My first day of middle school was all over the place. I had more classes then I did last year and had no idea where to go. My new school was 2 floors tall. I went up and down stairs over and over again. I didn’t know where my locker was or the combo. I was so not ready for middle school at all my life will never be the same because I will have multiple classes and teachers. When I walked in the front doors for the first time I felt confident. I figured out where all my classes are and who all my teachers are. I even figured out what time to go to them. I was feeling good about my first day of school. I found out that one of my friends from fourth grade comes to this school and she has almost every class with me. I’m better at getting to
On the first day I was happy and ready to start my day. When I got my schedule I was lost. I didn’t know where to go. One of the staff members had to help me get to my class. I was hoping that I have a class with some of my friends that I knew since elementary school. When I came in. I saw my friend, I was so happy. I hurried up and sat in my seat before the bell rang.
In the school year of 2015-2016, I am a high school student now. I should be excited for this upcoming school. However, I felt nervous about this school year. I lay in my bed until my mom called me many times. After eating my wonderful breakfast, my mom and younger sister asked to get ready for school. I didn’t want to change my pajama. My dad called me from the downstair, “Iris, hurry up. It is time to school now.” I was unhappy to get out of my room. Even though I have been in the Memorial High School many times before this school year, I was afraid of being in my first day of school.
After getting my schedule and my locker, my mom helped me figure out where all my classes were on the school map. We walked the route together multiple times until I felt comfortable with my schedule. Because of this, on the first day of school, I wasn’t worried about going from class to class. I had already figured out my schedule, so the only problem I had with the first day of school was finding friends and finding a place to eat
I am going to tell you about how I felt when i started middle school. I went to school at Derby middle school. I was very scared and happy to go to school because I wanted to see my friends.I did not know how the rules went in the school.I was thinking that i wanted to not be shi.
I attended fifth grade at Northside Elementary School, but was very excited to get over to Martha Brown Middle School!! I remember, even though I was excited to be in the sixth grade, I was nervous! I remember on the first day of middle school, I was lost trying to get to classes. I could not remember my locker combination and had to ask for help from the very tall Mr. O’Dell. I just felt that nervous because I could not remember what seat to sit in and the classes seemed like they were going to be difficult.
Barry couldn't believe that it was morning already, he went to sleep at 1 a.m because he stayed up binge watching his favorite show.“Barry wake up, it's 7:30!” Diana yelled as she rushed into her son's room. “Mom! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?, it's the first day of school!” was what came out Barry’s mouth although he knew that it was his fault like always. Barry stared at his alarm clock, which was completely silent, no noise or numbers reflecting off the screen to let Barry know that it was time to get ready for his first day of middle school. The day brightened considerably, the shadows were stretching in the opposite direction from what Barry had seen yesterday in his first day in New York. His father, Daniel, and Diana rush into the car since it was Daniel’s first day as well, at his new job in the famous World Trade Center. "Ready for your big day today champ?”, Barry didn't answer because of the memories that rushed through his brain of all his friends, teachers, and his grandpa.
Starting middle school was a mixture of anxiety and excitement. There was a brand new campus to explore, but we were also nervously anticipating the academic program that was about to begin. Most of my grade had been together since the age of four and by this time there were clear social divides. There were the girls who were seen as popular, and then there was everybody else. You could say that I was part of the popular crowd, though at the time I didn’t notice myself standing apart from the others. As a group of friends we got on well, we’d hang out, go to the cinema, have sleepovers, all the usual things friends do. Then things gradually started to change.
Just like any freshman in high school I was very nervous about coming up to the high school but thankfully my sister and her friends were seniors so they made me
In Middle School, where we were still growing up as adults, we did not like following the rules. I was in 9th grade. That day the bell rang for our next class and me and my friends did not want to go to our next class right away. We waited outside the room for our next class and chilled and talked. Me and my friends were in class all day and we wanted to let go of some energy. We kept talking and if our teacher came, we would go into the class right away. Our school did not like students to hang out in the hallway because they made too much noise. We did not care, we still chilled outside the class. We talked about new shoes and what we were going to do after school. It was so much fun because I had not seen my friends since 8th grade and it was the
It was a normal school day at Brookhurst Jr. High in 7th Period were my friends and I were talking and waiting for the bell to ring so we could all go home and the school day would be over. Before I left I needed to go to the bike racks to get my skateboard so I could ride it home.
Before the first grade, we moved around a few times before ending up here in Sylvania. As a child, both my parents worked full time jobs and I was always at after school day cares or at my grandparents houses, never really got to spend a lot of time with friends or was able to socialize with many people. So growing up most of my time was spent with my brother and I thought nothing of it. As I grew up I began to realize that I had become stuck in some bad habits. My brother and I weren't asked to help around the house much but when we were we never listened. But to my surprise there were no consequences for our disobedience. At the time I thought I had it good. Around the time I got too middle school I began to realize the problem. I began
Middle school was the worst three years of my life. From getting bullied to getting suspended each year of middle school, I learned that it’s not that pleasing and not that great. I honestly would say that I strongly dislike it and would never go back and do it over again because it was boring as can be, too much bullying, and getting suspended. I have learned my lessons and thought about what I've done.
I remember the very first day of school, I felt isolated and misunderstood. When I got there all eyes were on me, looking at me as the new kid, I was sweating in the cold. I felt like going back home. In a classroom full of 7th graders, students were
2nd grade came around. I felt like a whole new person. It was my first couple of days in school, and already I was being picked on. There were some girls who would take my things and throw them. I
When I staggered into school the first day of 6th grade I was so nervous. About two months before that time I moved in with my dad at the beginning of summer. The summer was great but I knew I was going to be the new kid because this school was in a new school district.