This EF trip to Quebec is a once in a lifetime experience for anyone. However, as a French student hoping to go on this trip with peers who are also interested in French, it might mean more than it regularly would to a traveler. I hope to travel the world, and make a difference in it using language. I would like to go on this trip mainly to develop my French, and become more familiar with the French lifestyle. Last year, I took a vacation to France, and it was an incogitable experience. I found myself using more French, and understanding more of it as the trip continued. I would enjoy this kind of experience again, but in a new location with a different style of French and culture. Pertaining to this, I would someday like to study abroad,
Studying abroad will be an experience of a lifetime. Going beyond the US Coastlines that I have never crossed will get be valuable life lessons that I must learn to be successful in my future career. I want to increase my knowledge both inside and outside of the classroom, and I believe the best way to do that for me is to continue to go beyond those small town borders that have kept me
Yes, I had a recurring role on Edgemont. I played the brother of one of the main characters. That was a Canadian show, and that went on for years. I have some good friends I hang out with to this day from that show. Kristin Kreuk and Dominic Zamprogna are two I'm still close with. I just had lunch with Dom in LA not too long ago. The show was kind of like a soap opera, but with a younger, high school cast. That was a lot of fun because there were a lot of local Vancouver actors. It was a huge cast. A lot of actors have gone from that show to go on and do other stuff. Another friend I met there--one of my best friends--John Reardon. He lives close to me in LA now. Grace Park was on that show; you might know her from Hawaii Five-O now. It was a great place to meet young actors in the business, and it was kind of a training ground for them.
It was May of 2016 when I went to Elitches for the first time.Before Ariana,Marisa,Nathaniel and I left I was cleaning the house.After I was finished cleaning I got ready to go,then we left.When we got there Ariana,Marisa,Nathaniel,and I went to get my season pass,there was a long line.After I got my receipt we had to go across the front of the building to another line we were there for about 20 minutes waiting to take my picture for my season pass.Then we got in line to go into Elitches.We had to passed the security to go into Elitches.
In my time at North, I have had countless amazing classroom experiences. The classes that I’ll never forget though will be AP Calculus with Mrs. Buckley, AP Statistics with Mrs. Schmid, and multiple advanced science classes with Mrs. McCreery. From the funny moments and inside jokes shared with classmates to the feeling of satisfaction after finally understanding a super tough topic, I will always have terrific memories of these classes. These classes taught me to challenge myself and to always stay curious. My experiences also showed me that hard classes are as enjoyable as they are difficult. It seemed that as the classes got harder, the stronger the bond was between the students and the teacher. My life will forever be changed because of
April 8, 2017. This is the day that my mom and I went to the MVA, and I got my drivers permit. The excitement hit the day I had gone to get it. My cousin and sister had both told me that I wasn't well prepared and that I wouldn't pass the test. Little did they know that I would prove them wrong. All night I had studied and eventually I started to doubt myself. I felt like my cousin and sister were right about me not passing the test, but I prepared myself anyways. The morning of I had waken up early and began to study for yet another time. At around 12 p.m I gathered all the documents I needed and left my house. On the way to the MVA, I started to laugh and smile as I usually do when I get nervous. I went inside the building and stood in line
Around the age of 13, and before moving to Canada, I used to attend a private school in Egypt called the Chouifat. I experienced some of my best memories and some of my worst. I have met some really inspiring people that taught me a lot, and I met some stupid people that carried me down the wrong path. I have done a great deal of good during my 9 years in that school and I have done a lot of bad too. During my last day of school I did something that was incredibly foolish. I decided to jump over the wall that surrounded the school. And this wall was not some cute wall that you can hope over, no! It was a 7 foot, rusty, old, unsafe, disgusting, dust covered wall. After I climbed and jumped off the wall on to the street, I hear a screeching
Learning French also fulfilled my interests in traveling. I had the opportunity to visit French-speaking African countries like Benin Republic and Togo. I did not only become fluent in the language, but also came to understand how the culture, beliefs, and traditions of man shape what values he represents. Likewise, I realized that factors such as art, literature, language, music, dance, laws, wars among others, are all key in the
I will look into camping, I had not thought of that as an option! Although if I am intending to go with Emily and Aurynn it's going to be difficult dragging their drunk butts back to a camping site after they insist going to a bar somewhere: "Kylieeeee I want to go swimming with the whalessss", "Aurynn it's three in the morning get your ass in the tent". I do have 12 years of french under my belt but i'm afraid my memory is slowly losing it's capacity to remember it all. I will undoubtedly go my whole life and understand french that is written and spoken to me, but speaking it will be a challenge.
Before I can tell you all about the man I am thanking today, I need to inform you of some things. Most importantly, you need to understand that I go to the little town of Granville, Iowa all the time. When I was a little girl, for years my grandma who lives in Granville would take care of my sister, two cousins, and I. Eventually I was old enough to not need someone to watch me, but that didn't keep me away from Granville. Troubling times happened to my family and I ended up living there. In time I moved back to where I live now, Alton. Nevertheless, I reached an age where I was old enough to work. Thus, I started working at my grandfather's business, MLS, which is of course is located in Granville. Now these are only the main reasons to why I go to there all the time. There are still other situations; family get togethers, softball, friends, etc. Granville is a small town and so it's easy to come across people. One person that came across me when my grandma watched me, when I lived in the little house, and when I worked at MLS was Terry Hodgins.
I was born and raised in Canada and I always identified as a Canadian. My dad is romanian and my mom is chinese and together they immigrated from Germany to Canada in 1999. There was a variety of reasons why my parents moved to this country, one of which was the equality and multiculturalism. In Europe at the time, there was still discrimination of other ethnicities and my parents believed that Canada would be more impartial and they would be able to live better lives. This idea of equal rights and opportunity has been passed down to me and I have developed the same ideology that Canada had promised my parents.
Canada is a country I wish to visit for the amazing views, the lifestyle, and the people. Canada is a short flight away, home to many breathtaking views, as well as a wonderful place to relax at with the family. I have never been to Canada, but it looks like an amazing to travel to. Photography is a big passion of mine. With the population of Canada being as small as it is, there are less people to ruin my wilderness pictures. The population of Canada is only about 34 million people (Sexton 12).
BYU French Camp is a great opportunity for students wanting to more fully experience French culture, life, and language. I personally feel that French Camp will help me to do these things. I adore the French language, food, culture, and way of life. I plan to travel to France next summer through an exchange program, to immerse myself even more. To accomplish this goal, I need to be ready for everything the French offer; BYU French Camp will improve my skills. I work hard and love to learn about things that interest me. I follow rules and I study hard. I have lived in Utah and I am very comfortable with the BYU campus; it feels like a second home to me. I also love making new friends, especially when they have my same interests. French camp
For my first science event I chose the UCLA field trip I went on with my biology. On Saturday April 16 , my biology classmates and I went to UCLA citylab. CityLab at UCLA is a science educational program run by UCLA undergraduate and graduate students that shows high school students to develop the world of biotechnology though “hands on” laboratory experience. I choose this event because it was so educating and fun. These city labs help me develop my skills in biology. While working in labs I also have fun , in citylab they make these plays that involve a problem that we need to solve. In this UCLA citylab , the problem was finding rapanzels real mother. In order to find her mother we needed to distract DNA from Mother Gothel and the Queen. In the end we found rapanzels real mother to be the Queen. I choose this event because I learned more about biology and I had a blast while doing the labs. When I'm older I hope to work in science , specifically biology that's why these labs are so important to me because I'm expanding my knowledge. When I first arrived I expected a complicated lab and many many students
Furthermore, I have excellent verbal and written communication skills in both French and English. The French courses that I have taken in University provided me with the opportunity to improve my written and spoken French; I
After many recent trips to parts of France in the last few years, I have gained a fascination with the concept of communicating with individuals in various languages; these excursions have fuelled my passion to immerse myself into a language degree and to follow a path of foreign language and its meanings and uses in the world of work. Discovering aspects of the French culture like fashion, food and family life during my travels assisted me for my AS French Oral Exam and these experiences have led me to believe that time spent studying in France will help me to achieve my aspiration to have the ability to interpret the French and English language for both myself and others. Attending weekly sessions with a fluent French born assistant in my sixth form has helped develop my French linguistic skills and enhanced my confidence with communicating in the language. Although Welsh is a more diverse language to French, it is still close to my heart and I have a great desire to one day be able to speak the mother tongue of my home country fluently. Studying both French and Welsh at AS and A Levels has equipped me with the ability to communicate, to read and to understand both languages simultaneously. Despite only studying Biology at AS Level it has broadened my knowledge and cultivated me with critical thinking skills and has assisted me to have an understanding of science, beyond what I new before taking on this vast subject.