
Personal Narrative: My Experience In Middle School

Decent Essays

By time I was in middle school, I thought the world was simple. I went to school, did my homework, and never got in trouble. My parents went to work everyday and I had no concept of money or how the world worked. As I continued going to school, I started to realize that middle school was an unsafe learning environment. I felt out of place with the disrespectful students who were in my classes. I was physically bullied by classmate, from getting tackled to the ground to begin punched in the back for no reason. I never took it as bullying, I thought the student were only playing around. My thoughts on the bullying changed when student and teachers started calling me ethnic slurs. Nonetheless, I thought I was the smartest kid in my class because other students didn’t care about their education. Some students would sleep in class, others would disrupt class and argue with the teacher. Once I came time to take a test, the students with bad behavior would not know …show more content…

The students didn’t disrupt the class and an some of my classmates were incredibly smart. I felt intimidated because I never have to work as hard in middle school than in high school. I later found out that if you weren’t the smartest student in class, that didn’t mean you wouldn’t have success. Hard work and determination will lead you to success were as being a good student and having good behavior is an expectation. As I made the transition from a naive child to a young adult, I found a place a tutoring where I mentored and taught younger student. I also found my passion for engineering from a program at school where I received an internship with Electrolux, At the internship I learned useful skills such as how to solder and write code. Since I have been going to tutoring and helping younger students as well as being involved with engineering, I have matured as a person and have made my transition from a child to an

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