Ever since my first day on the Evergreen campus, I began to hear the phrase cura personalis everywhere. I heard it in convocation and welcome speeches and found it written throughout admissions pamphlets and even in course syllabi. As a new first-year student, the phrase was introduced to me with the meaning, “care of the whole person.” During my first year at Loyola, I found that there was an abundance of resources and support systems around the Evergreen campus that were there to help students, like myself, navigate collegiate life while nurturing all facets of themselves, including the physical, mental, and emotional. Having been the recipient of these helpful sources, I decided that I wanted to spend my future years at Loyola helping my
I am a high school senior at Fair Park, looking forward to my first year at Jackson State University in the upcoming fall. My cumulative GPA is currently at a 3.6 average and anticipating to increase next semester. I would be considered the best person to receive a scholarship simply because I go the extra mile to assure my success. Although college is an extensive goal, it could be quite expensive. There is no better way to pay for college than by being awarded money for outstanding academic excellence.
During my first week at Langara College School I know from the start that school was not the one for me; therefore, I started asking around where becoming a nurse would be fast and easy to get into a school and could instantly get a job right after I graduate. From there I did some research on my own and ask previous students who graduated at Sprott Shaw Community College if all the extra money that I will be spending it in a private institution instead of a public institution is worth it. In the end, I do not regret anything going into Sprott Shaw College because this is the appropriate school for me and would recommend to anyone who is confused or lost what they want to do in the future.
My first year at Jamestown Community College as a student, I accomplished making Part-time Dean’s List two semesters back to back. Beginning college that year my personal goal was to strive making new habits to get the best experience out of college, while keeping up with my grades. I took classes to guide me through learning paths, but it they taught me ways of accomplishing what you wanted out of life and other significant information in classes. Prior, to entering to college I received a scholarship called Chautauqua Educational Opportunity to attend Jamestown Community College. It is significant to my study because in high school I constantly strived to push myself to get the grades I wanted to be proud of. I was part of a couple activities
When I was a senior in high school my father had his second heart attack and had to have open heart surgery. Upon Graduation from High School in May 2016, I made the decision to move in with my Father who is a sixty-eight-year-old Disabled Vietnam Veteran with many health issues. During my Freshman year at Pearl River Community College, his health had declined and the doctors discovered that he had an aneurysm in his chest and blockages in his legs. Thankfully after his surgery was completed and he was able to come back home, I was to be on break so I could stay with him and help with whatever he needed. I am one of six children and have chosen to take care of him and live there in lieu of working outside of College. The two oldest of my
My time at Boston College has opened up my eyes to various parts of the country and populations that I had not previously been exposed to and this has greatly shaped how I envision my medical career to be 10 years from now. At this point in the future I will still be starting out, getting the hang of things, learning what I am best at, what I need to improve on, and what I am most passionate about. As of right now, I imagine that 10 years from now I will be a general practitioner in an area of the country with limited access to medical care. This might mean in the mountains of West Virginia, a small town in Mississippi, or a secluded area in Alaska. I will be a doctor in an area of the country that needs doctors the most and I will be forming
Well I'm hoping to transfer within the month but I want to make sure that the credit that I do have will be transferred over, and to understand what classes that I would still have to make up, also that the 504 that I have now will be accepted, like I stated previously the school I went to before; I don't know how to put it in a polite way they basically screwed me over and I lost all of my junior year credits even though I had multiple 504 plans and Doctor notes. I would like to set up a meeting to talk more about what I would have to do to be a student at Deer Valley.
I am a junior majoring in computer science. I earned my Associate of Science at El Paso Community College in Fall 2015 and my high school diploma at TMECHS in Spring 2016. This is my first year at Texas Tech University. I am required to take this course, but I’m looking forward to learning how to respond to situations that aren’t so black and
Waking up at Murray State University on a regular Tuesday seems boring. I could have gone to my Economics lecture like a responsible student should had. (Theme number one karma for not attending class). After rolling out of bed to see the Spring semester sky bright and blue. I thought to myself, why do I have lecture today. I went about my morning routine taking a shower and brushing my teeth like a normal human. Wondering what to wear that morning I checked the weather app. Just because the sky is blue doesn’t mean it’s always warm outside. The weather app read 75 degrees, making my pain to go to class even more dreary. I finished getting dressed for this amazing Spring day of Economics lecture, “sarcasm at its best”. While packing up my backpack to
I was worried about being drawn to other topics besides marine science. It's what I've always thought I wanted to do, but after my first year at Evergreen, I've allowed myself to explore a lot more. I decided it's okay to learn and experience different things along the way, as long as I feel they're beneficial, and will improve my understanding of the world. I haven't veered too far from my original interest and want my focus to be in environmental studies.
Again. It was the first day; it was the beginning. Again. On Tuesday, January 17, 2017, spring semester began at Nassau Community College. All morning long and, up until one p.m., events, both of my own making and those beyond my control, made me unhappy; within the classroom, however, within the classroom with you, I was happy.
Had my first day at Washington Academy. Spoke to the principal, George Brookover. their isn’t a track team here at Washington. And it’s all so unfair. Met my new teacher, Miss Ronney...who introduced me to the students in class. Ronney explained classroom rules, she said how the class starts by singing the national anthem. Ronney asked if I would lead the class in singing the national anthem and I lost it, not knowing the words.
When I was at Brigham Young University as a student, I was heavily involved in different student activities as well as leadership programs in order to leave my comfort zone and learn how to work with variety of different people as a team. Especially, I co-founded a new student council for students from Asia at Brigham Young University, serving as a vice-president and a head of event marketing. I tried to unite students from Asia through social, educational, cultural events and to provide opportunities to serve others so that there are no intellectually, spiritually, or emotionally poor students from Asia. As a vice-president, I presided weekly performance meeting to assess progress of upcoming events and keep track of teamwork in order not to burden council members. And I also explored the funding opportunities that are offered by Brigham Young University Student Association and raised $5,000 by sharing our cultural experience to the local high school students during the fall semester of 2013.
It seems to me that the world is changing. Technology is reaching new heights, culture had accelerated its pace, and most of all society itself is on the verge of something new. In what direction, this is all headed, I cannot say. What I do know is that it is not terrible as some might claim. What I do know is that that the world is getting more connected, opinions are traveling through space in less than a second, some good, some bad, some crazy and some painfully true. We live in a magnificent era, that is as breathtaking as it is polarizing. This new world I believe requires a new way of thinking, of learning, and that is what I have come to the Evergreen State College to attain.
Today was my first day at Goddard School as a practicum teacher. The day started just like any ordinary school day, with student drop off. During the summer each classroom gets a new class of students, the students coming in for the summer are the same students that the teachers will have during the next school year give or take a few. During drop off parents are to walk their students to their classrooms. At this time Ms. Danielle, Ms. Stephanie and myself all introduced ourselves to the students and their family members. We told them how excited we were for the summer and couldn’t wait to get to know them. After the student is ready and set they are to say goodbye to their parents. At Goddard they call this pushing your parent out. Students
I had only two days in Thailand, so I tried to visit as many agencies and potential students as time allowed. Brutus and I were operational for 10 to 12 hours per day promoting Bellevue College to the people of Thailand. Based on a review of our records, we have less than 10 Thai students. I believe Thai students are under represented on the BC campus. This was confirmed after speaking with several agencies, most of whom had not heard or didn’t know too much about Bellevue College. They knew BC was located in Washington, but they did not know we had such superb programs. It look as if we haven’t had a very proactive outreach program with agencies or students in Thailand.