Remission. I am thankful to share that the PET scan indicated that my lymphoma is in remission. Going forward, I will need to see the doctor every few months and be scanned every six. We are praying that I will be cured from this and for continued direction, how does God want us to use what we learned during these past 6 months? God allowed this to happen for a reason and we do not want to forget the lessons He taught us or what He may be calling us to do as a result. Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. Deuteronomy 8:11 Guàrdati dal dimenticare il Signore, il tuo Dio, al punto da non osservare i suoi comandamenti, le sue prescrizioni e le sue leggi che oggi ti do. Deuteronomio 8:11 As I have mentioned, there were many ups and downs, for myself & maybe even more so for my family. After the hematoma developed, I complained to a friend, “How could this happen, we took all the necessary precautions, even more so & this happens?!” She lovingly reminded me, “It is just a reminder that we are not in control.” The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. …show more content…
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Siate sempre contenti e continuate a pregare. Qualunque cosa accada, ringraziate sempre il Signore, perché è questo che Dio vuole da voi che appartenete a Gesù Cristo. 1 Tessalonicesi 5:16-18 I don’t know what God has planned for my future but He does and I am trying to have peace and trust in that. Although I don’t want to go thru this again I am thankful for what He has taught me as a result and I am praying that I do not waste those lessons and He continues to change me. I am a planner and I know the seemingly never-ending doctor appointments and the unknowns will not be easy but I know if I trust Him, God can still be glorified thru
Agilulfo parve ancora esitare un momento, poi con mano ferma ma lenta sollevò la celata. L’elmo era vuoto. Nell’armatura bianca dall’iridiscente cimiero non c’era dentro nessuno.
"Danglars understood that 'Dentro la testa!' meant 'Put your head inside!' He was making rapid progress in Italian" (Dumas 509).
Everyone hears the word “Cancer” and automatically thinks death? Imagine being told you have cancer a month before Christmas and having to start chemotherapy right away. That was me at age 16 barely a junior in High School, they say high school is supposed to be a great experience. And it was at the beginning which was my freshman and sophomore year. I was that girl athlete with lots of friends who went day by day not caring about my health I would eat lots of junk food and stay up late at night. I come from a Hispanic family single parent my mom and 4 siblings 3 girls and one boy. Two had already gotten married and there was only 3 left at home including me. My mom would work out in the fields so sometimes she 'd come home late, therefore
Summer of 2012, my grandfather was diagnosed with stage four Glioblastoma, and given only one year left to live. He had gone to have surgery earlier that week for the removal of his progressive tumor; his condition began to grow worse. The doctors got the tumor on the first try, but it was going to be a while before my grandfather felt back to normal. My family had many more trails and hardships to face in the near future.
Deuteronomy 8:2, “You shall remember the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His
It was a typical day in the McDougal household; my sister was acclimating to college life, my annoying little brother was pushing my buttons, and my only worry was whether I was going to pass my next bio test. My dad was getting ready for a business trip to Singapore but decided to stop by the doctors for a quick checkup for his abdomen. Scans came back showing that the bump on his belly button was metastasized Stage IV Liver Cancer. I was completely devastated and couldn’t comprehend how my role model could have so much chaos inside of him. It took weeks before I could go a day without crying as I thought about my future without one of my biggest supporters. It seems for every glimmer of hope for a new treatment, a new, insurmountable brick wall appears when the scans show the treatment’s failure. As cliché as it sounds, every day truly is a rollercoaster; some days better than others. However, we slowly have adapted to this new reality and have truly understood that falling down is a part of life, but getting back up is living.
Close Reading: Othello Act V, Scene II (lines 319-355) Throughout the passage, while Cassio and Lodovico attempt to detain Othello, he gives his final speech stating his accomplishments before ultimately committing suicide. The passage proves to be critical towards the development of the character of Othello, the reinforcement of key themes, and the advancement of the plot. The course of story is critically influenced by these aspects.
The voice is considered as the most important element in the Italian Opera. On top of the polyphonic accompaniment for the orchestra, melody
We were blessed to hear some good news today, 1st that my bone marrow biopsy came back clear and 2nd that my ECHO was normal. We are so thankful for God’s grace!
While I was growing up my life consisted of hospitals, doctors, medical bills, frequent doctor visits, and much more. My brother was born with Hypoplastic Left heart Syndrome, and when he was born, we spent three months in the hospital caring for him. He has been a joy to our lives and we thank God everyday for the blessings he has given Max, as well as my family and I. In 2011, my dad was diagnosed with a brain tumor, located in his sinus cavity. After multiple surgeries, the Gamma
Every day, my mom would drive to the hospital, and get her radiation in the mornings. As this went on for about two weeks, the doctors were very sweet. They helped my mom in so many ways, we are thankful to have them help my mom.
During those six months she went through twelve treatments. I saw my young, energetic, happy mother lose weight and be fatigued. Thankfully, after a year of battling she came out on top and beat cancer. Now, nine years later she is cancer free and healthier than
Cassio, cashiered, thinks he has lost what Othello is soon really to lose, his reputation: “I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial” (II.iii.263-64). (We must think of “reputation” as meaning not merely the good word
When putting the stint in, they noticed that his blood just wasn’t quite right. They decided to keep him another night and do even more testing. They found out that his white cell count was low but they just couldn’t determine why. They then decided to schedule him for a colonoscopy during the next week. He was then sent home to heal from getting the stint put in. He was scheduled for his colonoscopy on a Thursday morning in August. I, joined by my mom, brother and grandpa, all waited in the surgical waiting room. It was very tense but we made fun out of it. It wasn’t a very long surgery, but it did take about three hours. After the procedure was over, dads doctor called us in to a tiny meeting room. I could tell by the look on his face something was wrong. He looked somber and nervous. He proceeded to tell us that they had found a small mass in his colon and that they believed that it was cancer, but wanted to do further testing. Tests later on came back that it was in deed cancer. I was unbelievably surprised and suddenly felt cold inside. We then found out that it was in fifteen out of twenty-three lymph nodes. He had surgery to take the mass out on August 28. It was successful, but his
Agilulfo parve ancora esitare un momento, poi con mano ferma ma lenta sollevò la celata. L’elmo era vuoto. Nell’armatura bianca dall’iridiscente cimiero non c’era dentro nessuno.