
Personal Narrative: My Identity

Good Essays

Identity is a very in depth topic that explores someone’s inner self, simply putting it; identity is what makes you the way that you are. I have honestly never pondered this question in such depth. So receiving this essay, it was bittersweet, I have never pondered this question before, but on the other hand, being the age that I am it is important to understand my identity so this is a good opportunity to do so. While pondering this question, I have found that my identity consists of different elements that contribute to who I am. These elements include my religion, my character traits, talents, environment, and my aspirations and my passions. These elements influence the choices I make that strengthen and broaden my identity. Identity …show more content…

As I progressed into my elementary years I got less and less confident. My school environment had a large impact on my identity, I became an unconfident and shy person. In my fifth grade year, my parents decided to switch schools in the area, and find a school with a better and more involved environment. Once I joined this school I immediately felt a change, my teacher pushed me to my limits, and showed me that I was smarter than I think. This new environment change, gradually helped my self confidence boost up. I started to share my musical talent to my friends, and I became more confident in myself by doing so. That year I was rediscovering myself, and coming back to the person I used to be. Once I got into middle school, my friends started hanging out with new people, and I was becoming stranded and alone again just as I was before. I became depressed about how I once again have no friends, and how I have completely changed from the once bubbly, always full of sunshine toddler to the unconfident and depressed person I have become. Through studying my religious teachings and scriptures, I came overwhelmed with a peace that I am a …show more content…

This news gave me overwhelming joy it helped me affirm my beliefs that Heavenly father knows the thoughts of intents of my heart, and will help me through my trials as long as I keep the spirit with me, and that I have a new start in a new environment, and I can try be my true self in front of people. As I moved to Washington I noticed big changes in the environment here. People were genuinely kind, rather than in California, where people gave dirty looks, and don’t participate in conversation very willingly. In school, I was able to find friends fast, by finding friends so fast my personality changed a little, I became more outgoing and bubbly as I was when I was a child. I finally felt worthwhile, and I felt as though I have found myself. I found friends that supported what I stand for and who I am. When I moved here I fell in love with running, and I joined the Cross Country team. Running taught me that I can push through and conquer all things if I have faith that I can do it. Running has become a part of who I am. It helps me cope with problems in my life, and it is one of my passions I have grown to find a special love for. I was able to find a way to continue using my musical abilities in Washington. I found a music teacher, and I am delighted whenever I sing. When I sing I feel a happiness too amazing to describe, I have a strong sense of who I

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