
Personal Narrative: My Experiences As A Nurse

Satisfactory Essays

To being, I loved this simulation. It was not only a great experience, but it was so much fun. I know part of it was that I got to act as the concerned mom, and I enjoy acting. However, the acting also helped me remember some of things a mother will want to know, especially while a nurse is handling the baby. I can see myself wanting to know exactly what a nurse is doing even though I have the knowledge myself; motherhood makes you concerned about these things. Plus I appreciated being able to hand “Taylor” because I was had only handled a newborn once during my OB rotations. She was so realistic and adorable. Then with given the other baby a bath, one was able to see what it was like to handle a very preterm baby. Then finally I learned so …show more content…

One cannot just focus on how the woman is going to take care of herself; one has to also be concerned if the mother knows what to do for different situations when it comes to her baby. For example, the woman needs to know how to breastfeed or the appropriate type of formula to give the baby. Then there is determining if the baby is getting enough food regardless of the type of feeding. There is a huge list of things that mother has to know. Another thing concern is whether the woman is even able to take care of baby, and if she is unable who is available that wants and is able to help. A nurse has to realize that this woman instead of being one patient, she has become two and these two require different knowledge needs. Plus the woman has to understand she needs to care of herself just as much as the baby. New moms can get it in their head they have to be Wonder Woman doing everything themselves without any help, when that does not have to be the case. They have to take advantage of their resources even if is as simple as having grandma watch baby for an hours; there understanding that not all women will have that resource but there always resources out their to help mom. Nurses have to be aware of these

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