, heal and learn to love myself unconditionally, has lead me to choose men that reflect the negative things that I've become to believe about myself. Thank God for interjecting by allowing everything I did to fail, the things I cherished, to crumb slowly. He has my attention and then it happened My AHA MOMENT! The moment of understanding regarding my journey, I wasn't on the path that He has purposed for my

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