
Personal Narrative: My Internship At Ramapo College

Decent Essays

At the end of my first semester at Ramapo College, my eldest sister turned to me and asked about my winter plans. Of course, I hadn’t thought much about my plans for the break until she emphasized the value of gaining experience through different internships that would help me secure a job after graduation. I spent most of the month working on resumes, evaluating my activities on campus, and crafting basic cover letters.

When the Cahill Center hosted the contemporary arts internship fair, I attended with a stack of resumes that reflected my past experiences, mostly from high school. I had made some contact at the fair and emailed them copies of my resume when I returned to my dorm room. The idea of my first internship seemed so exciting yet daunting at the thought that I would have to grow up and prepare to enter the real world. The moment I received an email back from the Borough Administrator of Franklin …show more content…

I managed to connect members of the Board of Health interested in strengthening the town’s Stigma-Free initiative with the non-profit organization I write for that works to end loneliness. Having shown my ability to work effectively and manage multiple projects at a time, the director of recreation put me in contact with his wife who hired me to work with her on expanding her business.

Had it not been for this first internship, I would not have been so eager to go after other ones and continue the learning process that will ultimately prepare me for my future career. When I share my resume with someone now, it’s filled to the margins with relevant work experience that highlights my abilities. I believe that my interest in seeking experiences speaks to my commitment to academics and learning, constantly searching for opportunities that will allow me to grow professionally and

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