
Personal Narrative: My Failure In College

Decent Essays

An experience that has impacted both my personal and academic life was the first time I failed a college class. Throughout high school and my first year of college I never received a grade lower than a C. However, during the fall semester of my sophomore year at the University of Colorado Denver I failed my Anatomy class and lab. Looking back I saw that I set myself up to fail. The class was a 4000 level, meaning that it was designed for juniors and seniors, and I was only a sophomore. I was simultaneously enrolled in the prerequisite classes and thought that would give me enough background knowledge to succeed. I had also only been in two previous lab classes. I was quite confidant as the class started that I would be able to understand all …show more content…

I didn’t ask for help because I didn’t want to appear stupid. I felt as though I was the only student that wasn’t completely grasping the concepts. I thought that there was still hope of passing. As I took my final tests in both lecture and lab I really thought I pulled off that passing grade. When I got my final semester grades I was devastated to find out that I had failed. After receiving final grades I made the decision to move onward and upward with my education. I acknowledged that I made several mistakes over the semester and promised not to make certain ones again. I promised to never stay in a class that I didn’t understand and have withdrawn from several classes instead of sticking it out only to fail again. I promised I would always go into classes with the prerequisites completed instead of doing them simultaneously. Lastly, I promised myself that I would no long fear asking for help. Asking for help in several classes raised my grades as I got a more through grasp of the concepts covered. Since failing these anatomy and lab classes I have not failed another. I went on to have a 4.0 semester GPA in the last three semesters of my Bachelor’s Degree

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