
Personal Narrative: My Life As A Jew

Decent Essays

Growing up in suburban Cincinnati, Ohio, I’ve spent most of my life surrounded by sameness. Everyone had the same skin color, the same religion, the same financial situations, the same interests, eventually people even started to look the same. While on the surface I seamlessly blended in with the others, there was something that separated me more than most would think. I was born into a Jewish family, and my mother instilled in my sister and I from a young age to be active in our religion. We went to sunday school for ten years and now are both assistants in the classes, we joined Jewish youth groups, we both had our Bat Mitzvahs and our Confirmation services, and I teach Hebrew to students weekly. Being a Jew has always been a constant in my life. …show more content…

In middle school a friend invited to one of their church’s youth services, and I attended desperate to feel like I belong. To this day the memory is burned into my brain of this friend turning to me and saying, “You should convert to my religion. I think Jesus is the answer to the problems in your life”. This same person also threw change at me and demanded I pick it up because, “I’m a Jew and you all love money”. These experiences were years ago, but that doesn’t make the words hurt any less; To this day, my religion is still a factor people use to attack me. Most recently, a former friend of mine joked to a group, “What’s worse than being a girl and a liberal? A Jew” as way to ridicule me to

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