One day you’re gonna hear about my sucsess at the Olympics. This essay will provide information on my life as a grade nine student. Firstly, I will provide basic information about who I am. After that I’ll explian my phisical attributes such as height and facial characteristics. Leading up to the end of my essay I plan to inform you of some of my hobbies and maybe even a few things I have experienced in my life so far.
My full name is MacKenzie Jean Henderson, I am fourteen years old, I atend Caledonia jr. high school in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. My birthday is July 18th I was born in 2001. I am the youngest of four daughters, two of which are only half sisters. My dad, my oldest sister and I have a good relationship because we share the same interests. My mother and I have a good relationship too because I help her around the house. There are two other important members of my family who I love to death, my two dogs. They are Shelties, one is small and 13 years old, while the other is fat and 11 years old. All the people and animals in one house make for a very busy house hold.
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In the summer I have lots of freckles but in the winter those disapear along with my tan. I am barely 5’ 6”, my normal attire is sporting clothes such as sweatpant and a running shirt or leggings and a sweater. In the off chance I dress up, I wear jeans and a nice shirt, you will rarley ever see me in a dress. Although I don’t have glasses yet I do need them, I don’t have birth marks, but I do have lots of scars from soccer, you can see them on my knees and on my arms if you look. Well thats what I look and dress
I think we should all have a chance to go to school and be professionals and study what we want to. There is a lot of people that didn’t get a chance to go to college after high school for personal reasons. They should have programs that help kids to finish school. With money living and other things sometimes financial aid it’s not enough so most of them are forced to work and they end up not going to school. Now there parents and they have to work to pay for house and food and other things. Half of my friends didn’t go to college after they graduated high school, and some of them didn’t even finish high school.
It was an warm sunny day I was dabbing it ,four boys were strolling down woods street. There four boys names were Mac,dope boy ,devin and Shaddy. Devin was the smartest one out of all of them hood boys,the rest was the same.Devin was ready to start his own business selling shoes.Dope boy,Mac and Shaddy were going on the wrong path selling drugs,robbing and beating up people. Devin would hang around with them often and conversed with them, but he would not do any bad things. Mac has been a dad already, he had to take care of his 2 year old. Dope boy had an older brother, but, he go shoot a couple weeks ago. Dope boy was reckless, everyone was scared of him even his own mother feared for his life .Shaddy was the slickest one out of all of then, he would get away with everything he did.Shaddy was a only child ,no mother, no father living with his grandparents and living in the worst part of town.
Looking back at my high school years I would say it was not easy. I was not the person I am today, I was careless and dull. I wasn't concerned about my standards or entity. The start of high school is the most critical year that will set your GPA for the future. Raising your GPA will not be an easy thing to do. As for me I had started out with a moderate GPA, but throughout the rest of my high school years I had to work very hard to bring it back up.
By the end of the week detention was getting so absolutely frustrating I felt like breaking the teachers neck every time I heard her exhale.
Some people fracture a bone in their body; some break the same bone twice. A few rupture a bone from slipping on a rug. I happen to be one of the very few for whom both of these scenarios are true. Between the ages of five and seven, my parents enrolled me in a gymnastics class because I loved to tumble and twirl. I knew how to execute everything a little gymnast aimed for: a cartwheel, a handstand, and splits. I always tested my limits with the dream of getting to the Olympics. So, as any athlete, I practiced outside of the gym. However, a normal practice would turn out to crush my dream of winning the gold. Outside at my aunt's house, my cousins and I decided to practice what we learned in the class that week. I had diligently watched the older kids master a back handspring so I thought that I could tackle the challenge. All I remember is falling backwards, thinking I had stuck the landing. However, lying on the floor, I realized that my arm appeared abnormal and shooting pains came from all angles. I had broken my arm for the first time.
As I walk through the revolving doors at the airport in my hometown, I feel the anxiety begin to spread through my body. I have never been away from my parents for more than a couple days. How am I supposed to go nearly two weeks without them in another country? I greet my classmates, and we check in our luggage at the counter. The agent hands me three boarding passes one for each of the flights I will board today. When I check to make sure they are correct, it finally sinks in, ‘I am on my way to Costa Rica.’ As the final member of our group finishes with the agent, I hug my mother goodbye and step into line to go through security. It is time for me to be responsible for myself.
I was given a life sentence at the age of seventeen. Since I was a freshman in highschool I have had plans to attend college after high school. I realized that I was an average student but I always tried hard in school hoping to one day impress the admissions board of a college I hoped to attend. I took classes in highschool that were completely out of my comfort zone in hopes to figure out what I would do with my life after high school. During junior year I was put into a web design class that submerged me into what seemed like another universe, the cyber world. I even learned a new language, program coding and how to design websites. I was fascinated and I would spend hours on end learning this new language. Soon I decided that I wanted to
I have no idea how this all started. Seriously. Some people call me some sort of wonder boy. Others say that I had this big, hairy plan. Nope. It all started like this…
All around the world there are overweight kids who get picked on daily. On January 9, 2007 I weighed 322 pounds, at the age of 14. Life to me was all about being an all American by eating cheeseburgers from fast food restaurants and maintaining good grades. Good grades allowed me to receive money from my parents, where I would go purchase burgers every day after school. During physical education I was never chosen to be on anyone’s teams because I was considered slow and dead weight. No one wanted to be friends with the boy everyone called “grease ball “. I was being criticized in every way and form.
Five minutes before the bell rings Kelsey comes back and we head to my next class which is math, hopefully this entrance is better than my last blocks. We head in an a young blonde short teacher with thick glasses is writing formulas on the board, we walk in and she looks our way and grins she says welcome to her class and her name is Mrs. Williams and then she walks to her desk and hands me a folders with a bunch of papers,she said to keep those I will need them. She says my seat is next to the window in the back,good because I don’t want none of these skanks behind me. The bell rings and minutes later the room fills with students. As they are walking in they stare at me like i’m a alien or something, as class goes on I notice a few of the
The boy told you what he was going to do- had his plan laid out and all. You took it as a joke, not ever thinking he would have killed three of your best friends along with four other people, and one just so happens to be your brother. What if you could have prevented that? What if you told a trusted adult ahead of time? What if you would have talked to the boy himself? A lot of teens ask these questions whenever it’s already too late. We don’t tend to think about things like that though because we never want to think that we could be involved in the situation. We say, “Oh, no big deal. He probably told someone else the same thing too. They’ll take care of it if they think it’s something serious.” The truth is, according to research within
In my lifetime, I hope to achieve many things. I want to leave my mark on the world and leave something behind to be remembered by. There are several steps to becoming successful in life and graduating high school is what I am trying to achieve currently. That being said, I want to leave the things I have learned in high school behind to those who may face the same challenges that I have during my own high school experience.
Contemplating back on my high school journey, I began to recognize and appreciate the life changes I experienced and the imperative lessons I learned throughout those four years. If I had to choose several words to describe my high school experience, I would begin with eventful, challenging, and memorable. High school afforded me many experiences that continuously led to stressful and challenging encounters. Being involved with the Ambassador Program and the National Honor Society was one of the greatest decisions I made in high school. Both clubs provided me with numerous life-changing opportunities that will continue to have an impact on me for a lifespan.
When I was five years old, all of my friends were starting Kindergarten. My mom was trying to decide if I would be too; so I told her I was going too. I think that was the beginning of being outspoken and saying what I thought.
Four years of high school is a long time. It is the beginning of a student's future. A student can blow off their high school years or take advantage of them. A student that blows them off could potentially deprive themselves of the necessities to be successful in college and later, the real world. A student that takes advantage of their high school years can begin building on their foundation for the future. Did I accomplish everything I wanted to do in high school? What are my plans after high school? I accomplished everything I wanted to do in high school and I have a plan for my future.