
Personal Narrative: My First Job

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My first job. 2 years ago I started my first job. In the beginning I was really nervous and scared, learning how to operate the computer was a difficult task that I didn’t catch onto for a couple of months. This is my experience starting at my first job that I still work at today. When I was 15 I got offered a job and I was very excited! My sister worked there as well so it made getting trained and learning a lot easier for me. I had a couple of tests to take and computer work to do before I could start actually working. The first night I went in to train I was very overwhelmed. There are so many buttons on the computer and trying to remember which button to push was hard! None the less I got the hang of it after a few hours and I was happy. After numerous training shifts I finally was put on a shift by myself. I was nervous and afraid that I wasn’t ready but overall I didn’t do terrible. Some days are very busy while others are fairly slow. …show more content…

I started to learn paperwork and it took me a couple weeks before I could do it on my own. I was happy to be more involved with the business. My co workers are always fun to work with and be around. They make the day go by faster and we all work together as a team to complete daily tasks. I am now the manager! Being offered that position surprised me. It isn’t always the most easy job to try and manage others but I’ve learned how to take the right approach on it. With the title came a lot more responsibility’s but I knew they were part of my job and as stressful as it can be sometimes I wouldn’t want it any other way. I’ve gotten many opportunity from this job including a trip in may! I will be meeting many new people and learning more about the business. There were times that I’ve wanted to give up but I kept pushing through and I’m glad that I did. Having this job has made me more outgoing and social which I wasn’t

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