
Personal Narrative: My Experiences Involved With ASU Prep

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I engage in various extracurricular activities all year round. Currently, I am involved with ASU Prep’s high school color guard team, ASU Sun Devils, and the National Junior Honor Society. Additionally, I partake in ASU Prep’s competitive swim team and another that swims all year round. Now, I’ve competed and performed in color guard for four years now (counting 2016-2017). Every week I practice 3:30 to 5:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and compete against 28 other teams in the High School Regional Scholastic A. Class. Recently, we have debuted as the first high school team of ASU Prep in late 2016. The impact of our performance awed and inspired the judges so much so that we got to move up to the next competition class. I swim competitively during Fall Sports at school as well. These practices are held from 6:00 to 7:00 am before school. …show more content…

I am also a current full- time member in my school’s student-run NJHS program. During the last quarter of my 6th grade year (2015-2016), I became a member. Each quarter we have time sheets which must be filled with at least 15 hours. By the end of the year, you should have 60 hours. Service projects I undertake in consist mainly of frequency reading with 3rd/ 4th graders, tutoring 5th/ 6th graders, helping at color guard or swim, or helping a family/friend with something (homework, projects, laundry, cleaning,

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