
Personal Narrative: My Experience At Grand Canyon University

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I was a student attending Grand Canyon University. As you already know my grades do not reflect what I earned in high school, there are reasons why this occurred but to be honest they were things that should not have affected me. However, they did and it was the online courses, the failed attempt to communicate and understand what was needed of me from my student advisor, the study process, and my roommates. I was used to turning things in by hand not through the internet, the school did however sent us instructions by email but it was very difficult to use. There were many steps to turn in an essay or a worksheet and you had to sure that your laptop could open all of the documents. Sometimes my laptop would crash because I had so many documents on it that it couldn't handle it. …show more content…

I did attend all of my classes and I did take notes did my quizzes but since I did so poorly in the beginning it held me back from getting the score I needed. Soon after my parents received a letter saying that I had not meet the academic standards to keep one of my scholarships. What added to this was the miss communication between my student advisor, which I was supposed to meet regularly but instead only meet a few times, and it was hard to hear or understand what I needed to do on my account and on my loudcloud, how to make payments as well. Even over the summer she did not inform me if I had passed or if my summer classes were active, she had two emails which I did not find out until recently. My roommates and study process went hand in hand. I am the kind of

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