
Personal Narrative: My Michigan Hero

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My Michigan hero is not just a hero but is my grandma, she was always there for me through my ups and downs. Every day after school are used to go to her house, she would have Mack and cheese waiting for me on a little SpongeBob plate in front of the TV with SpongeBob on the TV. She was like my other half whenever I needed her the most she was there. She used to go shopping with me and my mom all the time and take us out for lunch. I alway imagined her being there with me all my life but that all changed. Just a couple years ago she had passed away and that was the hardest day of my life. I remember not wanting to go to her funeral because I couldn't stand seeing all the memories and pictures of us together. When I first walked into the room I just …show more content…

After a few months had passed, I remember seeing pictures of hanging up at family members houses and just coming across things in my room that she had given to me that always made me tear up and want to just scream and cry. My feelings are pretty much the same today and when I come across things that remind me of her I still tear up, I just remember she is in a better place now. Losing someone who means so much to you can never be easy. Just writing this story made me tear up and just made me remember her more and more. I don’t know what my life would be like today if I did not have her, like I said she was always there for me and when I was a baby, we lived with her because my mom and dad and brother had just moved from Colorado not too long before and were looking at houses so my grandma let us live with her for a while. My hero is my grandma and will always be her no matter

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