I met you at the AWP conference. We had a short discussion at the completion of your panel discussion. I purchased your One Thousand Mind Brimming. After the panel one of the items we discussed was dancing to relieve stress. I mentioned that I dance Salsa. Mt wife died a year ago after a 25 year battle with cancer. I wrote an essay about my coming to grip with the loss of a loved one. Poetic Medicine.com published it. If you would like to read it, it is on their web site under the tab community of poets. Trying to cope with my grief led me to Salsa. I was interested in your comments on dancing the Tango. For me Salsa provided reason for me to leave the house. It lessened the impact of my grief by allowing me a safe place to meet new people
“I’ll see you soon. I’ll see you when we all live in peace and harmony. I’ll see you on the other side.” My great-grandmother, Minda, was a ninety-one year old lady from Russia who had a passion for dance and music. Minda, I called her Omi, filled any room with joy and happiness. Omi fell deaf at a very early age, which led to her family's move to America to get a stapedectomy which repairs hearing loss. Unfortunately, doctors in America were unable to save her hearing. Even though she was deaf, she still sang and danced her way through life, until the very end.
Delano then pulled a gun from his ankle holster and places it on the table top. --
My piece of obsidian will not always be the same type of rock. The rock cycle does not have any order. My rock right now is igneous but weathering and erosion could break it into sediments and then become a sedimentary rock. Like I said my rock could be totally different in a million years. There is no order to the rock cycle. It could start or stop at any place.
What if you can only pick a movie, book, or tv show that would not be destroyed.? we would love to save all differents kind of movies, books, and tv shows, but you can only pick one! I would pick the tv show spongebob, the divergent book and movie, and diners drive-ins, and dives .
The sun was setting on the horizon, leaving only a beam of saffron yellow light touching the beach. She was a silhouette against the sunset as the music faded in. Closing her eyes, she lifted her arms. She spun – round, and round, and round. Standing on tiptoe, she extended her arms with the tips of her fingers brushing gently against the clouds. The music embraced her entire body and the beat resounded with the steps of her dance. That was my first time watching a piece of dance, which was so graceful and breathtaking. I loved watching her allow the music to overtake her body and heart. Since then, dance has become part of my life.
Now I am a senior at Cal State Long Beach with a 3.0 GPA and about twenty units away from graduating. I have been working part time and going to school full time for four years now and hope I can give back to the community with my occupation once I graduate. It has been a long road with infinity obstacles, but I can truly say that I am almost THERE.
My Identity connects to my culture because it describes the way I look and the point of view I have on certain topics. My culture is the Native American tribe, Wampanoag and I am also Mexican. I have some facial features and body structures from both sides of the family like: most of my family has brown or black hair, we are taller than the average human, and our faces have an oval shape. Some topics that my family has taught me from both sides of the family is, family always sticks together and always comes first, and If you see bad things going on in the world, always try to help and do whats right. From my Dad’s side of the family, I learned tons about survival skills and on my Mom’s side I learned a lot about traditions. An example from
What defines me is my drive to help people, and the adrenaline and mental high I get from doing it. I can accredit this to my Aunt Rhonda who was a Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) During my early childhood. I remember her letting me sit on her lap after she got back from a long weekend of volunteering, and me marveling over her stories of the shift. By the time I got to elementary school, I had started carrying extra band-aids in my backpack so as to save the life of a possible wounded classmate. When I got into middle school, I was familiar with the first responder standards of care and had my own basic medical bag. I spent my weekends reading “Grey's Anatomy” and watching endotracheal intubation demonstrations on youtube instead of doing my homework. But everything I
Have you ever wanted to swim in a pool of Dr. Pepper? Well, maybe not. But would that not be an awesome YouTube video? Why this dumb idea has been stuck in my brain since I discovered the rapidly growing website is beyond me. I was about twelve years old, watching fourteen-year-old Justin Bieber, when a Dr. Pepper ad made its way to the side bar. The company used the quote, “So good you wanna swim in it!” and there it was. The idea forever cemented in my mind.
I am a white American female. Another term that can be used to describe my race is caucasian. Some characteristics that come with my race include a fair skin tone and naturally light colored hair. I do not think that anyone can truly be a “pure” race because family trees expand genetically within multiple races, especially in current times. People of all races are reproducing and creating a more mixed environment than ever before.
These items are not just stuff that you eat or drink,to me they are memories who represent who I am.I use to live with my grandparents when I was little. They always made ramen on the weekends. I will always eat with my cousin and we will always get full. Sometimes my parents and other family members come to eat with us but not all the time. I feel like it brought our family together.Coffee doesn't really sound like its apart of my identity but it is. The reason why is because I started drinking coffee last year that year i was at a different school. When i drink coffee i start to remember the good times i had last year. I had a lot of good moments last year. I always buy coffee after school then i get on the bus and that was always the best part of my days i when i drink coffee i remember going into that bus and how i made a new friend on that bus.
Europe was the first occasion I truly spent time out of the country. I must have heard two dozen different languages while in 13 different cities, across 6 different countries. There were people from all over the world in the places I stayed. Everyday was new experience, even if I had a plan, something would pop up and I'd have to change direction. This happened mostly when I met knew people. When you're alone in a foreign country it's important to find common ground with others.
A majority of people I have spoken to despise running; the activity inducing a great deal of pain and wasting time are common reasons I hear. For me however, running has always been a part of my identity and it shaped me as the person I am today. Whether it comes to intense races or exciting games of tag, I feel a part of me glistens with joy whenever I put on my running shoes and get my feet moving. My interest from running goes all the way back from elementary school.
My individual identity is formatted to show what I do and what makes me different because everyone has different opinions about their identity, but that just shows how we're all unique in some ways. I placed my specific sports and activities like baseball on because they make up who I am. The music albums I listen to that make me a part of a collective identity of other that share the same interests in music style as do I. Sports also tie into a major part of my collective identity because they play a tremendous part in my life that I can talk about and share my opinion with friends and family. To represent my national identity, the pictures I had shown are famous parks and museums that I had visited a to because these landmarks represent a
It was interesting seems people come together and dance different music. I heard playing salsa and tango music. I have watched movies about tango, but watching normal people dancing tango was shocking. I was very impressed with an older couple dancing tango. They were dancing and at the same time they were connecting with each other. They looked like a regular boring couple, but dancing tango they look like they were intimate with each other. They did the basic steps, but they were swinging around together at the same time. It was really good. In my part, I wanted to dance salsa because I was raised dancing salsa, but for some reason I could not dance salsa because I was thinking about the steps. My theory was to enjoy the music and dance to