Preparing for my first writing assignment has been an eye opening experience into what engages me first when choosing what book I want to read. As an avid reader, I realize that I have chosen books that have an interesting title, although now as the writer, I feel the title is not what will make my essay but that my memories within the essay will decide the title. I like to sit at my desk and jot down memories, ideas or opinions that I may have about the particular topic that I am writing about. I also like to reflect on past and present events that have happened, describing the differences in today’s more modern society. Seeing that I already have my essay subject, deciding who my audience will be is the next step in my planning process. Am
Before the case was decided the possible outcomes of who won would have had vastly different impacts. If Friedrichs were to have won, the 23 states that currently have fees for non-union members would have an “immediate impact that unions forego the agency fees and lose revenue.” There would be a massive change if the fees were removed. “Removing agency fees changes the cost of union membership. In California, the real cost now is about $350, the difference between $1,000 in dues and the $650 fees. Without fees, the choice would be between $0 and $1,000, so the cost would rise to $1,000. This increase would encourage uncommitted members to leave and discourage new teachers from joining.” The membership of unions would rapidly decline and not only would they be weaker in bargaining power, negotiations and other duties, they would have a lot less political power. Depending on each person’s point of view, this outcome could potentially be very supported or hated. Along with the member dues, unions need the fees
Judicial Reform Foundation (JRF) is a nongovernmental organization operated by 15 staffs and hundreds of pro bono attorneys.
When I was first hired I was told I would have 30 days from the start day to sign up for benefits. The date by which I had to sign up by was 03/20/16 a Sunday; I tried to get on, on the 03/18/16, but it would not let me. I called the helpline to get my password reset to gain access to the online portal; whenever I received access it said there were no available sessions for enrollment. My manager informed me to come in on Saturday 03/19/16 and he would help me further, he was not able to locate it either. He then informed me to make a benefits appeal, because I had tried to get enrolled before the cutoff date. I have two pictures, to show the information that was displayed and the date. Thank you for your time and
Odysseus was on his way home from the war. It would take Odysseus 10 years to travel back to his homeland of Ithaca. On his way to home he encounters the island of the Cyclopes. When he’s on the island of Cyclops he becomes clever.
Delano then pulled a gun from his ankle holster and places it on the table top. --
My friend ,Kendrick, is diligent and self-sufficent.He gives his best effort at everything that he does.One time Kendrick and I were at school walking to the cafeteria to have lunch. Before we opened the door to enter ,we was stopped by Mr.Douglas. Mr.Douglas was Kendrick's R.O.T.C instructor who had a high rank as sergeant major. He stopped us to talk to Kendrick about some important R.O.T.C business.
Thinking about our first writing assignment, one of the suggestions focuses on the comparison of writing to running, it became apparent to me that this is something I would enjoy writing about. I am a long time running advocate, competing in marathons, and a neophyte writing student, and I find many similarities in both endeavors.
Writing, when given a prompt or focus point, comes more naturally to me than some other things. I find writing and composing soothing and meditative, therefore I enjoy to write in a quiet environment such as my room, a classroom, or library. The room must be somewhat calm in order for me to process my thoughts in an effective, orderly manner that I can then write down. I do little writing outside of school and class work, so the majority of my writing is for academic purposes. Whenever I formally sit down to write an essay or prompt, I must have soft music or some type of noise playing because if the room is too quiet, I tend to become distracted. On the opposite side of the spectrum, if the room is too loud, it is impossible for me to focus
First of all I would like to express my great heartfelt thanks for the time we had passed throughout the course and semester. It was interesting and nice because learning in funny way is among one of the best methodology teaching method to make students feel free rather than being annexed by professors.
I will revise drafts for coherence, organization, use of simple and compound sentence, and audience, so that my essays are writing correctly for my readers.
Mostly everyone’s first experience with language is similar. The first words that a newborn will hear are usually very simple. Almost every time someone new enters the world and first sucks oxygen into their lungs, they hear something along the line of “congratulations! It’s a boy (or girl)”. A child’s first look at written language however, can be a completely different experience. What I share with you today is my writing experience throughout my childhood and how my family, friends and my education have played roles in the growth of my writing ability, as well as how I engage in the act of writing.
There I was sitting in the guest room of my aunts house. It was hot, the AC was busted, and I have not even started my history project. “I knew I should have started this sooner.” I said to myself. Ten minutes pass, and I'm still writing the first paragraph, when all of a sudden I hear a voice. “Take a little break man; you’re stressing yourself out.” I tried to ignore it, but the next thing I knew my left arm began to reach for my phone. I stopped myself. “I have to finish this project.” I said to myself, but I was not strong enough to stop myself a second time. As my phone sent a notification about a new video, my left arm sprang up and grabbed my phone. I wasn’t in control of myself. I couldn’t stop myself. It felt like the drive to
Growing up my main focus was surviving it wasn’t until about the 3rd grade until I really learned how to read. When I was young I switched schools, went through foster care, and was homeless on a few occasions. After months and months of going from Grandpas to Moms to Grandmas. Getting lost in Foster care and getting taken away from my Mom finally something steady happened. 3rd grade came around and my Aunt and Uncle received custody of my younger brother and I. Finally I could build a focus towards school my two all time favorite books as a child were The Giving Tree and my Spiderman comic book. The Giving Tree became one of my favorites only because it was one of the only books I had. My God parents two granddaughters and
My first interview was of my sister Christina, who graduated from UTD 3 years ago with a degree in Computer Science. Currently she is employed as a business analysts for a city in the Dallas metroplex. One of the major things she regretted doing while taking classes was working. One of her biggest struggles was having to not only complete sometimes 18 hours a semester, but also work in another city, whose drive could very well take up an hour or more depending on traffic. Although it was difficult to make the trek, she did get a full time job afterwards from the same company, so she can see it being worth it in hindsight, but rather harsh when she was working towards graduation. One of her biggest pieces of advice for me while in my time at
My goal for this course was to learn as much as I could and develop my writing skills. My goal was broad and I believe that I have learned a lot in this course and had many opportunities to develop my writing skills. But my learning will not stop with the end of this course. I will continue to learn as much as I can, as often as I can. Written communication if important, not only in academics, but in my life outside of the University. There is always something to learn.