My father and I decided to try out our scuba equipment on a recent family trip to Anna Maria Island. We purchased the equipment second hand and tested it in our pool. We took our boat out to a nice spot near an island that had some ruins from an old military pier. My Dad told me to wait in the boat while he got in the water and tested out his gear first. Doing this may have saved his life. After getting in the water and seeming fine at first, he realized his vest had a leak and was filling up with air, preventing him from diving. There was a strong current pushing him away from the boat and as he attempted to fight the current to swim back to the boat, he became winded because the vest became too tight on his chest for him to breathe fully.
During my part time employment with River Island, I was privileged to be promoted to sales manager for women’s products which allowed me to develop numerous management qualities and communication skills. These ranged from keeping financial records, customer care, managing and meeting weekly sales targets and problem
In the tip of Texas, I was raised in a small city called Port Isabel. The community was very placid. You rarely heard the police siren go off in the neighborhood, or anyone committing a crime. Port Isabel always host fun activities for the community. La Pachanga, Tree Lighting, Feast of Sharing, High School Band Concerts, Marathons Relays, and Parades are the fun events that the community gives to the cordial people in Port Isabel. The city was near a beautiful Paradise island. When temperatures would rise above 90 degrees, everyone will pack their swimsuits, and hit the beach because of the intense heat. Even the sun will wear sunglasses.
The thing that I miss most about summer is King's island. I had a pass so I could go when I wanted to and it was always a fun time. It is a good time to hang out with friends and go on rides. My favorite ride there is the beast because it isn’t too bumpy and it has a ton of sharp turns and caves. It also is slightly scary with all of the fake warning signs. The food at Kings Island is also decent so I wouldn’t have to go get lunch. If I get tired of the rides then I can go on the water rides and the wave pool. The water rides don’t usually have the longest of lines if you get there early but if not then they are worth it. My favorite overall is the Tropical Plunge. This ride has the drop shoot, You stand in a vertical tube and you wait for the countdown and the floor drops underneath your feet. You then shoot down the tube and you make it to the end. All of these factors make Kings Island a very fun place, and the thing that I miss the most from summer.
My best moment was when i went to the Florida Keys over Christmas break in 2015. It was a two week trip just on our way to the Keys. On our way we stopped at the Creation Museum down in Kentucky and we stayed at my grandpa’s house in Maranatha Village down in Sebring Florida. When we finally got down to the Keys i couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. The water was that beautiful blue color and there was nothing but colorful coral and crystal blue water everywhere. When we got to where we were staying it was packed. There were more campers than we could count. The campground was on it’s own little island on the highway. My dad used to work there while my grandpa sang for an audience in the outdoor bar by the pool and hot tub. When i went to
There I was sitting in the tender, which has just set off from the Veendam, hoping not to
We meshed instantly. Scott had been on a trip with Michael and Henry during the prior summer, so they were already well acquainted. All of us got along really well right off the bat, and it was apparent enough to the eight or so other groups that they quickly fashioned the nickname DanClan for us. When the three days had come to an end, we began the drive up to the Georgian Bay. We shared a bus with a Georgian Bay girls trip, one of whom became a lasting friend and future girlfriend. Once we made it to our embarking point, we unloaded and packed all our supplies (except for the toiletries that we managed to leave in the trailer) into our kayaks and prepared to begin our journey.
Traveling two thousand two hundred miles seemed like a stretch to many, but not to me. One brisk morning I jumped off the catamaran and ventured onto the most mesmerizing place I had ever encountered in my fifteen years of life. It was spring, two thousand and fourteen when I came to know Catalina Island, California. Everything seemed like it was in slow motion coming ashore. It isn’t enough for me to say I just saw Catalina Island, I felt everything that it had to offer. As I crossed over the pier I looked down and saw a school of fish fifteen feet below the crystal clear surface. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. They were rich in color and exuberant in their movement. I could imagine how unconsciously free
I went to Buena Vista Elementary for Kindergarten, then moved to Sing Lum Elementary for 1st through 6th grade. As the end of the year approached and I knew I was going to Tevis, I was feeling very nervous and scared about coming here and being a new Kid. I had heard a lot of things about Tevis since my Uncle had been a student at Tevis four years prior to me. The thing I was most concerned about when going to Tevis was about how I was going to open my locker and still get to class on time. My first impressions of Tevis was that there were a lot of big kids here. Junior high has been completely different then what I thought. I thought I was going to get bullied and picked on but that was the complete opposite.
In this week’s narrative essay I will write about my experience as a child while visiting Sanibel Island, Florida. During the discovery process, I drew from my memory to create a list of topics relevant to the subject matter. My personal discovery process usually begins in the morning with coffee when I brainstorm the subject matter. I include my ideas in a word document, everything that comes to mind and naturally it’s out of logical order. Freewriting and some questioning are also utilized as I further consider both the subject matter and the audience who will eventually read my essay.
There are millions of people around us, the sound is so loud it’s almost unbearable. Everyone is waiting in line to board the SS Nevada, the ship that is going to take us all to Ellis island, the gateway to America. I can hear the chatters of excitement echoing about their freedom in America, but I’m having mixed feelings about leaving. I’m excited to go because I will receive my freedom and be reunited with my mother and father, but I’m also devastated that I have to leave you and the rest of Ireland behind. Tears escape my eyes just thinking about not being able to talk to you every day, but I promise I’ll write like this often once I reach America.
“All of you put your heads down!”, the bus driver barked. As if at any second we were going to be bombarded by bombs. However, little to my knowledge, we were about to be. Not by bombs, but by a hail of chaos that would seem to never end for the next four months. The bus screeched to a stop, the old brakes groaning from its years of carrying young kids like me to this same destination. My heart was racing, I knew from this point on, nothing would ever be the same. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the glimmer of the infamous drill instructor hat known to be feared around the globe. “What have I gotten myself into now”, I thought to myself. I knew it was too late, there was no turning back.
For me, Islanders Aquatics has been more like a family than a team. We always have been a very close-knit group, and strong bonds were continuously formed throughout the years. The members of this team became some of my closest friends; not only did they help me become a better swimmer, but a better person. I’m extremely thankful that I was given the opportunity to be a part of this team.
I was always careless about all of my valuables,that was until they were all gone. It was Christmas vacation of 2011 and my mom was planning a flight to go to Dominican Republic to escape the cold Boston weather. My mother could only pick between me and my sister to go with her and naturally she chose my sister. She was probably still mad at me for times she has bought me electronics and video games that i don’t even touch anymore. I wanted to stay home by myself while they were away but she practically forced me to go to New York where my dad lives. I wasn't against the idea of seeing my dad I just didn't want to go a state where he was the only person I knew. But it was already decided so I got my stuff ready and got ready to leave and left in a transportation bus to New York. When I arrived there my dad was waiting for me in front of the apartment that he lived. Before even entering in his house his took me out to eat.I didn’t even have time to unpack. About the time we were eating my mom and my sister were arriving to Dominican Republic. After me and my dad finished eating he asked me
Upon on arriving to Queensland, Australia it was fine except our luggage, went to Brisbane Airport instead of the airport we were flying in at, Whitsunday Airport. After that, we got into a taxi to a rental car service. Then, we went out to eat at good old Mcdonalds for lunch. My sister was not that annoying today. Property because they all had headphones in listening to music for the trip so far. And, I am not talking about low volume either; I am talking about full blast. It is like they’re having a competition to see whose music can be louder. I forgotten my phone and headphones in my suitcase so, I had to play I spy with myself. Let me tell it is the most boring thing you can ever do. So after about two or
Trying to find memories is like looking for treasure. You look at the surface and see something mediocre, but you dig deep and find something cool, pretty, and meaningful. It took a while to think of a fond memory, but once I thought of some, it was hard to choose a favorite. Growing up I have had many great experiences in the form of vacations. Between going to Disney World, owning a vacation home, hanging out with my grandparents in Arizona, traveling to Canada and more. They all make amazing memories that I will forever cherish. The vacation spot we go to the most, though, is Wisconsin Dells. A few times I have been allowed to invite friends to come with. When I am allowed to bring friends, it is always a ginormous amount of fun. We goof off in the hotel room, play in the arcades, and swim in the water parks.