
Personal Narrative: My Homework At Chelan High School

Decent Essays

Throughout my time at Chelan High School, I faced many challenges when it came to my homework and it took me nearly my whole high school career to realize how to fix it. The problem was how unmotivated and lazy I was when it came to have to complete my homework. Looking back at it now it seems that the solution was so simple, and it is frustrating that it took me so long to be able to self-motivate myself. It turns out that this responsibility was a habit of mind. This habit of mine helped me very effectively and completely changed how I went about doing all my school work and studying. When it came to school work and tests in class I always performed quite well and never had any problems there. The story was different when I had to do work at home. I was never motivated, and I was lazy when it came time to start my homework. My grades suffered drastically because I put off my work until it was late, or I just never did it. For a while I even realized my problem and still couldn’t get myself to do my homework. The worst part about having bad grades at the time was that it made me ineligible for the sports that I loved. After I found that my …show more content…

Responsibility to me is the passion that one must do what they know they need to do to succeed, because if they don’t they will never be able to do what they need to to take care of themselves. Responsibility is acting by yourself even if there is not direct incentive to do so because it is what one must do to succeed. When I finally became mature enough to understand the responsibility’s I had for myself and others that were apart of my team, I immediately changed my ways and my grades in senior year were over one whole grade point average compared to the two prior years. To be responsible in life is to be successful and if one can not be responsible in life then they will never reach their full

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