I was raised a Christian. I attended a small Christian School in southwest Ohio from kindergarten all the way through my senior year of high school. As students, we were required to bring proof that we attended church each Sunday. We memorized Bible verses every week. We even had mini church services in school once a week. All of these activities contributed to our grade in our Bible classes, which was required every semester.
I can't say that my experience in a Christian School was the worst thing ever. I was safe in school. We had maybe two fights a year if were lucky. I was more than prepared for college and we had more extracurricular activities than some of the larger public schools in our area. My problem was that I never fully bought
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Christians believe these books explain the origin of the life, the universe and records God's earliest interactions with mankind. As I grew up, it became apparent that the God in the Old Testament does not showcase love. God has moments of great anger and regret. How can a perfect God who loves humanity drown every living thing in a flood because he regrets his creation? Take a second to think about what that means. If you believe this event truly happened, that means that every human on earth died horrible deaths, with the exception of Noah's family.
Pregnant women would have died in the flood. Disabled people would have died in the flood. Babies and small children would have died in the flood. The typical Christian response is that God was cleansing the world of sin, but wouldn't an all powerful and loving God be able to use a less barbaric method? Unfortunately the God of the Bible has does not mind killing the most vulnerable of humanity.
Hosea 13:16 The people of Samaria must bear their guilt because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped
I'm not sure if you remember me right off hand, but last semester I had you for my level twos. My placement was at Valley Lutheran was Mrs. Reinking. I also work at Family Video where I sometimes see you. I am filling out my teaching application for the Fall of 2018. I was wondering if I could put you down as a reference? Hope to hear from you soon.
God’s reason for the flood is because mankind was corrupt and evil, saying in Genesis 6:7, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the Earth.” So God sends rain for forty days and forty nights and the flood lasted 370 days all together, but God was in control of the waters. In Gilgamesh, the gods created the flood because the people were too loud and they could not sleep. So, Adad with the help of Shamash, Shullart, Hanish, Erragal, and Nintura, made it rain for seven days and seven nights making the flood last a total of fourteen days and ran from the waters like “whipped dogs.”
In the book of Genesis, God chose Moses, a righteous man to build an ark that would survive the floods and to bring on the ship with him, his family, two of every kind of animal, and to stock up every food. The Lord also explained to Moses how to build the ark and when the flood was coming so that he could be well prepared. Likewise, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the God Ea came to an immortal man named Utnapishtm in a dream and told him about the flood, how to build the boat and what to bring. Although in this story, the God who created the storm did not directly tell the man, instead another God simply warned the man of the treacherous flood that was about to come. Mutually in both stories, the Gods believed that there was still some good in mankind, which is why they choose one person to survive the storm they were about to lay on the
There have been various flood stories recognized from prehistoric sources dispersed around the world. One of these flood stories we are most acquainted with in today’s culture is the Noah ark, which convey a remarkable story of how god punish the world for how immoral it had become. The divine accomplish this by flooding the world and crushing all the living being, saving it for Noah and his family and a pair of all type of creature that walk on earth. Based on the evidence available at present time, people can debate that the Genesis ark story was based on the Epic of Gilgamesh. The themes in these two stories, such as the assigning of animals and humans in the ark, the landing of the ark on a mountain, and sending of birds to see whether the waters had move away, clearly represents the similarity between the two. Although the main plot is parallel between the dual, they are diverse in regards
My Christian liberal arts education is a major factor in establishing my current vocation. As a junior at Wheaton College, my current vocation is to be a student. I feel called to give my best effort at everything I do, and every assignment I work on. In reading C.S. Lewis’s essay on “Learning During War Time”, I was encouraged by his explanation of how the pursuit of knowledge, and my vocation of being a student, are worthwhile and valuable, no matter the circumstances surrounding us (Lewis, p.43-45). Going to a Christian liberal arts school definitely influences my current vocation. By learning about many subjects by taking a well-rounded course schedule of classes, I can learn to appreciate a variety of subjects and understand more about
Going to Catholic school allows me to grow in faith as one body of Christ. Our school, St. John Neumann, allows us to go to mass twice during the school week and on holy days of obligation. Also in our school we have religion class every day. This has allowed me to grow and flourish in my faith. This school has allowed me and my class mates to grow in the body of Christ.
“In the beginning Almighty God created heaven and earth and everything that goes with them and, last of all, two human beings, Adam and Eve, from who have come families. Their progeny multiplied and spread over all the world” (p. 83). As time passed, some people were good and obedient to God’s commandments, however, some people were not. They turned to a life of sin. God did not create heaven and earth for people to misbehave, so he sent a destructive flood to “drown the world and all creatures living in it” (p. 84). Before He drowned the world, God has Noah build an ark so that he could save
I spent a year of college trying to be African. Afrobeats vibrated through the walls of Beets-Veenstra’s first floor dorm. My Christian college had an open-door policy. Walking past the ninth door on the left gave visitors an eyeful of my black hips swaying in circles as if an invisible hula-hoop entangled my waist. I had to get the moves I learned at the parties right. The beats were different from the hip hop music I regularly danced to. They were smooth tempos, but faster than reggae and bodies rocked with more control. My roommate complained about the hours I spent dancing in front of the mirror. We were not flat mates the next the year.
Today was a boring and very uncomfortable day for me. Everyone know my last day here at Grace Christian Center is tomorrow so everyone is telling me that they’re sorry that I’m leaving. I’m not sure if its true or not , but its nice to hear. When I walked through the doors of GCC I went straight back to my seat and started cleaning out my desk. I don’t have much in there but I want to make sure that I leave it in better shape than when I got it. Just because I’m leaving doesn’t mean that I have to leave my work area cluttered. After cleaning up my area I decided that I was going to go downstairs to eat lunch with the rest of the staff member, which was odd because that’s something that I normally run away from. Me and the staff ate
In “Genesis”, God has a fatherly relationship with the humans and as a result he chooses to bring a flood to destroy all of mankind for a specific reason. God chooses to kill all of humankind because they are noxious beings and need to be destroyed to rid the world of poisonous beings. “When the Lord saw that man had done much evil and that his thoughts and inclinations were always evil, he was sorry that he had made man on earth,”(6:5-7). God created humankind and because of the way their perilous acts he decided to destroy his
Throughout my adolescence, I have attended five different schools. They each had their pros and cons, but ultimately, I left each one except for Christian Brothers High School. For Middle School, I attended Lausanne; however, it became far too expensive. After Lausanne, I went to Germantown High School at the beginning of my Freshman year. This turned out to be one of my worst mistakes which, in turn, became one of my greatest failures.
Why would I spend some of the most important years of my life at a Christian liberal arts school? Because if I went anywhere else, I know that I would lose my faith. It is not that I do not trust that God would stay with me if I went to a state school, it is that I don’t trust myself to stay with Him. The world is a corrupting place, led by the devil and his schemes to take down the Kingdom of God, and I am very susceptible to that corruption. I do not know who I am just yet, I’m still learning, still growing as a follower of Christ and I always will be. However, as a baby Christ follower, I fear that if I went to a state school I would get lost in the world. But here I don’t have that fear, because I can feel God here.
Growing up going to a Catholic school and being a part of the Catholic faith my entire life has undoubtedly shaped me to the person that I am today. I have always done service without hesitation because it is just part of who I am and what I have been taught to do throughout the years. Throughout the years I have been apart of many different service organizations and projects. Some examples oh the community service I have been apart of would include Luke 18, Vacation Bible School, PSR teacher assistant, and School events that require student aid. The total amount of service hours I have on record with St. Dominic is one hundred and five hours as of Junior year.
While I believe it is important to be able to work with any clientele regardless of their, sex, race, or religion. I would like to approach my education with a Christian world-view. As I myself carry a Christian perspective, I would like to continue my education in the environment that enriches this perspective. I hope to gain further education that instills these values that I can continue to maintain in my future career as not only a professional counselor but as a child of God.
Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It begins with the story of God’s creation of the universe. The Lord is the Almighty Creator of the world, skies, heavens, seas, animals, man, and woman. He governs the universe and develops relationships with man. Throughout Genesis, God acknowledges the fact that human beings make mistakes, and accepts their imperfection. Throughout Genesis, God changes from one who does not tolerate disobedience, to one who shows clemency. Early on in Genesis, God punishes Adam and Eve for disobedience. After making the mistake of flooding the world, the Lord realizes that even He is not perfect, and does not allow Jacob’s deceit of his father to taint his future.