Many people have left legacies from when they were alive. Some are good, and some are bad. Those people may not agree with what they have left behind, and some may be perfectly okay with theirs. For me, I would like to leave behind a legacy that shows my family that I was a good person. I would want them to know that I had good intentions for my life and that I wanted to do good for myself and others. In this essay, I will explain what I would like my legacy to be like.
The first thing I would like to include in my legacy was that I was a very caring wife and mother. When I have a family of my own, I want to care for them the best I can. I want to be the kind of mother who not only cares greatly for her children but helps them better themselves in life. I want them to be the kind of people who care for others and do great in life. I want them to have many big accomplishments and do something amazing with their life. In doing this, I would like for myself to be a role model for them, and act as if I would want them to act when they are adults. As a wife, I want to be loving. I want my family to know that I was a great wife and catered to the needs of my husband and children. I want them to know that I gave my all, and fought for the things that I wanted and needed.
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I would like to be a Registered Nurse for a living. Throughout my life I have always wanted to be a nurse because I care for others and I would like to help them the best I could. I want to be the kind of person who stands up and helps people when they need help. I want my family to know that I was a hard worker. That I valued my job and I did the best I could. I would like them to know that I had a good work ethic and always did the things that needed to be done. Even if I didn't agree with things, or didn't fell like doing them, I would still have the mind set to get them
live our lives in such a way that we leave a legacy that will impact future generations in a
This includes religion, family, and money. All of which I have no control over but vice versa. My actions are often caused by these different factors. Like I say in this chapter “I want to be remembered as a person that cared about my family and religion. I cared about my parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins equally.
The legacy that I want to leave is that, I want people to remember me as a good, funny, friendly, and honest person. The girl who was smart and quiet in school, but wild (funny, cool, being myself) at home. I was very nice to people and my friends. People would always say, Aaliyah is so nice and cool. But I’m not so nice when you mess with me, and you’re rude to me. I will give I right back to you. I deserve the same respect from you that I give to you. If you disrespect me, I will disrespect you, because you can’t just disrespect me and don’t expect me to disrespect you back either. I am a person of RESPECT
What do you want to pass down to your children? From the beginning of time having a family was important. Astonishingly, to have children and pass the family name down is still a blessing today. Teaching the future generation traits and qualities is essentially creating tomorrow’s leaders. This question makes me consider how one simple act can mold people’s lives and accordingly create a chain reaction. One trait I aspire for my children to inherit is my quality of forgiveness. Forgiveness changed my perspective in the world by understanding how much of an impression it has on the world’s faith, perseverance, and love.
I want to be remembered for the good relationships I have with my daughters. They are like friends today and we have fun together. I am a good friend to my friends in life, as I walk alongside them on their journeys. My memorable qualities are I am reliable, follow through, insightful, honest, spiritual, and encouraging.
I want to be remembered as somebody who puts others first and is compassionate and concerned about the welfare of marginalized groups of people. In my mind, the goals I have for my future carry the purpose of bettering the lives of others. I want people to remember me for this goal so they can hopefully gain a morsel of insight on how important it is not to ignore even the quietest of voices.
When my years of life begin to come to an end and I look back on life I want to have a good conscience when I leave the world knowing that I did my best to make the world a better, nicer place. I want to have . . . a good legacy.
The legacy I want to leave shows that learning isn’t always complicated and confusing, if you can just learn one fact every day, it just helps you become that much smarter. Once you understand something, and it starts to add up, often you think of the other ideas that relate to it and it makes education even more fun. I like to learn about one concept and then expand on it. This turns learning those concepts from being complicated to simple, and I have more knowledge of it to teach
I want my patience's and family to remember how dedicated I was in my job, and how much I adored helping people. I want people to know that my passion was to help people and make everything painless. I want to be the nurse, that my patience's still keep in touch with me, and tell me how good they are doing. I want to be the one that everyone looks up to. The one who always wants to help and was always there when you needed someone. I want to be the nurse that wasn't just a nurse, but also a friend you could talk to. I want to be good at my job so that people talk about how good of a nurse, I was to them. I want family and friends of patience's to come to me when something is wrong or they need help. I want to be the nurse that teenage girls can talk to and not feel scared or nervous. The one who could always make someone feel
Foremost, I have had a great life and surrounding peers whom have truly inspired me in every way possible. I have grown up with strict morals, learned great character through sports, and have been provided boundless opportunities. After seeing my mother's accomplishments as a nurse and the character she had built from this
As far back as I can remember, I knew I loved laying under cars or trucks and getting dirty. Whether is was with my dad, my uncle or my grandpa, I loved working on cars or trucks. They would say to me, “Chris, I’m going to work on the car, want to help?” and I would get so excited! My early childhood was filled with watching and learning how things under the hood worked and how to fix them. I know that my family wants to leave an amazing legacy behind for me and my family. That’s why they show me all the things that they know. The meaning of a legacy is how someone would want to be remembered.The Legacy I want to leave behind is that I was funny and caring for my family.
I want to be remembered for being brave because a lot of people tell me that i always tell the truth. I tell it like it is and i don’t sugarcoat nothing. Also, by wanting to become a Nurse. You almost HAVE to be brave to be a Nurse because you have to be able to go along with your patients especially if they have alzheimer's or something and they are wanting to do something then you have to go along with them because if you argue with them then they might throw a tantrum.
4. Legacy: leaving the world with something that can remind people about you, something about you, what you did or what you are known for.
How do you want to be viewed by other people? How do you want to be remembered when you die? When we ask ourselves that it’s our moral instinct that gets us in trouble sometimes. I feel like the generations now, spends so much time worrying about how others feel about them rather than just doing what they feel they should. It all comes down to reputation, moral intuitions, and sometimes it causes people to do what is referred to as “the bandwagon effect”. We’re becoming followers instead of leader and it is all because were afraid of what the world will think. I know I want to be remembered as someone who spoke my mind, was determined, and didn’t care what people thought of me. I know god made me into the person I am and I’m not changing what he created. So, ask yourself how do you want to be remembered?
My family has shaped my beliefs and has also helped me archive my dreams throughout my life in multiple circumstances, especially my mom. My mom has made a huge impact in my life because she has guided me to pursue a career in the medical field. I aspire to one day became a nurse to hopefully impact many lives around me in the future and on campus through my studies. Not only has she guided me to pursue a career in medical field, but she has always encouraged me to make positive changes in my life; such as, speaking about challenges in life to the community and always respecting others opinions. My family raised me with the mindset of one of many ways to do it and it's through my church; giving hope to others. As I grew up I found many other ways to improve myself and help change other individual’s lives for the best; such as, volunteering at many events in my community and also by just having a smile on my face walking down my school’s hallway. Now, I want to take that to a bigger level and enrich my education to be a positive influence by showing others that anybody can accomplish their goals through consistency. Doing this would make my family proud from my personal improvement and dedication to always seeking for better ways to leave a positive mark in this world.