I was at a Denny’s eating peanut butter pancakes when I decided what I wanted to do as a career. Basically my whole life in middle school was a galore of trips to museums and science centers that my parents put together. One specific time we went to the California Science Center where they house an old retired space shuttle used in the late 90’s and early 2000s, The Endeavor. When you enter this exhibit you see this vast piece of machinery that has been to space and then back on earth about 300 times. From then on, space was among my many interests that I had as a kid in middle school. It was such a life changing experience for me when that shuttle glistened in my eye. After that chapter of my life, my first year of high school begun.
Starting my 6th-grade year of middle school my dad often said, “I have no clue how to do this problem, sorry but your on your own son.” My family was unfamiliar with the rigorous courses I were taking so I was left to my own devices. This sense of independence is something that has become a part of who I am as a person and is a skill I have developed over time. This fundamental value of independence is something that has shaped my success over the years as well as played a role in Coolidge’s successes in his path towards and during presidency.
“Stop being such a child!” A regular phrase that I heard when growing up through middle school. Whether they were kidding around or not, it really attacked me psychologically. As such, I was bullied for not being as mature as the other children around me. I really didn’t understand what the harm was with what I was doing. All that I simply did was continue to watch cartoons, draw, read comics, and other things that were apparently too kiddish to continue doing in middle school. It seemed in that time, people our age were pressured to act their age plus more. This left me alone most of the time, as I choose to do the opposite. I continued almost everything I did while I was in elementary school. Though the social knockback was tough, as being
From my experience, surviving middle school takes a mixture of luck, naive fearlessness, and an aggressive number of colorful plastic binders. I started my first day of fifth grade a jumbled mess of nerves, anxious about making friends and doing well in class, and inexplicably dressed head-to-toe in red, white, and blue swag my mom got when the Summer Olympics were in Atlanta. I mean, my backpack matched my shoelaces, which matched my pants and my shirt. I might have even had a hat. A hat. A precisely matching hat. That I wore all day. Needless to say, I was not a particularly cool child. I studied hard, had a core group of equally nerdy friends, and constantly worried about whether I was doing the right thing or, perhaps more accurately, becoming the right thing. Was I not studying hard enough to get into college? Or maybe studying too hard, missing out on my youth? Would I grow into my teeth one day? Would my skin eventually stop looking like greasy peanut brittle?
When I hear the word “survival”, I think of someone who has made it through the impossible or conquered a near death experience; but that isn't all that it means. According to the the Merriam Webster dictionary, “A survivor is a person who copes well with difficulties in their life.” Moving from elementary school to middle school taught me many new characteristics such as how to be more independent, responsible, and more open to changes.
I remember when it was time to go from being a 12 year old 6th grader, to a 12 year old middle schooler with a lot more responsibilities than I was used to having. I had to make sure all my homework was done on time (It took me awhile to get the idea of no late homework hammered into my head), asked for help when I needed it the teacher wasn’t going to help as much as the elementary teachers would do unless I asked, with asking for help was a lot harder than I thought it would be everyone was confused too, after awhile the teacher finally got tired of running around the room jumping from student to student, marched up to the front of the class and wrote on the board of how to do a certain assignment.
In Middle School, where we were still growing up as adults, we did not like following the rules. I was in 9th grade. That day the bell rang for our next class and me and my friends did not want to go to our next class right away. We waited outside the room for our next class and chilled and talked. Me and my friends were in class all day and we wanted to let go of some energy. We kept talking and if our teacher came, we would go into the class right away. Our school did not like students to hang out in the hallway because they made too much noise. We did not care, we still chilled outside the class. We talked about new shoes and what we were going to do after school. It was so much fun because I had not seen my friends since 8th grade and it was the
I walked into the loud building so scared and nervous. I couldn't believe today was the day. The day i'm finally in middle school. That day was the day that I could officially call myself a Vista Verde Middle School student. When I walked into the building the bell had rung for us to proceed to class. On my I spotted one of my very good friends, Esmeralda. After I said hi to her I walked to my first period class which is room 403 and my teacher is Ms. Blasnek.
It was a normal school day at Brookhurst Jr. High in 7th Period were my friends and I were talking and waiting for the bell to ring so we could all go home and the school day would be over. Before I left I needed to go to the bike racks to get my skateboard so I could ride it home.
Throughout middle school and the beginning of high school I faced many challenges with my grades. These challenges made me grow and help shape who I am today. In my early teenage years I would view my school work not important. My perspective on priorities were all wrong. As I became older and matured I realized that. I realized school is the most important thing because my future depends on how I do. I realized if I want to go to a good college and have a successful career I have to work hard in school to get there. As high school went by my grades got better and I saw a better version of myself. My grades went from C’s and D’s to A’s and B’s in all my classes. I began to be attentive in class, and be productive and take notes. I did my school
After three long activity filled years, eighth grade is finally drawing to a close. My middle school years are soon to be over and high school is just around the corner. It will be an exciting time and full of new adventures. When I look back at my middle school years one of the most memorable things has been the F.A.P trips. The Field Activity Program has enabled me to participate in many opportunities I would have not had otherwise. In sixth grade we went to swim with the manatees. It was an amazing trip since we were permitted to get into the water and touch them if they approached us. This was an amazing experience because manatees are a protected species, and this is something you can not go out and do
Middle school for me wasn’t that fun because the teachers seem boring. The reason I found it boring because all of my classes from 6th-8th weren’t all fun because I couldn’t listen to music.Sure I had my friends but the assignments were boring or as exciting.The only time I was excited for something was my 7th grade field trip because it was a day without school, we to Medieval Times, we ate, watch a show and not do work for the whole day.I guess my 8th grade field trip but it was at the end of the school year.the last three days of
All day, teachers had been acting weird. I caught on halfway through first hour, for we didn't even take the data point that was scheduled for today. The data point counted for half of my grade, and I actually studied for it. That was not the Mr. Grewert I knew.
The switch from middle school to high school is very difficult for many people. Once it is about one month before the school year begins, most have unfeigned emotions of nervousness and exhilaration because they have no idea what to expect. I am familiar with these emotions because at that time, I could rarely find complete repose and stop thinking about it. What many ponder, before they embark on the long journey through high school, is whether they will make new friends or not. Friends will be made, but diffident people, from my experiences, have had the hardest time because they are more reserved and quiet. Ones who have indomitable courage are not as afraid to approach others, introduce themselves, and find things in common. Additionally, many worry about the difficulty of their classes and what each teacher will be like. Most students hope hope their teachers will be altruistic and be the type of person to always offer help and advice. However, other students enjoy being challenged by having to handle all situations on their own.
We all started out as tiny balls of flesh, yet we are all different. Different hair color, skin color, face shape, religion, political standpoint, body weight, etcetera, etcetera. It's strange that such extraneous details can make such an impact on an entire society. Growing up, I had never understood such disputes and acts of inequality. I didn't understand why people did what they did. I always felt that justice was an obvious answer and that everyone knew it. I came to find that life is not a fairy tale with such perfect beings and the time had come for me to realize this was in middle school. I was bullied for my ethnicity and the way I looked. Being the only Pakistani-American in the class, people often looked at me with disgust. I
My whole life, I’ve been terrified by two things. Pitbulls, and heights. My irrational fear of heights really Held me back in middle school. We had to do rock climbing.