My mom works as an accountant. I wouldn’t like that job because it’s really hard for me. My mom wants me to get a really good job and she doesn’t want me to get a girl pregnant because then I’m gonna ruin my life because I would have to be taking care of the baby. What I want to do is go to college and then finish I want to marry a girl and then have kids. My mom was really happy when I told her that I was gonna do that because she wants me to finish with college first. My mom works 8 hours a day, sometimes she works more because her boss is really mean to her. My mom works Monday thru Friday and sometimes on the weekend because she wants more money. My mom knows how to save up her money. Sometimes my mom has to change her plans
wash the sweet potatoes and bake them in a 375 F oven for 30-35 minutes. When they are finished cooking slice them open and scrape out the flesh into a large bowl. Add one cup of sugar, 1 cup of milk 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and one teaspoon salt. with a potato masher mash them up. Now, in a separate bowl, add 1 cup brown sugar, one cup chopped pecans, 1/2 cup flour and 3/4 stick of butter. with a fork, mash together until thoroughly combined. Spread the sweet potato
I have been through a lot lately during my life journey. Once, I was separated from mom and Adalbert, torture was the last word called. I arrived at the Auschwitz-II concentration camp in Poland. What happened next was like a nightmare. There was a SS soldier (Nazi Soldier) who lined us in a straight line. With a wave of his glove, he decided who should live and who should die. Luckily, my group and I were sent to the right, we were still not determined to death. My group and I were locked up for six days without food or water and did not have enough air to breathe in. Next we were sent to change, we were actually being fooled, we were all undressed, naked. SS soldiers, were laughing at us.
A couple years later my mom turned eighteen and graduated high school. Straight from high school she was pushed to find a better paying job. Due to my grandma already working at the hospital, she managed to get my mom a job as a file clerk. My mom worked there for a couple years until she got
There were many things that I can recall being afraid of as a child such as: going to the dentist, being in the dark, bugs, etc. The thing I remember, or “person,” for that matter that I was terrified of the most, was named “Mama Monk.” Of course she was a non-fictional character that my aunt Paula made up to scare my cousins into being good. She was like our families own personal boogey man.
My family has lived in Ohio all our lives, but we decided to move, along with my friend and her family. We moved to Oakland, California when I was thirteen. I, Madison Gayle Harrington, and My Friend, Miley Ann McNeally, Have Been making YouTube videos ever since we were sixteen. I have two older sisters, Hailey who is twenty two and Angelica who is twenty and one older brother, William who is twenty one, who I don't see. I'm in my senior year of high school. I'm seventeen turning eighteen.
She is always telling me and my brothers to work hard in life and to do our best so we can have a better life than the one she had while growing up. My biggest motivation to work hard and to always do my best is my dad. I lost him when I was only 6 years old, every time I feel like giving up I think of him and how I want to make him proud and for him to know that I have succeeded in life. My career is also a motivation for my success in life. I think about what I want to become in life and where I want to be in the future and it motivates me to do better and to not give up so easily.
Having grown up with a mother who was verbally and physically abusive, love and compassion didn't develop between us two, however, my hate, anger, and resentment thrived.
When I was in kindergarden I did many things that I regret including, giving a stuffed dog a shower, drawing on my furniture, and chewing on the sleeves of all of my shirts. However, one thing that I regret doing most is lying to my mom to get out of homework. Because of this, I believe that no matter how small or large a lie, it will come with a consequence.
The children were listening to the Alligator Alphabet book and were introduced to the letters and their sounds.
Brittany was watching Netflix on her couch, while her parents were at work. She felt a burning sensation in her throat-- Thirst. So she went to her kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. As she was pouring the water into the glass she saw an old damaged car driving across the bumpy road. She never saw that car in the neighborhood. A few seconds later Brittany heard a weird knock that she has never heard before. She thought that it was her parents but no. It wasn’t.
What I learned about my family and most importantly about myself is that we all have a role in our community. The money that I earn by completing my chores goes towards my favorite shops and some I save for the future in a savings account. The role I serve in my town goes through the church community, where I spend most of my Sundays helping my grandmother with Bible School. My History has always contained me playing sports like soccer, gymnastics also teeball, baseball lastly softball. But my timeline also contains my parents divorce and my knee injury. My house was built inside a huge rock wall that is barrier around the back side of my house. I have learned a lot not only about what my role is in the world, but that everyone has a part
It was the afternoon of April 17th, one more month until I was done with junior year. Everything was going great: good grades, good friends. We had family from Colorado visiting, and I was so excited to see them! It was the moment I got home from soccer practice, that turned my life completely upside down.
Not only as a woman, but as a Mexican, my mother demonstrated to be the strongest person in the world. Since a very young age, growing up in a very difficult environment like it is Mexico, she learned how to see for herself. And through her life my mom appreciated all the lessons she experienced, never with a pessimistic outlook. That is why she always had the wisest words that encourage me to be brave when taking decisions. As the same way her mother’s determination shaped her to become someone independent and with more knowledge, is the same way my mother’s experiences influence me to have her strength. Unlike other mothers, mine was excited when I started solving problems by my own without her guidance, acting like a young adult. The fact
Despite all of the obstacles my mother has faced, she always strived to become successful and take care of her family. The youngest child and only daughter of six children, she is a first generation college graduate and the first person in her family to attend college. After completing her masters degree in education, she taught at the high school level for thirteen years. After that, she was a distance learning teacher at Kamehameha Schools Maui for around six years.
The first time I was ever called a Feminist was in my freshman year of high school. It was a hot day in early June. Every student was itching to be set free on their summer vacation. Before the bell rang, The afternoon announcements rang out over the intercom with the usual monotonous stuff like the clubs that were meeting after school that day, and last call to hand in uniforms for the sports season that had just ended. Then came the standard dress code announcement. "Ladies and gentleman, we know the weather is heating up, but please still adhere to the schools dress code. This means that shorts must be fingertip length, and there are to be no open toed shoes or flip flops." After going to public school all my life, I had heard all of these