
Personal Narrative: My Legacy

Decent Essays
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Many people have left legacies from when they were alive. Some are good, and some are bad. Those people may not agree with what they have left behind, and some may be perfectly okay with theirs. For me, I would like to leave behind a legacy that shows my family that I was a good person. I would want them to know that I had good intentions for my life and that I wanted to do good for myself and others. In this essay, I will explain what I would like my legacy to be like.

The first thing I would like to include in my legacy was that I was a very caring wife and mother. When I have a family of my own, I want to care for them the best I can. I want to be the kind of mother who not only cares greatly for her children but helps them better themselves in life. I want them to be the kind of people who care for others and do great in life. I want them to have many big accomplishments and do something amazing with their life. In doing this, I would like for myself to be a role model for them, and act as if I would want them to act when they are adults. As a wife, I want to be loving. I want my family to know that I was a great wife and catered to the needs of my husband and children. I want them to know that I gave my all, and fought for the things that I wanted and needed. …show more content…

I would like to be a Registered Nurse for a living. Throughout my life I have always wanted to be a nurse because I care for others and I would like to help them the best I could. I want to be the kind of person who stands up and helps people when they need help. I want my family to know that I was a hard worker. That I valued my job and I did the best I could. I would like them to know that I had a good work ethic and always did the things that needed to be done. Even if I didn't agree with things, or didn't fell like doing them, I would still have the mind set to get them

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