I’ve lived in Hawaii my whole life, and it would be pretty unusual if I haven’t experienced any speech to text problems with my computer or smartphone. Many people recognize Hawaii as a melting pot between Asian, American, and Hawaiian cultures. This creates a large number of different language speakers and words. As Emma mentioned, many of street names in Hawaii are Hawaiian or Japanese names and thus, make it hard for devices to recognize their names. My own home address is no exception. The name of my street is Kuaie St, but when I try speaking to Siri to see if she recognizes the name, she comes up with some bizarre street name that isn’t even in Hawaii. She once mistook Kuaie for Cooley St. in New York. Even the Microsoft word program
Mr. Chen came to our office just now to deliver a document. He wanted to make an appointment with you on Monday afternoon. He said he would like to discuss with you whether we should send an attorney letter to BOA and Wells Fargo regarding his case.
When I started writing this, I had no clue what it would be about. I was told “It has to be perfect.” “It has to explain you without you explaining yourself.” “You have to give it meaning without being asked for anything.” “If it isn’t good enough, admission officers won't give your application a second glance.” So, I put off writing it, pondering it over and over in my mind. I’m so glad I put it off, because until recently, I didn’t know what it was keeping me in Hawai’i. My mom lives in Oregon now, and I had the option to move with her because she still has custody. Something kept me here, though, and I wasn’t sure what. Through reminiscing and building more memories, I realized what it was. It was how much I love being Hawaiian. The food,
As part of my networking, there are some high school classmates who I am in constant contact with. We all went to college and have our own careers in different fields. One of these friends allowed me to live with her for my first year out of college. Four of us played volleyball together. They are from Waianae, Kaneohe, and Waimanalo and they?re Hawaiian, Portuguese, and Japanese. Over the years, we realized we get our strength from our diversity. When we have a
I live in a place where most people would call a dream; A place of beauty, a place of Aloha. Growing up I learned to never take Hawaii for granted. To be from Hawaii means to be surrounded by it's traditions and it's culture. Hawaii is more than my home, it is a part of me and who I am.
America is often called the melting pot of cultures, welcoming various cultures and traditions, but the real gem that holds this title is located in the Pacific ocean. This place is called Hawaii and it is a place I am so proud to be from. The culturally diverse atmosphere of Hawaii has grown deep into my bones to become a part of what I am and what inspires me. From the rich languages that drift through this land to the many laughs and the smell of many mouthwatering foods that is carried through the air to various cultures and ethnicities blend together to create a beauty similar to the famous hawaiian sunsets. Seeing that Hawaii is such a diverse location it has introduced me to so many cultures I have fell in love with, many traditions
I hope you are fully recovered from your time in Florida. I am glad that we were able to share a true Polynesian cultural experience together.
I stood in the line that seemed to stretch for a mile long, cell phone in one hand, turkey leg in the other. Inch by inch, I slowly moved forward until I finally reached my destination: the famous Space Mountain roller coaster ride.
and about 60 Japanese, (although it is tough to figure out how many Japanese), people
When I think about the culture I come from, I immediately think about my Japanese and Filipino lineage. I also think about Hawaii, and how growing up there has shaped me today. This are only parts of the equation to my cultural identity. No matter what nationality or country you grow up in, each person is exposed to different ideals that mix in with their background culture. I would like to look at my cultural identity by looking at some traditions in Hawaii, the organizations I’ve been a part of, and my own unique personal identity. Each of these has played a role in shaping my own cultural identity.
I am available to relocate to Hawaii within the first or second week of August. Due to the fact that I am very interested in this position, I am inclined to order my tickets so that it fits with your schedule. Is there any date that is best for you to schedule an interview?
In many revolutions and war the only ones that were taking actions were men and had the right to fight for our country not like the women. Over the years women have gained more rights. In the Algerian Revolution during 1954-1962 women play a role in the revolution, they were the ones taking action too. There were many things that women did during the revolution they become messengers and guards to support the FLN. I will be discussing how the role of women helps the FLN have a successful plan, just like the bombing and the All saint's day.
My name Bryanna and this is my first year in college. I live with my mom and two younger siblings. I work at Outback SteakHouse in Hampton and I love it. I am a shy person at first until i feel comfortable about my surroundings. I am a hiphop dancer and I also cheer for Thomas Nelson. I enjoy playing basketball, soccer and volleyball. I lived my early years in Brooklyn , New York , with my grandparents. In 5 years i see myself graduting college and getting a head start on my dancing career.
What is identity? The definition as a person’s own sense of whom they are, which their past define them. Identity is very important in our society, no matter your social status. I can attach identity to belonging to something or place. As human race, we feel the need to belong to a group or place. Because belonging to a group or place, give us the sense of identity.
Through research about composite and bio-composite, there are many advantage and disadvantages in aircraft construction. Definition for composite, a material that are made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties when combined, produce a material with characteristic different from the individual components. The individual components remain separate and distinct within the finished structure. In aircraft, the first composite aircraft was in 1916, era of World War 1, when British launched a Bristol Scout from Felixstowe. Between the World War, American experiments with airship composites led to the construction of two aircraft carriers, while the British Short Mayo seaplane composite demonstrated successful transatlantic mail delivery. During the Second World War, some composites saw operational use including the Mistel, the larger unmanned component of a composite aircraft configuration developed in Germany at the end of World War 2. Experiments continued into the jet age, with large aircraft carrying fully capable parasite fighters or reconnaissance drones.
The first object that represents my identity is my cross. The cross I wear is special to me because it was given to me by my Grandmother when I was 10 years old before I left Eritrea. It doesn’t just represent my religion, it represents who I am and where I came from. It helps me to not forget my identity as a person. Every time I’m about to give up or do something bad, I look at it and reminds me of my past and all the thing I have gone through to get to this point of my life. Essentially, you can say that its part of me and represent my past.