
Personal Narrative: My First Responder Family

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I was born into a First Responder family, both my parents were certified in different aspects of the job. My father was and still is an EMT, Paramedic, and the Fire Chief of our local fire department, and my mother was an EMT for ten years. Being born into this lifestyle I didn’t really view it any differently than other families. Around the age of 5, when 9/11 occurred, this changed. My father at the time worked for a company that contracted fire apparatus to the NYPD for 9/11 relief. Due to this he was called out to New York during 9/11 and our whole family relocated there for a few months. This was the first time in which I realized that my parents job is quite different from many others. Instead of running away from New York like many families …show more content…

During his 48 hour shifts we would go down there to cook dinner, to watch tv, to get homework help and other things. It was a lot different than what the dynamic was in most of my friends households. Their parents would work 9-5 jobs, and both their parents would be home for dinner and would be able to spend time with them after school. In my case it was different, my father wouldn’t be home for 48 hours straight, so if I needed help on homework or to ask him about sports or anything I would have to go to him. Another thing that was vastly different was that there was always looming possibility that my father could leave in the middle of anything. Most of the time it was during dinner, or some non-important event. However, there was one event which has stuck with me about growing up in a First Responder Family. It was my senior year parents night for my high school basketball team and right as my name was called to walk with my parents, my father got a call and had to leave. Up until that point I had known that things were always different in our family setting because my father’s commitment to his job, but up until that point he had never missed an important event like

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