my education. The last month spent at the community college in my hometown wasted my time and money, and made me settle for less. When it was time for the decision to enroll here the Admissions Counselor Richard Williams made me feel so welcomed and reassured me that I made the right choice and that he’d be here for me start to finish. That was a deal breaker for me. The love for children and loving the fact that there can be a difference in their lives. I’ve always wanted to become a teacher being that so many teachers in my past had a big impact on me. It was clear that this was for me. Motivation is majorly important for student success, because not having that motivation to follow through with anything you’ll never get to the part in your
During my two last years of high school, i've been in contact with a lot of colleges and universities. Many of which don’t get my attention. Throughout my whole high school years, there was only one college that i wanted to go to, Liberty University. I have heard so many wonderful things about Liberty and what i loved the most was that it was a christian school. Liberty had the number one thing that i am looking for in a college, that is a christian school, but many of my other things that i look for in a college where just not there. I used to live in Florida approximately 11 years ago and let me tell you, it's hard not to miss the sunshine state. Liberty is in Virginia, a state where it doesn't feel like home. When i received a brochure
Personal Statement Counselors have the opportunity to change and make a difference in student’s life. All counselors, whether they are in Financial Aid, in Academic Advising, or in Career Development, they have the opportunity to make a positive change in a student’s life during and after college. Counselors are essential in universities and community colleges and students should have the opportunity to speak to counselors, whether they are exceeding or having a difficult time in college. I see myself advising students and helping them reach their goals and being a positive figure for them. I am passionate about Educational Counseling because my life was changed by an Academic Counselor.
I find myself reading this short paragraph over and over(above). My topic sentence makes me happy and proud. Going back to school was the best thing I have done. I chose to talk about going back to school to the “future employer” because it shows I am motivated as well as dedicated. This class has brought a lot to my attention. The mannerism that is expected in the “business world” is to speak and write well. It is extremely important to know how to write (type) a meaning full and proper paper whether it is for school or work. I have noticed a great impact in my vocabulary and writing skills. My boss told me on Monday he is impressed with the new docs I typed up for our new clients (with no help from him). I was not excited about this class
Challenges and opportunities have shaped my early education, my pursuit of my General Education Diploma, and my future educational goals.
Public school systems need to be more sensitive to their students. Parents play the major role in determining a child’s academic outcome, but the school system needs to notice children who don’t necessarily acknowledge their gift. These children need guidance -- I believe it is the schools’ responsibility to provide it to them. I have been through a situation that makes me feel strongly about the subject. My example is an indisputable case in point.
To support my education I am currently applying for all possible scholarships that I qualify for and are available. At the moment I am waiting for their response. I have also made contact with Central Michigan University to find out what amounts I will receive based off of my FAFSA application. On top of all of this I am performing to the best of my abilities academically and striving to make the most of the end of my high school career and to better prepare myself for the higher education that is to come. Outside of school I am also working for my Dad when I can in hopes that I will be able to save money towards my college education. I do not work all of the time because I like to have my education at the center of my attention so that I
My dreams of become a teacher are finally coming true. My teachers influenced me to care more for others. Thinking back to all the teachers I had, I at least have one memory, like in Kindergarten with Zero the Hero.
sessions, I decided to pursue College one last time. This time I wanted to ensure I would be successful.
I have been accepted into Baruch College School of Public Affairs Master of Science in Higher Education Administration (MSEd-HEA) program. After my acceptance I was looking for opportunities to gain more experiences in Higher Education Administration. My goal was to find a summer internship that allow me to work with a had a diverse student population in Higher Education. Luckily, I was able to receive a summer internship with Chris Aviles a Student Services Specialist that coordinates and recruits scholarship for undocumented students at Hunter College. Along with the coordination and recruitment of scholarships Aviles organizes programs that provides academic and social/emotional support that many undocumented students need throughout college.
I believe in education. Education has always been an important part of my life and has continued to help me advance in school and will later help me succeed in life. Although many people don’t see the value in education, I am a firm believer that education can take you places if you put your mind to it. For example, my mom was laid off from Zippo after 18 years of service and decided to go to college for a new beginning. After two years of college, my mom was able to complete her associate’s degree and get a job back at Zippo in the accounting field. If my mom can juggle college as well as being a full time mom, anyone should be able to succeed in college. Education is the building blocks of life.
All I cared about was getting my education as cheap as possible and as close to home as possible. This way, as soon as I ended my school hours I could go home sleep, watch TV, and not have a single care in the world. My entire teenage life I always dreamt that the day I went off to college would be the day I was set free from this mediocre city in which I grew up. Except that, the older I became the more I understood that it would take a miracle for me to go to college, mostly because I didn’t have a dime in savings and partly because I failed at obtaining any of the scholarships I applied for.
I think right now I would have to say I identify more simply as a student. We all just got accepted into a graduate program that is preparing us to reach the momentum of a professional level. But, until we’ve flourished more in the program, I would personally take just the identity of a student. I am in a constant learning mode where the skills I need are being taught to me. I’ve come to terms with that this process takes a great deal of time, and amazing professionals are not built overnight. That being said though, I don’t think that means we are not learning how to be professional. For instances right now in our lab for Counseling Methods, the expectation is that we dress appropriately. In that moment of setting foot in lab, I would say that I have turned somewhat into a professional. It means I come, ready to learn and my attire matches that of how I would in the field. Though in this example I am in training, the assumption is we know how to be professional, and will act it out accordingly.
A second very impactful decision was my decision to transfer to Arizona Sate University, from
my life; giving my classmates a much deeper insight into the core of who I am within a short
a university where i knew my education will be the most important. Finally i had passed