My Ethical Journey From an early age I was thinking about ethics. At four or five years old I knew how to turn on NPR, and I would build towers and cities with blocks while listening to news of the conflict in Kosovo. Of course at that age I understood very little of it all, but hearing about Slobodan Milošević remains my first encounter with villainy, and I was hooked. My dad especially was a little worried about the impression the news might make on me, so he would often turn the dial of or our stereo to the classical station. As soon as he left the room I would change it back. Seeing no immediate ill effects he eventually let me control the dial myself, and I began to listen to everything public radio had to offer. I did not care much for …show more content…
Just recently I was arguing with my girlfriend about the nature of marriage, and I still have not come to a conclusion that satisfies me. The weight of an entire culture has come to rest on the conclusion that if two people love each other, they can be married. Her definition is similar to the new legal definition, and was pretty mad that I would even consider another point of view, but I am not so quick to agree with the current train of thought. Plenty of societies have made similarly big decisions about social structures, and have suffered some pretty negative consequences. I suppose only time will tell, but if we condone everything the majority thinks is a good idea simply because there is strength in numbers, we will only be as wise as just over half our collective whole. That seems like a waste to me, so I will continue to take a little more time in thinking these controversial issues through, and I hope we all do the same. I have been listening to the merry-go-round of rhetoric that is U.S. politics all my life. I am made a little dizzy by the break-neck pace of Western culture at this point, and I am still young. I am suppose to be able to keep up, but I cannot. Believe me when I say it is time to slow down and apply a little more logic to this world. Before we knock over every construction just because we invented it in the first place, let us take some time to evaluate why those structures were built. Perhaps someone developed them for a reason beyond their own self-interest, after living some life themselves, and making their own mistakes. We will not know until we empathetically inhabit those minds. Thankfully, we were born with a strong will, free enough to take on such enterprises; we can modify the ways we live, work and play to benefit the common good. To misquote the lyricism of Halsey, I do think I can be “the new Americana,”
Starting high school can be a little scary, especially when you have no guidance from siblings, like me, being the first one from my family to have an education. But that did not stop me from succeeding, I?ve always been confident and determined. I?m an enthusiastic when it comes to trying new things. Who would have thought I was going to be a good athlete plus a book geek, when in my past years I was just a regular kid. I was pretty excited about joining a club that had a connection with high school, that way I didn?t have to start from zero, I always want to be a step ahead. Fortunately, in summer, a high school coach was recruiting freshmen for running either cross country or track, they both involve running, so I considered it like the same sport with different timing. And this is when it all started. Running
The United States is a country built on a number of ideals and institutions. The moral structure of many Americans today was developed by our ancestors and the founders of this nation through the institutions that were a part of their lives. Family, religion, marriage, equality, and justice are just a few examples of the important components that provide a moral basis for our country. If any of these elements were to become too mutated, the effects on society could be devastating. Right now in the United States, one of these building blocks of society is being threatened by the possibility of a negative transformation. The building block of marriage as the sacred
Doing the right thing is the thing that matters the most. It was November twelfth in twenty
As I hold her hand, I think about Patsy and two of her cousins. They all have breast cancer, and they all picked crops in the central Valley of California when DDT was permissible. Rubbing her knuckles as gently as I can, I think of her slow death.
I’d had many mini-lifelines thrown my way, none turned out to be the life-altering, ground shaking beneath me, and gates to opening up “heaven”, though. To me, I’d blame it on the different ways I came off to strangers, depends on the day, I could be a multitude of characters, but never latch onto the following of others. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted my lifeline to latch onto, the problem was, I was like a fishing net with a gaping hole--incapable of doing such things. Then, the last person I expected to, stepped up and accepted the challenge.
Well this year was a hell of a year. I mean, i didn't pass any of the semesters but i did observe a ton of stuff that went on in the class. The class in general was pretty lit. Every day went by and i honestly did some work. The class was ready to learn as mrs g was ready to teach. I mean yea we had some days were we didn't want to learn anything and there were also days when mrs g didn't want to teach. But ima be honest, doing the work we did wasn't in my best interest. Most of the projects we did in class i worked on, but at the end i didn't end up liking how i did it so i wouldn't even bother turning anything in. like the obituary we had to write about ourselves. I liked the meaning behind this but honestly i didn't want to work on that because it just brought back memories of my friends that were killed.
Virginia is a 53 year-old, heterosexual, African American female. Virginia has a long history of using crack cocaine. However, she has been clean of drugs for 6 months and for the past 1.5 months has been living in a residential recovery program group home. She has found a job as a dishwasher and desires to do the “right thing”. When asked to define the ‘right thing”, Virginia mentions to stay off drugs, stay off the streets, to stay clean, and save up money to move into her own apartment. Virginia did not complete the 11th grade. She mumbles when speaking and her speech is difficult to understand at times. When speaking to her, one often has to rephrase the question or revisit the question to get a more accurate response. Virginia enjoys
Many people have left legacies from when they were alive. Some are good, and some are bad. Those people may not agree with what they have left behind, and some may be perfectly okay with theirs. For me, I would like to leave behind a legacy that shows my family that I was a good person. I would want them to know that I had good intentions for my life and that I wanted to do good for myself and others. In this essay, I will explain what I would like my legacy to be like.
Throughout the last 14 years of school I have had what I thought were called accomplishments, from getting A honor roll or even AB honor roll, to me that was always a big deal ever since I was a little girl. As school went on, I recieved awards here and there from teachers for many different things. Some were just from doing well on something, and others were for accomplishing something in class. Even though, I may have thought that those pieces of paper were a huge deal, one of the most special most meaningful ones I have recieved was last year at the end of the year for the underclassmen awards banquet. For this awards banquet only selected students were invited to attend, which in that case most of us are not sure of what we were selected for we just go and
How I work is like… something that I can’t even explain because it travels through me and I blow myself away.
I would like to say my personal code of ethics is only what I feel is right. But I know that I have to fall along the lines of ethics while making my decision. For example, I probably will get hate and be judged by this, but it is my personal ethics, if a patient is a substantial amount of pain and begs for their life to end, I personally believe it is okay, with not only their consent, but also those of family members, to "pull the plug". Now before anyone tells me how wrong I am, I know it is a crime and something NEVER to be done. I would not do this because I know it is a crime and would not want to lose my job and have worse consequences. But to sum this up, Yeah, I do have some personal ethics that are not okay in the eye of medical practice
In high school, my grade point average stayed at a 3.8 up until graduation where it jumped up to a 4.02 due to the college courses I had taken. My GPA gave me the opportunity to be a part of Anchor Club in high school. Anchor Club is a group of students with a 3.5 GPA or above. The requirements to stay in Anchor club not only included maintaining a high GPA, but also turning in eight to ten hours of community service a month. With my GPA being a 4.02, I had the choice of graduating with Special Distinctions or Honors. I choose Honors because it was the one to be prouder of out of the two options. Within my two years at a Community College, I have been able to maintain a 3.5 GPA. I was a member of Phi Thetta Kappa. Being a member opened the opportunity to be a
My view on how I determine what’s right or wrong is simply the emotional and physical damage a certain act causes to the person or loved ones. I base my daily actions of right or wrong on my spiritual belief, the laws in place, behaviors our society accepts and my own subconscious feeling of what I feel is right or wrong. I normally ask myself questions such as which option will do the most good or the least harm, would my actions treat people equally and respectfully, and would this option lead me to the person I want to be. Some of the qualities that resonate to me, and has been a part of me, in which I will call my “personal 10” are empathy, integrity, respect, kindness, honesty, fairness, humility, courage, balance and wisdom.
Defining my own personal morals was a difficult task to grapple. There have been certain times I was not fully aware of where I stood with my beliefs on morals. In one of these particular times, I had felt coerced into sharing some of the answers on a test with a friend. I knew that I was careening down the wrong path by doing this, but it can also be very hard to say no when somebody asks a favor of
Before I start writing about the personal ethics statement, I want to give a brief background information about myself. I was born in Vietnam and I came to the United States when I was 8. My family came here for a better life and along with better opportunities. One of the reasons, I decided to choose engineering was because of my family. I enjoy the challenges that it brings to me, and it is something that I want to overcome and achieve.