Over Thanksgiving break, I pick up some extra hour at my old job at Burlington coat factory. While working on black Friday it was nothing, but complete chaos and disjunction because of so many customers. My job was a working on the sales floor and assist the customers if they need any help. While working on the floor one of my co-worker on the walkie said, “there was a deaf man in the shoe department signing to her and she could understand what he was saying.” My manager responds, “Alexis don’t you know a little sign language can you help that customer”. I respond, “sure Kathrine I just walking over there to see if I can help”. As I walk over to the customer I felt a little more comfortable because it wasn’t my first time having a conversation
My good friend and I were talking one day about his job at Publix. He was wanting to get a full time job anywhere and found one at Cold Air which is a wholesale company that sells original equipment manufacturer auto parts and aftermarket auto parts to stores like Advanced Auto Parts and Auto Zone, they also sell to places like Good Year. Anyway he was talking to me about applying for the job since he would be working full time there instead of Publix. However he was moving up the chain at Publix and was going to be promoted into the meat department and make $14.50 an hour. He did not know what to do so he came to me for advice. He said he would be working full time for $11.00 an hour, starting, at Cold Air, and he would be working 30-35 hours
When I was working at Target there were two mangers that I was to train and help if they needed it. The conflict was that they come in and changed everything in our stations. Which was uncomfortable due to that I had more experience and was working there longer. Nothing work well within the ream after that point.
This past summer, I worked as a Swim Instructor at The Preserve with the company, Fit Fins. The job was probably the best job a teenager could ever ask for. I got to teach kids ages sixteen months to twelve years old how to swim, I got to be in the pool every day for hours, I could go in the hot tub on my breaks, and I got super tan. There was really only one downside to this job; it was a summer job. By summer job, I mean it only lasts from June to late August. This could also be a plus side, since I get fall, winter, and spring off; however, this means I'm out of a job for nine months. So now my current job is at Old Navy. I decided to get another seasonal job because I figured I needed to pay for things like my Ramen Noodle addiction or the Christmas season.
One quiet morning I was sitting on my couch playing games when my I heard my dad jingling his key. So I decided to get up and see what or where he was going.
I am a person who easily adapts to different professional and social environments. I have demonstrated ability to adapt flexible work practices during my employment with Prime Tooling and Blue Fox Systems. My ability to work flexibly was a key component of my employment with Blue Fox Systems. The office culture at Blue Fox was very fast paced and reactive in nature. It required constant attention to detail, the ability to re-prioritise, and flexibility. Being an IT organization, the pressure and demands upon each staff member required that we were able to take on whatever duty or priority task was required at the time, either as a member of a team or as an individual. In my daily work, I am flexible to leave what I am working on and assist
I have a similar story about my first job at Safeway in Page, AZ. I started off as a bagger at 14, then at 16 when I could work a full shift I was swapped over to stocking on the graveyard crew. I was approached by the union and convinced into joining (I believe the dues were around $35 a month). Approximately three months later during a meeting, they brought up the fact that I should not be working the graveyard shift at my pay scale. Minimum wage was at $4.25 an hour, and I was at $8.00 an hour. The Union ended up putting pressure on my manager who sent me off for a week long stint of cashier school (here in phoenix). When I returned I was given a dollar an hour raise, however when I had to work on a Sunday or holiday, my rate
Working at KTXT was the best experience I have had in my professional life. I learned so much at that station that I have no choice but to donate to it when I actually make a decent living. I started out as an fall intern for a semester after taking the previous summer off from school. I always wanted to work in radio, and this was finally my chance to make that happen. And BOOM...I excel at the production side of things! I taught myself years before how to edit video, so editing audio just came natural to me. My production director was relieved that she did not have to teach another student how to edit audio. I was in! I was killing it; editing live shows, sports broadcast, promos, news stories, and then the end of the semester was creeping
Everyone has their first memory when they have to enter the adult world, mine just happened to be my junior year of high school. This year was just a little glimpse of what was going to be the rest of my life. Getting my first job was bitter sweet. I had to learn how to manage my time between school, sports, and now a job. After my first week of school I had to start my new job.
When I was 18 year old, I applied to work at an assisted living facility called, Crestwood Senior living (currently known as Matthews of Glendale). When I first got hired, I was introduced to all the staff and all the residents as well. After being employed there for a while I started to notice that some resident were acting different from the first time I had met them and I did not understand why. So I asked my coworker, why some of the residents were acting different and she explained to me that some of the resident have dementia. Now, at that time I didn’t really know what dementia was because I had never worked in that type of field before or have taking any classes on that type of disease. So, I decided to do a little research on my
When I came to US in 2009, the job market was in the edge of collapse. It was hard to find a job. The economy was not doing well, most people were getting laid off. Moreover, I was not expecting to find a job, because I did not have a work experience and language skill for employers to hire me. I did not have the expectations or assumption that I will find a job, however, one afternoon the agency who were helping me finding a job called me and told me that they found me a job. I had no idea what I should in the first day of work so I try to look helpful as much as I can. The next day I get to know what the job is all about, and they make me operate a molding machine that makes gasket for automobile.
Hy-Vee helped me restart my life. At the beginning of August of 2016, my family moved from Hampton, Iowa to Mason City, Iowa. My dad’s job is in Mason City so it made sense for us to move. When my family moved, I didn’t know anyone up here and I needed to quit my job in Hampton as I wasn’t earning enough for it to outweigh the worth of the drive back and forth every weekend. I scoured the area for a job opening for weeks with several rejections and few promising results. Without friends or anything else to put my time and effort into, I started to drive myself insane.
After working at McDonalds for three weeks, I began to make new friends and was glad that I didn’t decide to quit my job. I enjoyed that I could earn my own money and didn’t have to ask my mother for money anymore. Work had been great after the first customer incident happened. I had not received any customer complaints and my manager said that I might employee of the
I work at the carwash in Sioux Falls and have found that my job entail many duties as follows: First of all the customer shows up and I greet them with a hello and how can I help you. I ask them what level of service they want for a carwash from the lowest level to to the premium level. I mark it down our paperwork and then proceed to tell the customer to go inside and pay for the service. I get in the vehicle and drive it up to where the vacuum cleaners are for the first step: vacuuming. We vacuum the the front and back of the car out then drive it to the next step is the washing of the car. I am in charge of this area and prep the car by washing the vehicle down with a power washer to be ready for entering the car wash. Once completed with
During summer of 2015 I worked part- time at JCpenny as a customer service associate. As an associate I am responsible for greeting customers, assisting guests with finding merchandise, stocking and organizing products on the sales floor, ringing up purchases, and handling returns. A time when I had to provide exemplary customer service. Was when this Women who was probably about in her early forties, who had her two small children and a baby with her. I had just clocked out for my 30 minute break, when she tapped me on my shoulder. To ask if she could have some assistance on finding a particular blouse that she had seen in our weekly ad paper. It was very hard to understand being that she did not speak English very well. After about ten minutes of looking we finally came up on the beautiful purple blouse. Unfortunately she was looking for a medium and we only had smalls in stock. I than told her that it was no
I walked into Vaughan Software, dressed in a business casual attire that I purchased two years ago and never got to wear. Everyone around me had either green eyes or blue eyes. Though brown-eyed people like me made up around half of the population, we were never invited to work in global corporations like Vaughan Software.