On the morning of september 11, 2001, something happened. People went to work in new york as they regularly did. My job in the world trade center. I arrived in my lambo and crashed into a bush because, I was late for a meeting,because i woke up 20 minutes late.
I walk into the elevator going up to the 33rd floor and saw something coming, and hit the 32nd floor and smoke surrounded me. Then we notice it was a plane. Then I went downstairs and saw a working elevator.
Then there was a big problem. The plane was blocking the elevator and I thought there some people alive so i open the door of the plane and found an open window on the plane and help tons of people who were still alive. Get through that window to that working elevator. Then I heard a Boom sound! I thought another plane hit the world trade center.
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Then 2 minutes later i woke up to see a little glare out of the corner of my eye and people trying to break the door that has a piece of debris. I stumbled out with a broken foot. Move the piece of debris and people treated me straight to the hospital with my family waiting and that was my 9/11
Just like every Tuesday, Jane got up and ready for work. She got up at her usual time, about six AM, had a cup of coffee before she got her kids up and ready for school. As she’s helping her three year old daughter brush her teeth, Jane’s husband came in and said his final goodbyes to his wife. Sadly, neither Jane nor her husband knew that though. After about 7:45 AM Jane had her kids dropped off at school or preschool and was now on her way to work at The World Trade Center. September 11th use to be just a normal day in September until terrible events happened; these events changed America’s homeland security, started a war, and a memorial in New York.
Manhattan. September 11, 2001. Until this day the eleventh of september had always been a regular day, a usual day, a safe day. It was a beautiful Tuesday morning when thousands of workers had begun to make their way to the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Washington DC. Eager tourists and home sick patrons made their way to the airport and catch planes California bound. What they don’t know is that 19 hijackers from the terrorist group, Al Qaeda have also scrambled their way to the planes. What happened then would change American way of life forever.
September 11, 2001 began as any ordinary day for Elvia Hogan as she left her home and headed for work. She recalled the sun shining and the sky a bright blue as she entered the counseling office at Hunter High School. As she approached her desk, she opened her computer to find the unbelievable image of an airplane in the top of one of the World Trade Center buildings. Phones were ringing, as the counselors began watching the news to follow what was happening when suddenly, a second plane flew into the neighboring tower.
September 11, 2001 is a day that no American will ever forget. That day has left a mark on each an everyone of us. That day is commonly known as ‘9/11’ and was the longest day in New York City. Everyone needs to know the dangers of each day, no matter if you see if coming or not. No one on that day know what life changing experience they would go through. Shortly after arriving to work in September 11, 2001, the attacks took place. Flights 11, 77, 93, and 175 were hijacked early in the morning and the crashed occurred shortly after. Not only were the Twin Towers hit that day, but the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania were hit. There are many survivors who shared their incredible stories. They addressed what was going throughout their minds
When 9/11/2001 occurred I was sitting in the lunch room at Good Year Elementary School in Brunswick Georgia eating lunch. My classmates and I was talking normally like we always did until one of the lunch monitors told us to be quiet. I didn’t know exactly what was going on at the time. I just knew something serious had just happened. One of my teachers told the class that a plane had hit the Twin Towers. The teachers then turn on the television as all of us watch not exactly understanding what had happen or what the cause of it was. I remember some of the teacher crying while others got on their cells phones trying to contract their families in New York City, but the lines was so busy. That whole day I remember just sitting in class watching
I was just about ready to change the channel, when the feed cut to a helicopter circling the World Trade Center. A voice from in the helicopter had stated there were unconfirmed reports that a small passenger plane had accidentally crashed into North Tower. As they continued to speak, a large airline ripped across the TV screen and crashed into the South Tower, sending a mountainous fire ball billowing from the skyscraper. At that instant, the entire country knew the United States was under attack. The hair on the back of my neck stood up.
News outlets interviewed people who had escaped people who had escaped the terror and the people who lost loved ones. History.com states,” ... Television cameras broadcasted live images of what initially appeared to be a freak accident. Then, 18 minutes after the first plane hit, a second Boeing 767–United Airlines Flight 175–appeared out of the sky, turned sharply toward the World Trade Center and sliced into the south tower near the 60th floor. The collision caused a massive explosion that showered burning debris over surrounding buildings and the streets below.” September 11th was a time of
Sitting in my office felt like any other day. The sun was shining through my window, I could hear the elevators doors opening and closing, and the smell of coffee seeped into my office. But then, the sound of all of the voices ceased as we felt a rumble in the floor beneath us. I turned to look at my watch, it was 8:45 a.m. on September 11, 2001. I thought my eyes must have been deceiving me as I watched my office walls split apart. Then I heard the footsteps running down the stairs as well as
The morning was like every other, people woke up got ready for work, sent their kids to school and some were even still sleeping in bed. The news was on giving updates on the weather, famous people, and even regular TV shows were going. 92 people were boarded and taking off on the American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 around 7:59 am September 11, 2001. Everything seemed normal nothing to worry about, but then everything changed and almost at the same time too. Flipping through the channels you could see it on every channel. A tragedy was happening, a plane had crashed into one of the trade center towers.
Little children are born imbued with a rosy outlook on life- we see the good, and look over the ugly parts, firmly believing in redemption and hope. But we soon grow up- and that rosy outlook fades as the truths of the society in which we live begin to take hold. Some of my earliest experiences with the cruelty and injustices of the world are derived from the attacks on 9/11. I was little, but I remember seeing the towers falling on TV- my parents staring at the news in horror. I remember the sadness in my heart and my inability to understand how someone could do something that horrible. I still remember the discussions being held in our living room shortly thereafter, about Saddam Hussein’s execution. I did not understand much, but I knew
rescue personnel and civilians tried to rush to safety taking cover where they could. The air
On September 11, 2001, my life was interrupted when I heard the news of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade
She thought about how unfair it was for countless of innocent people to go to work only to end up suffering and dying.
The subway stopped suddenly in the tunnel and everyone screamed. The lights started to flicker and then they shut off. We were stopped for over three hours, then we started to go again. I got off the train and realized the whole New York City was in ruins. I ran to my apartment to look for my family, and they were gone. Everyone, besides the six of us who were on the train, were gone.
I am working alongside my supervisor Larry Dill and team Tianyuan and Alan to create a survey that will serve as a foundation to easily extract data from our clients. The information given to us in the survey will allow us to create a regression model that will allow us to better serve businesses in our state. My responsibilities include analyzing data and making sure that it is necessary for usage, conduct searches through Avention to find businesses that are a match for our model, and finally to aid in the regression model. I am working on creating a foundation for future use that will allow interns to spot trends more efficiently. We will be going county by county in the central region finding all of the manufactures in Missouri, and then contacting them about enhancing their global presence and exporting.