My interaction with my supervisor was good. We discuss the case and I told her how I handled the session when my client became upset and walked out of the session. I felt like the client was not really to explore her past and accept her responsibility in order to resolve the problems in her current relationship. I felt like my client wanting to take her side in the session and agree with her and ignore her partner’s feelings. My client thought the problem in their relationship was because of her partner and she did not feel like she did anything wrong. My supervisor created an environment for me to process the case. Sometimes I feel better just talking about the case because after the session all I could think about was different ways I could
I have lived in only one location my entire life: Edwardsville, Illinois. A peripheral suburb of St. Louis, it stands as the rare oasis of people in a desert of corn, pinned in its own personal bubble. Due to this blend of time and isolation, I developed a natural familiarity with my hometown. But, throughout my childhood, I longed to break free from the confines of the bubble and venture outward. However, this changed last summer, as I walked through Richards Brickyard, our family heirloom, that my great-grandfather, Benjamin Richards, founded over 120 years ago. I felt these childlike sentiments slip away. The bubble that had surrounded me for so long began to vanish, and the picture that it had been obscuring was slowly revealed.
I really enjoyed my activities this week. Shadowing my Task Supervisor during a therapeutic home visit was interesting. I loved her interaction with the foster family. She took the time out to interview each child and properly observe the children in their home setting. She also addressed any concerns or questions that the Foster Parents had.
That was a lot of money, and I didnt want to let Tony down so I got in the car and started to drive. As I drove the road was empty. I had confidence I was not going o get caught. It was a slightly wormer day out witch might have been because the sun was out. I had the windows down and was blaring music just trying to enjoy life when a cop pulls out behind me.
“How can I be good again? I just lost my wife and son in a car accident. There's nothing in life that can cheer me up. I have become an alcoholic who is now jobless.” I said. My Therapist, Dr. Newman, told me “Trust me, Mr. Smith. Only time can heal your wounds if you allow it to. Well, that's the end of the session, and I want to recall the accident that occurred so we can talk about it tomorrow.”
If you had a good idea that would benefit thousands of people, would you want someone to oppose it just because they weren’t the ones to come up with the idea? What is a term limit you might ask? A term limit is a rule that prevents government officials from serving for more than a certain number of years. These limits reflect the manner in which the common people envision their higher ups.
I have always loved justice, and have a very strong sense of patriotism. I was attacked by a terrorist cell while I was stationed in what was Bhutan. I led my squad out alive, except for our EOD man. He sacrificed himself for the rest of us, and was later recognised with the Medal of Honor.
It's a Friday afternoon, I plan to go to Great Wolf Lodge in an hour with my church. I see one of my friends so he says to his mom “ Hey, that's my friend” I said “Crap” So I go inside to sign in to go and see my friends just sitting in a corner on a big sofa. We are listening to music and just talking then a green bus comes.
Put the gun down! Put the gun down! Pow Pow Pow. The gun shots cracked into the air as loud as thunder. One after another. We live day by day not knowing our end. In the blink of an eye our lives can be changed forever. Its life, yet even in knowing this we never expect tragedy to find us. We never expect it to affect our lives and the people we know and love. I’m going to share with you the day tragedy found my life.
When you first walk into the Hornets Nest the first thing you see is one of the friendly crew member there to swipe your hornet card. Then you smell the freshly stoned cooked pizza and nearby you can see some choices on pasta. I normally don’t the eat pizza. Honestly the pizza is not as good as it smells. I haven’t touch the pasta once because I avoid the pizza so I forget that there’s more than pizza.
It's been an interesting year so far, and it looks like it is about to get even more interesting (more about that in a moment). What I wanted to write about in this here journal of mine is a new brand of shoe that I just purchased; they are called Nike running shoes, and I love them. They fit well, are comfortable and seem like they will last quite a while. I just had to have a pair (I think I'm the first one here at school to have them most of the other students have never even heard of them; Neanderthals, I know!). I predict they will be a big hit in the future. Okay, enough about shoes, let's move on to more serious matters, my love life! (just joking journal I have no love life right now). Oh well, I haven't written in here for the past few weeks, I guess I better talk about the events of the month. Let's see, it's October 1962 and a number of events have taken place; some here at the University of Mississippi, some in the United States and some internationally. Many of these events will likely have long-term impact on some very serious matters. Of course, I did not think any event would foreshadow James Meredith being admitted into the University, but, the first Negro being admitted into a higher education institution is an event that has only national implications, while the missile crisis in Cuba, could lead to death to thousands or even hundreds of thousands of citizens in both the United States and in Russia.
I interviewed my co-worker, Mary Varela. Her family is originally from Little Rock, Arkansas. Her family lived in a small country town surrounded by mountains. One day her dad decided to move to San Francisco, California. Her father was a roofer so therefore San Francisco was a city with more possibilities of job opportunities. After a couple years later, Mary was born. Mary faced many struggles in life but the most that impacted her was her society did not accept her for who she was. Mary has always struggle with her weight.
It was a cool November day, in the middle of Afghanistan. As a medic, I was sitting outside my make shift aid station with one of my buddies sharing stories about home. We hear a loud explosion right outside of the wire. I looked up and could see the cloud of smoke billowing up from about two hundred meters away. Not knowing how bad the situation was, I grabbed a few of my soldiers, our translator and my aid bag and ran straight to the smoke. When we got there, a group of civilians were huddled around a group of people who were yelling, screaming and crying. The translator found out that a group of three men and three children were walking around a field when one of the children stepped on a mine. One of my soldiers grabbed the mine
Culture shapes our identity and influences our behaviors. Living in California has been an open-minded journey for me because of diverse cultures, lifestyles, and people’s thought. Although, I learned to adopt the positive of a new culture and abandon the negative ones. It seemed like I could easily lose my cultural identity while I am accepting a new culture. However, After I took the class I even feel a greater appreciation on my own race, ethnicity and culture. I think my identity will never change. I will always consider myself as a Chinese because my own culture has shaped me into who I am no matter where I live and whom I married to.
Interrogations started about an hour ago. The whole system is trying to figure out who caused the rabies. Unfortunately for me. I was the culprit and I most likely be caught. I was brought here by a dog that was infected badly. I was only a small bit of DNA at that moment in time. I was transferred when the mangey mutt attacked a german shepherd. Not everyone is claimed to be who they think they are. Anything and everything I touch turns rabid.
My college Advisor once told me “do not write a sad story remember, after you, there are 100 more students with a sadder story” and he is right. However, it is me who is living my life, and it is me who is having struggles and achieving obstacles. After many misfortunes, I’m working on getting my Associates for Human Services Mental Health. I’ll be graduating after the spring semester in 2016.