In my third year complex care clinical placement, I continuously involved in an environment that require time management and critical thinking skills. I allocated to care one to two patients postoperative or one patient if unconscious post-surgery. With not enough RN in the recovery area to supervise me especially when more than four patient in the recovery area that requires one on one care, I initiatively present myself for availability according to my scope of practice like for example, I can do paper work with RNs initial afterward and care for minor surgery or procedure patients in caring for their safety or removal of airway management. I always asked questions or clarifications with my preceptor if unsure in preventing any errors that could compromise patient’s outcomes.
In order to reach one’s goal, the goal should be well defined, firm and the individual must be completely committed to attaining it. Pursuing a career as a Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner has always been my driving goal throughout all my education and training since the age of seventeen. Over the past three years working within a Surgical Inpatient unit as a Registered Nurse, I have become aware of the lack of community resources and access to health care available in rural areas. This has inspired me apply to the University of Western Ontario’s Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner program for the fall of 2014. After completing my Bachelor of Science of Nursing at the University of Western Ontario, I am certain that no other
This quote reminds me of my experience as a CNA with a hospice patient who always argued with staff and was loud enough to elicit complaints from the other patients. Although she was not physically aggressive, she would use foul language and would sometimes spit at staff. As her caregivers, we did not share all of our experiences with her daughter, a day shift nurse at the same workplace. She was the sweetest and most dedicated nurse I have known. During shift change in the morning, her daughter would talk to us to see how her mother did that night and would apologize for her mother’s behavior and thank us for our help. This went on for a few months and one night the patient used the call light so many times. My co-worker even counted; the
In the Fall of 2014 I became an RA, Resident Assistant, a position longed for since I entered as a student at Landmark College, a college for students with learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. I went into the job aspiring to help other students and build upon the close knit and friendly community that was already in place. My job was to ensure the safety and security of all residents, refer students to appropriate services on campus, and run and plan programs alongside two other RA’s and a Resident Dean.
The movies “Waiting for Superman” investigated the ways in which the American Public Education system is failing our nation’s children. It highlighted the roles that Charter Schools and education reformers could play in an effort to offer hope for the future. The movie moreover, depicted the dropout rate of high school students and schools closing due to lack of funding.
Christina G. Rossetti states, "For there is no friend like a sister, in calm or stormy weather, to cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands." My name is Alyssa Snedden. I am nineteen years old and work as a Nurse Aide for the Inn at Chapel Grove. As Hailey's youngest sister, I have always looked up to her. Hailey has always provided me with love and understanding; therefore, I shall do the same in return during this bump in the road. She has never been the type of person to do anything that would cause our parents disappointment or heartbreak. These past couple months have been hard on our family but at the end of
Even though it may not sound like it, my most memorable experience is working for a home care company. The company I work for is called Residential Physicians Association. I have been working with this company for 2 years as a Medical Assistant. My role is assisting doctors in making home visits. These home visits are more relaxed than hospital visits because the patients are in the comfort of their own home. It is a rewarding feeling to see how grateful patients are to have a service come out to their house. Taking vitals and drawing blood is my most learned skill I have learned with this job. Doing these small procedures gives me hope that I can one day succeed in major medical surgeries. The opportunity of this job has shaped me to find my calling while enjoying every day of it. Memorable experiences are created every day without realizing, while creating memories is important, it is also important that you are
Most Americans would like to think that our criminal justice system is working the way it was intended, but they’re not aware that our criminal justice system shows strong evidence that it is biased and discriminatory in regards to minorities, the majority are African Americans. Studies show that African Americans are more aggressively targeted and punished throughout the system, not just during sentencing. Data collected nationally shows how race is correlated to drug use, police stops, arrests, likelihood to be released on bail, jury selection, trial, sentencing, prison as well as the option of capital punishment.
I was recently fortunate enough to speak with Carri Montgomery, who lists her title as the Director of the Women’s and Newborn Center for Platte Valley SCL Health. Platte valley use to be community owed and they recently joined Sister’s of Charity which includes; Good Samaritan, Lutheran, and Saint Joseph Hospital. The purpose of this interview was to interview someone where I could see myself working in what they are doing later in my career. With this interview I hoped to learn what it took for Ms. Montgomery to be in the position she is today. Also, get advice from her to see what where the things she recommended I could do when I graduate from Metropolitan State University (MSU) in 2019. It was beneficial to interview her
I interviewed Beverly Stark. She works for Health Partners Hospice and Palliative Care as a hospice registered nurse (RN). The setting of her work varies. It is wherever her patient lives, which can range from a hospital, long term care, or in the patient’s home. She emphasized the importance of her team. She works with nurses, social workers, home health aids, chaplains, doctors, and hospice volunteers on a daily basis. She is part of what they call a core group. Each core group is made up of two RNs, one social worker, and a home health aid (HHA). The core group meets once a week to talk and update each other on their caseload. Additionally, they meet with the chaplain and a doctor weekly (B. Stark, personal communication, Sept 9, 2016).
As nurses we all bring our own values and beliefs to the job whether or not we intend to, it happens. I place large amounts of value on family and friends. These are the people you can call on for support. I know that without the support of my mom helping me with my kids and my house work there is no way I could be in the nursing program. Family is often a place when as children we learn and develop our values and beliefs. Giving this deeper thought I can see how this is true for myself. When working with B I would often think about what it would be like to be raised in an unstable environment by a mother who struggles with mental health and addictions. B was often placed in respite foster homes. I found myself thinking about what it would be like to sit down to meal with a strange family how awkward would he have felt. Building on this making connections with people is very important to me. Once I was able to build a connection with B I was able to work with him in a more cohesive way. Making that convection helps to build trust, positive relationships are built on trust. Being a good listener is a skill that I value as a nurse. Not only do I value being a good listener but I also value being heard. I value you a person 's ability to do what they say they are going to do. If you tell a patient that you will return to check in with them in 30 minutes than you need to be sure that you keep your word. When working with clients it is import to me to build on
I once heard someone say, “Find something you love to do and you’ll always be successful.” If you want to be in a field where you are continually learning, nursing would be the top pick. This paper will reflect the journey I have taken from Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) with the incorporation of my learning objectives from my clinical course.
Nursing students face many challenges due to their narrow scope of practice, and lack of experience and knowledge. This changes with the development and learning of values and beliefs, which shape the decision making in the nursing process. During my clinical nursing practice experience as a new nursing student, I have had amazing learning opportunities as well as situations that made me feel uncomfortable, powerless, and dependent on the assigned nurse. In this paper I will talk about one of my clinical experiences where I felt powerless, analyze it, and show how the sociopolitical inquiry and power dynamics come into play in my story.
“Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, It requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation, as any painter´s or sculptor´s work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of God´s spirit? It is one of the Fine Arts: I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts.” Spoken by a true nurse, Florence Nightingale; a pioneer of nursing and a reformer of hospital sanitation methods.
The English language began its climb to world dominance with the rise of the British Empire in the 16th century. During this time English began to spread as the worlds lingua franca for business and trade. With the support of the United States, which at the time was one of the most successful nations in history, english was able to overthrow all previous lingua francas. However, english should not be considered as the “gateway to the world”. Although the english language is widely- spoken around the world, making english language the official language of the world will lead to diminishing cultural diversity.
In my placement as a second year student, most of my duties are focused on providing nursing care and general ward