Throughout my life I have always enjoyed writing and speaking to others. In high school I had many opportunities to speak to organizations in the surrounding community about volunteerism and 4-H. Having had this opportunity opened my eyes to the joy that I have for reaching out to others on matters I find important. I am currently an Agriculture Communications major with an Agriculture Business minor. My journey at Oklahoma State University has allowed for tremendous growth in many areas. I have broad knowledge of journalism, computer skills, public speaking, and many aspects in the agriculture industry. The past two years at Oklahoma State have fueled my dream for a career in public relations. Having the ability to reach out to consumers and
East Carolina University is and has always been a dream school for many students including myself. I have grown up hearing about the University and it is nothing short of spectacular. Many family members of mine have attended East Carolina, and I have always pictured myself at this school. It would be an honor to be a pirate. Throughout high school I have struggled in Science and Math. I know I could have done better in high school but in life you can always do something better, im eager to push myself more and work harder than ever to succeed as an adult, if given the chance There are many times when I should I have put school in front of my extra curricular activities such as dancing, art, work, tennis, and swimming. However, all of those
When I think about what I could contribute to Florida A&M University based on the knowledge that I do have with your institution is that i’m a extremely committed student who has beliefs that you can do anything that you set your mind to. There may be some times when I may feel discouraged but why must if I feel like that if things aren’t easily handed to you. You must chase your dreams, and when you do that things will slowly fall into place (not exactly how you planned for it to be at times). I learned that through the many obstacles I had to experience to make me the well informed women I am today. The best activity, interest, experience, and achievement in my life was being a Big member of “Big brother, big sister”. Becoming a mentor for
I am a high school senior at Fair Park, looking forward to my first year at Jackson State University in the upcoming fall. My cumulative GPA is currently at a 3.6 average and anticipating to increase next semester. I would be considered the best person to receive a scholarship simply because I go the extra mile to assure my success. Although college is an extensive goal, it could be quite expensive. There is no better way to pay for college than by being awarded money for outstanding academic excellence.
Since starting the school year in August, my main goal is to become a more educated and well-rounded individual. After almost completing two full semesters here at Sam Houston State University I feel like I have taken steps to fulfill my goal. I know if I keep giving hundred percent towards my education I can achieve any goal I set before myself.
I am Efrashia Nicole Crespin and I was raised here in Las Cruces, New Mexico. I had recently moved to Hobbs, New Mexico and came back to finish my high school career and start at New Mexico State University the following semester. I am majoring in the school of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management as for short we call it HRTM. I have received numerous scholarships from the university in pursing in bachelors here at New Mexico State. I am grateful for the opportunities the school as offered to me coming from a very low income family.
Where do I even begin? Well, first off…. THANK YOU! You have no idea the impact you have made on not only my life, but so many others. Speaking on behalf of my peers, you truly are a one-of-a-kind and remarkable professor. In my time at Eastern Kentucky University as an undergrad in the History Department, I had my fair share of good, bad and okay professors. You are in none of those categories because you created one for yourself.
During my visit to Arizona State University this summer, I was able to receive a unique tour of the campus thanks to current students, Claire and Maddie Grayson. The two sisters granted special access into some student-only buildings, and provided a great amount of information about the campus as well. Maddie, Claire, and Glenn Markov, a former ASU student and now current Stanford attendee, were also able to answer any questions that that I had regarding ASU.
This past August I had moved from my hometown of 18 years to a college an hour and a half away. The name of that college is Bradley University.
While attending Stetson University, I was a broke college student. Most students were able to find a part time job very easily, but I had to find a job that would allow for me to not miss any of the extra-curricular activities that were mandatory for my music scholarship/degree. Stetson’s music school sent out an email to all students stating that a small church across the street would pay Stetson singers to sing with them on Sunday morning as long as you were committed to going to a rehearsal on Wednesday nights. Luckily the director at this church stated that he would work with our schedules and accommodate when needed for any mandatory activities. “How exciting!,” I thought, as I knew this was going to be the job for me! I quickly called
When I first came to Kansas State University I thought I had it all figured out. Coming in as an Animal Science major I was more than certain I wasn't going to be one of the students who "changed their major at least once." But I did. My second semster of my first year I decided to take MC 110 as a replacement for a history requirement, little did I know that I would come to love learning about how mass media transformed over the years. From then on I made it priority to take a mass communications class. I was enjoying my mass communication classes more than my animal science classes and I knew I had to make the switch. So this past summer I switched to the A.Q. Miller School with the intent of focusing on advertising. MC 120 taught me a lot
Azusa Pacific University holds a distinct impact on my spiritual life, which in turn impacted my entire life. Entering this journey with faith, building a relationship with God, and finding a community began here, at APU. My sophomore year in High school, my sister was a junior at APU, she introduced me to positive outlook of Christianity, where it plays out not only in Chapel but in the classrooms, with the people, and through the entire campus. I seen through her what impact and transformation Christ can do to a person and I wanted that in my life.
After graduating from South Texas College I decided to continue my education by transferring to Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. This transition was a turning point in my life since it was the first time I left my friends, family, and the state of Texas. I left what I had long known so I could start a new journey and make new memories. The first semester was fun and I managed to get good grades. Yet, the next semester (winter 2015) marked one of the worst semesters I had as a student. It was a semester that tested me as a person.
When I think of the next few years and the journey towards my career goal, I strive for many things. I see myself as a Pirate, studying hard to get where I need to be. I visualize myself pushing for academic success like never before, and surpassing what I thought I could be, in ways I could have never imagined. I believe I will be an excellent asset to Southwest University, because I inherently possess the necessary skills to become successful in my college career and beyond.
On the outside, I might seem ordinary. I live in a suburban town with my Caucasian, middle-class family. There is no obvious answer to how I can contribute my experiences to help shape the student body. However, I have come to realize that there is more to this girl than meets the eye. There are sixty seconds in every minute. There are over 7.5 billion people living on the earth. That means that every minute there are beyond 450 billion seconds of completely unique human experiences and memories created. To put that in perspective, in just one minute, more than twenty centuries can occur. No one experiences a day in the same way, and the over 6,000 days I have lived through are the influence that I will bring to the University of Texas.
After hours in the library spent hovered over my books, I walked into my first college exam with butterflies in my stomach. I wanted to do well and expected a challenge in the hour and a half of multiple-choice questions ahead. When I handed my test to the professor and walked out of the room, I was overwhelmed with disappointment. This didn’t stem from my performance because I knew I had done well on the exam; I felt this disappointment because that test, in one of the hardest general science classes, didn’t challenge me. Coming into North Carolina State University, I yearned to be challenged in the classroom and desired an environment where students strived to grow educationally. When I realized I wouldn’t find that in my current situation, I knew that my school wasn’t the proper fit and decided that I should pursue transferring.