Throughout my time at Chelan High School, I faced many challenges when it came to my homework and it took me nearly my whole high school career to realize how to fix it. The problem was how unmotivated and lazy I was when it came to have to complete my homework. Looking back at it now it seems that the solution was so simple, and it is frustrating that it took me so long to be able to self-motivate myself. It turns out that this responsibility was a habit of mind. This habit of mine helped me very effectively and completely changed how I went about doing all my school work and studying. When it came to school work and tests in class I always performed quite well and never had any problems there. The story was different when I had to do work at home. I was never motivated, and I was lazy when it came time to start my homework. My grades suffered drastically because I put off my work until it was late, or I just never did it. For a while I even realized my problem and still couldn’t get myself to do my homework. The worst part about having bad grades at the time was that it made me ineligible for the sports that I loved. After I found that my …show more content…
Responsibility to me is the passion that one must do what they know they need to do to succeed, because if they don’t they will never be able to do what they need to to take care of themselves. Responsibility is acting by yourself even if there is not direct incentive to do so because it is what one must do to succeed. When I finally became mature enough to understand the responsibility’s I had for myself and others that were apart of my team, I immediately changed my ways and my grades in senior year were over one whole grade point average compared to the two prior years. To be responsible in life is to be successful and if one can not be responsible in life then they will never reach their full
Since I would not accomplish my assignments, I knew this would affect my grade. Now I found ways to stay more organized in my assignments. For example, I now have the habit to write down all my assignments in a planner. Having a planner is very helpful, because now I am able to keep track of each assignment.
Responsibility is not a burden but a privilege. Responsibility can teach us very critical lessons that can help us to prevail in life. For example like how to care for others. Responsibility teaches us how to care for others.
When one enrolls into an honors or advanced English class, there are many worries that come to mind. These worries create thoughts such as ‘Am I a good writer?’, ‘Will I pass?’, or ‘How do I even start a paper?’. My teachers never specifically taught me to write. My teacher that I had for 9th grade English and my 10th grade honors English class always gave good grades. Once I got into my first AP English class, I felt as though my writing was inferior. In my distress, I went to the internet and I found that you do not have to be gifted in academic writing to get good grades on your essays, I found that organization is the key to writing a powerful essay.
Responsibility is a characteristic that can make any individual successful in life. No matter what you do, whether at work, home or on a ODA, having responsibility and acting responsibly are key traits. Many jobs and other positions look for an individual who has responsibility, but responsibility is a key factor in the SF comunity. If an individual lacks this trait, it is easy for them to be fired or let go, possibly from something they may love and are passionate about. Irresponsibility can even lead to death of you and those around you. Responsibility is a topic that differs from all different types of people and their backgrounds. People's idea of responsibility differs depending on how
Being responsible refers to our ability to make decisions that serve our own interests and the interests of others. We first need to be responsible for ourselves before we can be responsible for others. In learning to be more responsible it is important that we know our limitations. It does not matter how smart we are, there is only so much responsibility that one person can handle at any given time. It is also important to remember that we are not responsible for thing that are out of our control, for example, how other people think and feel or how they react to ourselves or others. Sharing responsibility for both success and failure can lead to increased responsibility to oneself and to others. When you
Responsibility is a key component in establishing a person’s character and a vital part of human existence. Of the three definitions the Oxford Dictionary provides, the one of most relevance is; the opportunity or ability to act independently and take decisions without authorization. This definition is particularly important because the decisions a person makes without the influence of others essentially denotes a person’s character and displays who they truly are. Throughout life, numerous opportunities are brought about which require a person to take responsibility and make the appropriate choices. Students are expected to be responsible throughout their academic careers by upholding the standards established by the institution they are
When in high school I had to self motivate. I went to an online school and no one was around to hold my hand. If I did not turn in an assignment I was out of luck. So I learned how to motivate myself and prioritize my assignments. I have always been a giant procrastinator. I was that kid that would do homework in class because I would honestly procrastinate so much I would forget the assignment existed. In high school I began to have this work for my advantage. I found that I was really good under pressure, so if I had a paper due at midnight I would wait until ten to actually begin writing it. I found that my grades actually improved and I was more confident in my work. I liked the papers I would write and actually did super well on my quizzes.
Back in my fifth grade class I remembered how all of my friends and I were in the same class together. This meant having great time for us. Spending every day of class each other, and building a stronger friendship. Since we were all in the same class, we took advantage of the class believing that our teacher couldn't stop all of our mischievous behavior. We caused many problems for her. As fifth graders being immature was oblivious to us. It felt like a daily routine to cause trouble and give our teacher a hard time. We were loud kids that didn't show much respect. However, when we actually got in trouble it felt like it was the end of the world. We thought our teacher was the meanest of all, and we just thought about having fun. When fifth
I just want to profusely apologize for just now turning in my final paper. I wrote it after our meeting and finished it early morning Tuesday, but I stupidly did not turn it in because I wanted to revise it again Friday. However, my final for orgo ran really late and I found myself running to catch my bus to New York. In my absentmindedness and lack of sleep, I completely forgot I had not turned it in and left, leaving my laptop at home. I realized I did not turn it in pretty quickly, but there was not much I could do since I was scheduled to come back until today. I take complete responsibility for my lack of prudence and hope it can still be accepted.
My time in High School was made difficult from the constant strife and conflict between my parents. This made my home an unstable environment not fitted for learning or growing as an individual. As I got older and closer to graduating High-School, I began to find my own voice with the help of my mentor Rahn Fleming, which occurred at the end of my junior year. As a result, I came in control of my life and the constant feuding started to die down. No longer did I have to worry about the next scheduled court date, or the next time I would come home wondering what may await. I felt like I was always walking on broken glass for the longest of time throughout my life, until I began to voice myself and what I wanted. My parents came to realize this
When I evaluate my school year, many things come to my mind. I think about friends. I think about my highs and lows. I also think about how I have grown. My 7th grade year at CMS was full of concepts learned, and personal growth
For the first time ever, we as students are on our own. We determine our own grade, and our own time, which for me was the scariest part of the transition. I’ve always been the type of student who depends on guidelines and due dates to make sure I am on track, and will receive a good grade. For college, most classes involve doing assignments on your own time, and using your past knowledge to know how each one should be done. Although I always found a way to get all of my assignments done, I still was a big procrastinator. College has taught me; procrastination will get you no where. Aside from having no choice, I also made the choice of keeping up on my assignments well before their due dates. I feel like this was a major part of my growing experience. I realized what my priorities need to be, and that when you do them as you should, the reward is much greater. “The best way out is always through.” A quote Mr. Lightcap uses quite often that I will never forget. Whenever I have a feeling that I don’t want to do something, I repeat
The shrill bell rings throughout Cambridge-Isanti High School at 2:50 p.m. signaling the end of a school day. Among the crowded halls full of students trying to leave as quickly as possible, Rachel leisurely heads to where she plans on meeting her friends: Sadie, Molly, and Payton. With the background noise of lockers opening and closing as well as the people chatting around her, Rachel says goodbye to her classmates and grabs her black and white Under Armour backpack from Mrs.Hennen's prep room as she greets her friends, so they all can go to swimming practice together. “We always have met up there,” Rachel says, “it's a tradition.”
I never was a straight A math student or a straight F math student. Instead I have my grades have consistently been either B or higher. I have never gotten anything under a B average in high school or middle school which greatly boosted my confidence in the subject. One area I never improved on was the fact the I have the tendency to rush through my homework and tests. In math, it was the most embarrassing. Often, I would feel confident handing in my test and not think of it until I got it back graded. Many times, when I received my graded tests, they would be saturated in “silly mistakes”. Mistakes that would not have been committed if I only slowed down, took my
Learning something new every day seems really boring to high school students. But, looking back to when we were younger, it was very exciting for some of us. One of the roughest things I had to learn was ride a bike. I was excited to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels, so I could be like my brother and dad. The thing I didn’t know is that I would be a confident and adventurist person. I learned that doing what your parents says is the safest way to doing anything.