I engage in various extracurricular activities all year round. Currently, I am involved with ASU Prep’s high school color guard team, ASU Sun Devils, and the National Junior Honor Society. Additionally, I partake in ASU Prep’s competitive swim team and another that swims all year round. Now, I’ve competed and performed in color guard for four years now (counting 2016-2017). Every week I practice 3:30 to 5:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and compete against 28 other teams in the High School Regional Scholastic A. Class. Recently, we have debuted as the first high school team of ASU Prep in late 2016. The impact of our performance awed and inspired the judges so much so that we got to move up to the next competition class. I swim competitively during Fall Sports at school as well. These practices are held from 6:00 to 7:00 am before school. …show more content…
I am also a current full- time member in my school’s student-run NJHS program. During the last quarter of my 6th grade year (2015-2016), I became a member. Each quarter we have time sheets which must be filled with at least 15 hours. By the end of the year, you should have 60 hours. Service projects I undertake in consist mainly of frequency reading with 3rd/ 4th graders, tutoring 5th/ 6th graders, helping at color guard or swim, or helping a family/friend with something (homework, projects, laundry, cleaning,
I am a high school senior at Fair Park, looking forward to my first year at Jackson State University in the upcoming fall. My cumulative GPA is currently at a 3.6 average and anticipating to increase next semester. I would be considered the best person to receive a scholarship simply because I go the extra mile to assure my success. Although college is an extensive goal, it could be quite expensive. There is no better way to pay for college than by being awarded money for outstanding academic excellence.
I would be lying if I said Rock Valley College was my first choice when it came down to choosing a place to continue my studies. Then again, like many others students, I didn’t have a
I started my college education at Chandler-Gilbert Community College, then to GCU. My passion to help others was evident in the classroom resulting in my professors recommending that I became a tutor at the college’s learning center. I worked there for three semesters tutoring math and science. In addition, I volunteered at Chandler Regional Medical Center where I accumulated over 300 service hours working in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU). After earning my bachelor’s degree, I was offer a position to work in the CV-ICU at Banner-University Medical Center. I am also an RN supervisor at Southwest Behavioral
When my physics professor told me that, I was rather upset than happy. I am here to learn, not to only know couple of equations for the test. College classes are designed to challenge students, not to give easy A’s. My time with Harford Community College was great but not challenging enough. I desire more hands-on experience and research projects, which my community college both lack of. This is when I realize that I need to transfer to somewhere that would give me a lot of opportunities to shine.
In the fall of 2005, I took my first steps onto the campus of Appalachian State University with my sister who was entering as a freshman. One of my most vivid memories from my childhood is walking hand in hand with my then eighteen year old, wide eyed, and prospective sister into the Watauga dorms. Afterwards, as we left down King Street, I distinctly remember gazing back towards the magnificent North Carolina mountains and yearning to stay. Even at the age of five, I knew that one day I would follow in her footsteps and become an Appalachian Mountaineer.
Hi,name is Willie and I go to Beecher Prep. This year i’m going to be in Seventh grade this year. I’m 12 years old and i’m well built fast and smart I play sports like baseball and basketball. I have sea green eyes.I also have a smooth but sculpted face and brown hair.Im going to tell you about last year at beecher prep it starts like this, this new kid has a problem with his face i’ve seen him in the school. I had just got done shooting free throws and I was just about to walk home and I saw him he was taking some tour with three other kids. He seemed very shy. I have to say I was very shocked to see him at first. Two boys and one girl. There was one boy who seemed nice,but the other boy was mean and tried to bully the kid with the issue.
When I was a senior in high school my father had his second heart attack and had to have open heart surgery. Upon Graduation from High School in May 2016, I made the decision to move in with my Father who is a sixty-eight-year-old Disabled Vietnam Veteran with many health issues. During my Freshman year at Pearl River Community College, his health had declined and the doctors discovered that he had an aneurysm in his chest and blockages in his legs. Thankfully after his surgery was completed and he was able to come back home, I was to be on break so I could stay with him and help with whatever he needed. I am one of six children and have chosen to take care of him and live there in lieu of working outside of College. The two oldest of my
Upon my return to Penn State for my junior year, I soon came to realize that I need to find out a way to realize my dream. Based on some research I did, U-Mich just come straight to my mind, and I firmly bought a ticket to Ann Arbor. When I visited Ann Arbor this summer, I was impressed by the breath of offering of LSA, especially the Statistics departmen
This year, 2016 and 2017, was my first time at Early College High School. I was very worried and scared at the beginning of the year, but now, I am more comfortable at this school. From re-dos to essays, I have learned a lot this year from my English class. There are many things that I will forget, however, there are also memories and actions I will keep. Lastly, there is advice that I will provide for the upcoming sophomores.
Throughout high school, getting involved was easy. Joining clubs and running for leadership positions was not intimidating, because I was comfortable with my surroundings. Playing in and attending varsity athletic events make up some of my fondest memories. Beyond extracurriculars, I was able to navigate high school with the same close group of friends. No matter what the occasion, there were always familiar faces surrounding me.
Ever since my first day on the Evergreen campus, I began to hear the phrase cura personalis everywhere. I heard it in convocation and welcome speeches and found it written throughout admissions pamphlets and even in course syllabi. As a new first-year student, the phrase was introduced to me with the meaning, “care of the whole person.” During my first year at Loyola, I found that there was an abundance of resources and support systems around the Evergreen campus that were there to help students, like myself, navigate collegiate life while nurturing all facets of themselves, including the physical, mental, and emotional. Having been the recipient of these helpful sources, I decided that I wanted to spend my future years at Loyola helping my
Waking up at Murray State University on a regular Tuesday seems boring. I could have gone to my Economics lecture like a responsible student should had. (Theme number one karma for not attending class). After rolling out of bed to see the Spring semester sky bright and blue. I thought to myself, why do I have lecture today. I went about my morning routine taking a shower and brushing my teeth like a normal human. Wondering what to wear that morning I checked the weather app. Just because the sky is blue doesn’t mean it’s always warm outside. The weather app read 75 degrees, making my pain to go to class even more dreary. I finished getting dressed for this amazing Spring day of Economics lecture, “sarcasm at its best”. While packing up my backpack to
I was worried about being drawn to other topics besides marine science. It's what I've always thought I wanted to do, but after my first year at Evergreen, I've allowed myself to explore a lot more. I decided it's okay to learn and experience different things along the way, as long as I feel they're beneficial, and will improve my understanding of the world. I haven't veered too far from my original interest and want my focus to be in environmental studies.
The college I chose for my visit is Arizona State University. When I first walked in with my dad, we were greeted by the tour guides and given folders. The folders had pages of information about ASU and the students that go there. There was an information session before the tour, so we took our seats in the lecture hall. An ASU graduate named Nyesha was the speaker at the informations session. She graduated in 2013 and now works as a tour guide. She gave us some information about the atmosphere of the school, like small class sizes, which I liked. After Nyesha Spoke, a student named Mia came into the room to tell us about her experience at ASU. She just finished her freshman year there, and she is studying microbiology. She is also apart
Before coming to college, I did not have any exposure to interacting with students from other countries or origins, and I did not know what it was like to be surrounded by a variety of different cultures. During my college experience at Missouri State University, I had the opportunity of taking several different classes reflecting diversity and cultural competence and was able to meet and interact with students from all over the world. I enrolled in religious courses, where I studied beliefs and religions from other countries and nations. I truly enjoyed this experience because I am so interested in learning about other beliefs and values and how it relates to my own values and morals. I also enrolled in several sign language courses, in