When it comes to my current writing process, I would admit that I am a bit old-fashioned. I have found that I have a harder time focusing--especially on writing--when I am at a computer. So I prefer to write out my first draft on paper and then eventually transfer it to the computer. I believe that most of my failed writing endeavors have resulted from my use of word-processing programs. Word-processing programs identify mistakes you have made as soon as you have made them, and I have a tendency to stop writing in order to correct those mistakes as soon as they happen. This results in me losing my focus on what I wanted to write about, and ultimately dissuades me from wanting to write more. I would say that most of my later high school english
My name is Yris Guzman and I’m a senior at Perry High School. I’ve always struggled writing essays. The things I struggle the most with is grammar, spelling, coming up with a thesis, and organizing my thoughts onto paper. I hope by the end of this semester I become a better writer. We all have strengths and weaknesses.
I don’t really like writing because whenever my teacher tells me to write about something I start to get confused on what to say then I start to get mad at myself and start to cry.The best thing I have ever written is when I had to wrote about legos, it was a nine pages and alot idioms and more.
Three sentences. That was all that my kindergarten teacher required me to write. “Class, your homework is to write at least three sentences about something that you enjoy,” she said, as she handed each of us a writing journal. Every night, the writing topic she assigned would change. Later on in the school year, my classmates and I would make up our own topics. We would use our imaginations to write whatever pleased us. I fell deeper and deeper in love with writing. Throughout elementary school, I read many different books. Each book had a different author with a different writing style for me to enjoy. I, too, developed my own writing style. By junior high, I had won a few writing awards, and I had written some short stories that I shared with my friends. Even as a freshman in high school, I still enjoy writing.
The writing process has been a difficult process for me for many years. In high school, I did not do well I struggled with coming up with Ideas on how to start my writing. After finishing high school, I worked in the healthcare filled and I was required to chart daily activities for my clients. I found myself constantly misspelling words and writing improper grammar, so I decided to enroll in college and take Composion 1. Writing a complete sentence requires a subject and a verb and has to express a complete though. Also, brain storming was difficult for me to create, I would have my first clue then get lost on what to do next. Over time after some proper tutoring my writing improved a little. I would say writing takes time and what would
I love to write. It’s actually where I feel most creative. However, I don’t love to write. It is my belief that composing documents by typing them is unquestionably easier and more efficient. When one physically writes, they typically tire easily. For me, it’s usually at five sentences or so when my hand starts to cramp up. At that point, I begin to compromise in my writing, trying to get to my point as quickly as possible, so that I can just get it over with. I also find that I’m a planner when writing. I can have a whole paragraph mapped out in my head before even starting it. However, when I have to slowly and painstakingly compose with a pen or pencil, I lose many of the ideas I had going into it, and again, just want to get it over with.
My experience when it comes to writing is limited. I’ve written peoms and I’ve written school assignments, that’s it. I would not consider my writing skills strong or even college level. I would like to fix that. I would also like to be able to write about who I am without saying who I am. I want to be able to entertain people and make them laugh while at the same time inspiring them. I hope to use my real life experiences in my writing because they are unique for someone my age but things that a lot of people can relate to. For example I ran away when I was 17 years old and couch surfed with my 21 year old boyfreind who is in stage 3 kidney failure and is type one diabetic and has several other health problems. We lived off of food stamps,
Although I’ve always seemed to enjoy writing, I never categorized myself as an outstanding writer. As I advanced through each grade is school, I noticed that while I had no problems with writing, other students seemed to despise it. The frustrating part about this was the fact that these students often obtained higher grades, even though they hated to write. This never discouraged me, however it did make me think about what it was that my writing lacked. Once I broke down my writing process, I realized that my writing often lacked structure.
My experience as a writer although I need a lot more practice to become better at writing in general and learn how to be detailed with my information correctly. I would say my strength in writing will be knowing the subject on what I would want to write, but once I'm typing all of it down I over think and then does not make sense at all. For example, I get a topic talking about dogs and have to describe how they live, eat, etc. Like that topic is easier than doing one about a scientific method and at the end it helps because you learn a new topic about a subject you might have not known about. Overall, my strength would be knowing what to write about but my weakness is not knowing how to put it in a essay. What I have read affects how I write
Dixie: I found this to be of interest to me because if I don’t write something down right away then I forget it to. I am going to have to try your method. I think that your way of doing this is a good way. I forced myself to set down and daydreamed and think that it was really hard to write something. I panicked about what I was going to write.
I seriously LOVE writing. I enjoy the thrill of creating a story and making it come to life. I don’t know why, but when I’m writing I feel safe, secure, and comfortable. It also helps me take my mind off of stressful situations. My best piece of writing is still in construction. I don’t like being assigned a writing topic like poetry or rhyme and reason. I mostly write about things I want to learn. I guess it helps if I look at it, then read it over again. I get seriously, off-the-chart UPSET if someone interrupts my free write. It’s like I turn into the hulk when I’m totally P.O.ed. Most of my phrases come from books that I read. If a character I read is being a salty person, I say what he/she says when I’m salty. When I wake up in the morning,
From the early beginning of the school year to the current day, my writing skills and knowledge have improved and broadened over time. If not drastic, the change is noticeable nevertheless. For almost an entirety of eighth grade, assignments of varying difficulty challenged me to a degree. To be frank, some seemed as though they were beyond my comprehension and ability. However, determination amalgamated with knowledge obtained in advance helped me to overcome my doubts, for I exceeded my expectations; surprisingly good grades and comments are a delight, owing to the fact of that I don’t tend to think of myself as being proficient at writing. Consequently, the assignments given to me this school year shaped me into who I am as a writer.
The biggest point of growth in my writing only came once I started college, before that I only wrote to satisfy teachers and to answer whatever questions they wanted answered. I wasn’t developing habits of mind , which I’m sure was the intent of those teachers, and looking back I never really questioned, sought out anything, or thought of my writing as a conversation between me and my audience. My writing at best was the farthest thing from complex because to me it wasn’t the process it was meant to be, but just another assignment with limitations I was forced to do. If my high school self could only imagine what the freedom and lessons college writing would bring, I probably would have seen my assignments in a less oppressive light.
This year has gone surprisingly well. Albeit it's been three days, but I’m hopeful that this’ll be trend that continues. One major goal of mine for this year is passing my classes. If I can accomplish that, I’ll be happy. This is the first year I’m taking a college-level course. I’m in two AP classes. If nothing else, I want to become a better writer through this class. Learning how to write essays that are up to par for college is a necessary evil that I hope to work on. On an educational standpoint I want to improve myself as much as possible. My course load is going to be difficult to say the least. Being able to manage my time and still be able to do what I want is going to be a struggle for me.
Becoming an excellent writer takes plenty of practice and of course time, and dedication. As a writer myself I have many flaws that I need to work on in order to become successful in my freshman composition class. However I also have a few strengths that I believe will benefit me in class. In High school I had a difficult time in most of my english classes therefore I know it will be a struggle when entering Cal State La although I will perceiver it wont be easy. I will dedicate a lot of my time into my freshman composition class because it will be a class that I will have my hardest time in. Although it may be difficult, being consistent and having a positive mindset will push me through what i believe will be the class in which i struggle in throughout my university years.
Writing to me is one of the best ways to challenge one’s creativity. The best kind of writing causes people to exercise their imaginations and causes them to think differently then they may have previously. I’m hoping that writer’s craft will further my love of writing and that this letter will give you a little preview of who I am.