Thinking of my own personal Holokai is extremely exciting. I have many long-term goals that I believe this university will allow me to achieve. My dream job is to become a Pediatrician. I absolutely love children and know I want to work with them in my future. I realize this career path will require eight years of schooling, but I value education and look forward to continuing increasing my knowledge. After I graduate from a four-year university I plan on pursuing medical school so that I can make my dreams a reality. At this university, I would major in General Biology as a bachelor’s degree in this subject will allow me to be eligible for medical school. I would also minor in Spanish as I would love to study abroad in a Spanish speaking
Walking away from everything you once knew and starting over is never a picnic. Leaving Iraq, and moving to America has impacted my life more than anything. I was only 4 years old at that time, and the only English I spoke was “excuse me, water please.” My family and I did not know it then, but our lives were going to change; we would become “Americanized”. Learning English was one of the massive changes that occurred, the way I dressed (culture), and even the way I had power to go to school and educate myself.
I, Deputy Gough received a call reference a white Ford truck driving in the Gamester trailer court all over the roadway. Upon my arrival I spoke with David Vore and Jennifer Vore. Jennifer Stated that Randy was the driver of the white Ford truck that said, “All Good Construction.” David and Jennifer both stated that they saw the truck drive through the yard hitting a slow child at play sign and the stop sign.
I rush into my home and run up the stairs to my room. I jump on my bed and roll over to my laptop and open it quickly. I log onto the One Direction site and see that I made it in time to see the bid. I scroll and try and find my name and I see I'm in third place for the tickets and the time is running out. I've already bid $7000 for three tickets and backstage passes. The reason it's so expensive is because these passes are the last set of passes for their concert. 5sos is also playing so we would be meeting two bands and hearing both of them play.
It was late one day in June, and the sky was as blue and clear as sparkling wine. I sat back in my hammock reading the book Unbroken enjoying myself, and my uncle came up and asked me if I wanted to play poker with him, 5$ buy in. I jumped at the idea finished my page and went inside the house. Poker is a pretty big thing in my family and I’ve grown up playing and my uncle was one of the best, so spending time with him playing poker is always one of my favorite things to do. We proceed to set up the table, “Texas Holdem“ he says, Jacks to open”. Nothing weird, so we get the game going and the pots getting pretty big when all of the sudden he drops his cards. I stare the cards dead in the eye and see that i'm going to surpass him! He looks
In 2025, I will be twenty-nine years old and hopefully married. I will be married to my significant other of ten years Earnest Palmer III, who is a dentist. I would have been recently graduating with a bachelor’s in Culinary Arts and trying to plan to open my own restaurant, BubbaD’s Eateries. Knowing my big headed husband of mine, I probably had a baby then and trying to have another baby. Hopefully, by then Earnest will get rid of the idea naming our son, King. We will be living in the suburbs near New York City but working in the city. Being a woman with great memory, I probably wrote a memoir about my crazy life and trying to sell it to a publisher. If none of the publishers wants to publish my memoir, I will probably sell it the Lifetime
In 2015, the United States pours nearly $49 billion dollars in its foreign aid program. While the past of the United States has been centered around foreign affairs. This is the concept of an independent America, straying away from overseas involvements. However, in order to address the leaders of the UN General Assembly, Trump suggests others do the same. He explains before extending aid to other countries, the United States will focus on more internal problems. Disguising his true goal of America first, Trump attempts to appeal to the people of the UN with the term “sovereignty”. To provide an argument for his isolationist beliefs, Trump utilizes the devices of anaphora, juxtaposition and word choice. By employing these devices, Donald Trump expresses what he feels are his moral obligations of America first.
Kammi Kolanko is my mother and hero. She is 37 years old and works at a school as a substitute teacher in the Norwin Elementary School. She also lives in a house on 1180 Pinewood Road Irwin PA 15642. She helps me with my homework and makes sure I have everything ready for school in the morning each day. She also makes sure I have a good packed lunch for every day in school. She is a person who is an amazingly good and fast cook. She wants us, her kids, to not become selfish. She also wants us to lead productive lives. She hopes we can be kind people when we grow up.
You know that moment when you’re trying to reach the toilet paper but can't quite, then fall and kill yourself on a pumpkin? Yeah I know that feeling… it’s not good. It all started one very normalish day at 1065 Fitzgerald Ave.
There is a really cool new thing in the town, called the murder mystery weekend. You can book a weekend to take part in the game or just to watch how the other wanna-be detectives are going to solve the mystery. Over the whole weekend you are going to get more and more information. You can also sleep and eat there. It is a very cool idea and really good for young people cause they love it to solve a mystery.
When I was young my Dad would always remind me of how important these years as a kid are. He would always say watch how you act as a kid, for it will set the stage for the rest of your life. So many people I know ruined their lives when they were kids. This small, yet so important statement runs through my mind everyday. I love how everyone says they don’t care what people think of them, but I wish they knew how important it is to have a good image. I am not perfect, but I would like to be close as possible. But as Salvador Dali said “Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it. “ The problem I see is everyone wanting to be someone that they are not. Sure, we all have our idols that we look
Home is the beginning of one’s book. It is where your story begins, forms its characters, shows its purpose, and reveals its ora. This is how mine is written. Home is on the buzzing highway down a bumpy gravel road. It’s Brandon, Mississippi. It is the only home I’ve ever known. Home is the smell of homemade biscuits and tomato gravy on Saturday mornings. It is “Bless Your Heart” and “Yes Mam” and “No Sir”. The little bedroom in the back of a grey double-wide where Carrie Underwood songs played and where I learned to curl my hair and put on mascara. My cousins and I running around with mason jars, chasing the lightning bugs. Bar-B-q on the back porch and never meeting a stranger. It is the morals learned and the identity
My Signature Themes are achiever, arranger, responsibility, input, and significance. Each of these are very significant in defining my strengths and showing me how to best use my strengths in my future. My first strength was achiever and this is representing me as a whole, and is what I use in everyday life. I am a driven person who wants to accomplish many things and I visualize my life as a mountain that I will overcome every day and at the end of every day I will have a beautiful view of what I have accomplished. I use every day in events such as: relentless volunteering, working long hours and everything is done with an impeccable sense of satisfaction after completion. My second and third strengths are arranger and responsibility. These
Hey, it's me as usual. You’re never going to read this but I just need to get some things that have been on my mind out. Lately I find myself listening to X‘s album 17, and it makes me think about so much stuff that I had put aside and hidden somewhere in my head during the beginning of summer. some which I can't even fathom the words to explain. what makes letting go of things so hard is that I promised myself that I would never abandon anyone or let go of the things I care the most about. I never wanted to turn out like my birth mom, I didn't want to be able to forget about someone as easily as she forget about me or even when she forgot about me in the hospital the day I was born to go buy drugs because she cared about that more than her own child. I've always promised myself that I will be the person she was never able to be, that's what makes it impossible to just leave when someone just gives up on me. I've figured out why I'm the way I am, everyone says I have bad taste in guys but they couldn't be more wrong. I've never admitted liking someone till
The fresh aroma of cinnamon rolls filled my nostrils and I heaved a deep sigh of pleasure. Carefully, I pulled them from the oven, a steady flow of steam rising off of them. I laid the tray carefully on the counter and stood back to look at the beauty of my creation. Eight, symmetrical cinnamon rolls lined up on a silver tray, just praying to be eaten. I grabbed the bowl of frosting and poured the thick, creamy, white substance over them, watching it slide like honey. I smiled with satisfaction. This is where I loved to be. Where I wanted to be. In the kitchen, whipping up something spectacular, watching the magic that I could create with just my hands. The different colors and textures and smells were outstanding combinations capable of overwhelming
In life do we see that everyone else is wrong or do we not want to admit that we are wrong? In my eyes I don't want to admit that I am wrong because I don't want to seem stupid. I ran into a situation last night during soccer practice that I want to understand where the other people are coming from. In this situation people are saying that a group of us Seniors on the soccer team are favorites and in my eyes I don't see that at all.