
Personal Narrative: My Learning Of Spanish

Decent Essays

From the beginning of Spanish I up until now, I have definitely progressed in my learning of Spanish. By the end of Spanish I, I learned the basic vocabulary, tenses, and grammar. In Spanish II, I’ve been using the vocabulary and tenses from the previous course - along with new ones - that would help me communicate with Spanish speakers on a more advanced level. The two courses have overall helped me go from only knowing a few words to being able to have an entire conversation in the language. Moreover, learning the Spanish language has changed me. Before learning the language, I never had a big interest in learning about the culture or travelling to Spain, but I now do; I am aware that doing these two things will help me communicate with and understand Spanish speakers on an advanced level, which is what my goal is. …show more content…

For example, I learned about landmarks in Guatemala, Cancun, and Spain; the Amazon and how it causes controversy amongst the population; food in Spain; and Cinco de Mayo. I strongly appreciate how Founders added Spanish culture into the lessons rather than just vocabulary and grammar - it enhances the learning experience. The course itself on Founders has also changed me. With studying for the PSAT, practicing my instruments, and completing the tedious English II summer reading assignment, I am forced to wake up early for the course if I want to enjoy my summer. Previously, I would wake up at around eleven or twelve every morning, but now I wake up at seven, even if I am not doing the course for the day. Ultimately, with my progress of learning Spanish so far and the way it has changed me, I am certain that I will be able to reach my goal of speaking Spanish on an advanced

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