I was a student attending Grand Canyon University. As you already know my grades do not reflect what I earned in high school, there are reasons why this occurred but to be honest they were things that should not have affected me. However, they did and it was the online courses, the failed attempt to communicate and understand what was needed of me from my student advisor, the study process, and my roommates. I was used to turning things in by hand not through the internet, the school did however sent us instructions by email but it was very difficult to use. There were many steps to turn in an essay or a worksheet and you had to sure that your laptop could open all of the documents. Sometimes my laptop would crash because I had so many documents on it that it couldn't handle it. …show more content…
I did attend all of my classes and I did take notes did my quizzes but since I did so poorly in the beginning it held me back from getting the score I needed. Soon after my parents received a letter saying that I had not meet the academic standards to keep one of my scholarships. What added to this was the miss communication between my student advisor, which I was supposed to meet regularly but instead only meet a few times, and it was hard to hear or understand what I needed to do on my account and on my loudcloud, how to make payments as well. Even over the summer she did not inform me if I had passed or if my summer classes were active, she had two emails which I did not find out until recently. My roommates and study process went hand in hand. I am the kind of
Hey folks! I’m Shea Casey, and I’m an upcoming Sophomore (yikes!!) at SUNY Geneseo, along with being a proud member of the Geneseo Volleyball family. Even though I have a year of college under my belt, every time I think about going back up to Geneseo, I get excitement butterflies. I cannot even put into words how perfect Geneseo is for me, and I think all the rest of us can agree with that. From the beautiful campus, to the great academics, to the ever-lasting friendships, I can say SUNY Geneseo is a once in a lifetime experience. Just the volleyball community alone is one of the major reasons Geneseo felt like home right as I set foot on campus. This team has created unbreakable bonds with some of the best people I’ve ever met, to the point that in this upcoming semester, all of this year’s freshmen are living in the same dorm building…on the same floor…with 4/6 living in the same suite (we just can’t get enough of each other). I cannot wait for August 18th, when all my best friends are together again playing the sport we love in a place we love.
Through my experiences and achievements at California Baptist University, I can gain an academic advantage over my peers attending other schools. The amount of programs and majors offered at CBU will help me develop as an educated and experienced woman with a strong educational background at CBU. With the help of CBU, I can grow into my full potential and maintain a great headstart in entering the real world with a strong mentality of maturity. I have always maintained upstanding grades and high GPA in high school, and my attendance at CBU will merely continue my pattern of success.
I’m sitting in class and I have 10 minutes left, then the worst thing happens. Then my stomach makes that loud growing noise. Everyone looks at me, I you hide your stomach and cover my face because it was that loud. Once I get out of class I just want to eat Panera, but all I can choose from is subway and the little noodle place. How nice would it be if I could just walk down the hallway and get some warm soup and sandwiches?
On Thursday, August 20th 2015 I was accepted into College of Southern Nevada. On Friday, August 21st, 2015 I arrived onto the CSN West Charleston Campus at around seven o'clock in the morning to be one of the first people to take the math, reading, and writing placement tests for the day. After I took the placement tests, I went to the Student Recruitment office and spoke to a woman named Kimiko Walton. I told Kimiko about what happened to me and she recruited me. Afterwards, I purchased my textbooks from the bookstore (a typical mistake made by college freshmens). As I existed the double doors of the CSN bookstore, I told myself: "Nobody can give me the life I deserve expect myself..." On
Wilmington started out as home, then became just a vacation. After years of moving and resisting the pull to move back, I finally made the best and brightest decision I think I have ever made. I am moving home, and in the process, I thought there would be no better place to further my education than The University of North Carolina at Wilmington. I have recently taken a year off in between high school and pursuing my college education, and frankly, I think it has been one of the most humbling experiences of my life. I have learned to appreciate everything that was taught by my parents and the schooling I have received. In that year I took part in America's workforce constantly facing the struggles of being independent and caring for myself,
As I sat on the couch getting ready for the first day back at school, I heard the phone in the kitchen ring. I stood up to go answer it and I heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs. My mother was running down the stairs to answer it just in case it was one of her work calls. I noticed that her voice started to crack as if she was going to cry and the smile that she once had on her face had disappeared. The person on the other end of the phone was my Uncle Dylan from California calling to let us know that Aunt Liz had died in a car wreck. We were so devastated but little did we know she left me $12k. A couple days later I received a letter in the mail saying that I had to use it to help pay for my tuition. I am looking to attend the nursing program at Lindenwood, Missouri State, or St. Louis University.
As summer concluded the new school year approached, senior year. Not only was this year going to be full of surprises, but also stress about college planning and admission. Having moved to three different high schools I was excited to finally settle at Coppell and graduate in Texas. Even though this location was new to me I was satisfied with how well I fit in. I then decided to apply to schools around Dallas. The University of Dallas offers not only the class-size I was looking for the but also the academic standards and location I was hoping for. The university is very close to my home town as both are located in Irving. Having moved around to multiple schools within my educational career attending a local college would be essential to
A major obstacle I had to overcome was transferring to Tuskegee University from another college and having enough money to pay for my education at Tuskegee. Although I am currently enjoying my experience at Tuskegee, it took many months of hard work and faith in order for me to enroll as a student.
Hello everyone. I moved to the United States 5 years ago when I was 15, and started my high school experience at Coppell High School. Right now, I am a sophomore in college and about 20 years old, and I was living in Dallas for all of those years except this year because of the University that I am attending, the University of Texas at Austin, so I am currently living at Austin to be close to the University. I have attended Dallas Community College for my freshman year, and I still take my general classes there. My major is Electrical Engineering, and I am deciding to major in three sub discipline of this major; Communication, Circuit, and Software Engineering. One of my best experiences was studying at the Dallas Community College because
After graduating high school I began taking classes at Austin Community College. Focusing more on my business and marketing classes, working as a manager at Ashley Furniture Homestore this allowed me to use what I was learning in the classroom and incorporate these skills into the work environment. Over my time at Austin Community College, the classes were becoming harder to fill many of my classes were dropped or the Dean of marketing substituting many of my courses for other courses. I became Frustrated with this process and decided to finish my certification in marketing and return to college at a later time. Following graduating Austin Community College I became sick and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. This diagnosis had an enormous
My Cornell journey started 1.5 years back when my husband decided to apply at Johnson. I have lived the Cornell dream with him, starting with his first day and then attending multiple events commuting from Mexico along with my job. During my entire experience, I have interacted with both the AMBA’s and two year students and have gained multiple insights into the Johnson community. One cannot help but fall in love with the campus, student vibe, late night study hours, socials, treks, and so on.
Although this journey seems as if it just began let me look back and say how happy and excited I am to once overcome and complete one of my goal in life. I clearly remembered my first day at Galen University, thought I would never finish this program because numerous hindrances that I have confronted. This week have been one that I am so happy for yet baffled since I thought I would have gotten my final panel visit this week nevertheless, it is practically over. With the elegance and quality of God I can do all things. During this time we have had a few mishaps in our lesson because of having the Canadian Mission Praise and Worship Team and the New Horizon Group doing a presentation at our school on two separate dates anyways, I can considered
The reason I want to become part of the Loyola Community is first the academics and classroom feeling. I did a shadow day at Loyola a few weeks ago, and at first I didn’t really know if I wanted to come. At the end of the day I knew this was the school I wanted to go to! The first class I don’t remember the name, but kids from all different grades came into this room. People talked about there problems and they were so open to sharing their thoughts and feeling. They were so comfortable with each one, and every kid was accepting and understanding about the other kids issues or problems. Then once I got to the learning aspect the teacher's connection with the kid is something you don’t see to often in a high school. The teacher
Pride. Family. Faith. As soon as I stepped foot on the campus, I knew Baylor valued these things as much as I do. Students yelling “Sic’em” made it clear they had great pride in their school and loved being a Baylor Bear. Having grown up watching sports and cheering on my favorite teams, this made an immediate impression on me. Warm and friendly people greeted each other and smiled at us relieving any fears of not fitting in and making me feel like family. Listening to my friend attending Baylor campus, confirmed my belief that Baylor was committed to enriching each student’s faith. She shared with how much going to chapel enriched her experience at Baylor. Her words strongly resonated with me and made me excited about being given that same opportunity if I attend Baylor.
At first I struggled. The way that this school functioned was unlike anything I had experienced. It was significantly smaller than the main high school, and it was part time in person and part time online. I continued to struggle through the first few months, and I am ashamed of the results. I gave up. I allowed the school year to come to an end and was left feeling unsatisfied and frustrated. There was no way I could end it like that. So, once again I tried. I was hardy the perfect student, but I managed to work through it at a snails pace. Finally, I managed to complete all the requirements and