one of the biggest decisions of my life was choosing a major for my post high school education. Many people seem to have a general idea to what they would like to major in at a relatively young age while others have a more difficult time deciding what to do with their future and sadly I was one of those unlucky few.
I think we should all have a chance to go to school and be professionals and study what we want to. There is a lot of people that didn’t get a chance to go to college after high school for personal reasons. They should have programs that help kids to finish school. With money living and other things sometimes financial aid it’s not enough so most of them are forced to work and they end up not going to school. Now there parents and they have to work to pay for house and food and other things. Half of my friends didn’t go to college after they graduated high school, and some of them didn’t even finish high school.
It was an warm sunny day I was dabbing it ,four boys were strolling down woods street. There four boys names were Mac,dope boy ,devin and Shaddy. Devin was the smartest one out of all of them hood boys,the rest was the same.Devin was ready to start his own business selling shoes.Dope boy,Mac and Shaddy were going on the wrong path selling drugs,robbing and beating up people. Devin would hang around with them often and conversed with them, but he would not do any bad things. Mac has been a dad already, he had to take care of his 2 year old. Dope boy had an older brother, but, he go shoot a couple weeks ago. Dope boy was reckless, everyone was scared of him even his own mother feared for his life .Shaddy was the slickest one out of all of then, he would get away with everything he did.Shaddy was a only child ,no mother, no father living with his grandparents and living in the worst part of town.
I am fortunate enough to have born into a healthy middle class family. I have never had to worry about not having enough food on the table, or getting the electricity cut off. I still have all four of my grandparents and live in a safe neighborhood. My life has, thankfully, been easy so far. I have never had to make huge, life changing decisions. Well, that is until now, with college and my life after high school quickly approaching.
All around the world there are overweight kids who get picked on daily. On January 9, 2007 I weighed 322 pounds, at the age of 14. Life to me was all about being an all American by eating cheeseburgers from fast food restaurants and maintaining good grades. Good grades allowed me to receive money from my parents, where I would go purchase burgers every day after school. During physical education I was never chosen to be on anyone’s teams because I was considered slow and dead weight. No one wanted to be friends with the boy everyone called “grease ball “. I was being criticized in every way and form.
As soon as I got to high school, everyone started asking me what I wanted to do after high school and what my goals were. What high school freshman knows what they want to do with their life? Very few, and I wasn’t one of them. I always knew that I would probably do something in the health field, partly because that’s what my dad did, but also because I’ve always had a heart for helping people, especially children. It wasn’t, however, until Junior year when I got my first job that I knew what I wanted to pursue as a career. Now before I go into what that career choice is and why, there is something which the reader must understand. My dad went to college and got his Master’s degree, my mom only had her high school diploma. Both of my parents agreed that all of their children should go to college, so for me the question wasn’t “should I go to college?”, but rather, “where should I go, what should I do, and how will I stay out of debt?”
Everything was load and I was backing away, new to this all. Not sure if I should stay or go. Ready to go home. Wasn’t sure what was going on. I took a seat in the corner of the room. After the bell had rang, everyone was getting quiet and making sure that they can get hear their name getting called for attendance. It took a fews days to adjust to. Then everyone became like one big family, even on the hottest days we stuck together, getting ready for competitions. I had stayed in band, and love it. I had learned to play violin later that year but for my fourth period. Then I had went to band class for seventh period. I didn’t learn how to play another instrument in band but what I did do was Color guard. It was a chance going into a high school
“Tomás, what school do you want to go to this fall" my mother Martha, said to me. This along with the many “Hey, where are you going this fall? Want to room together at Ole Miss?” forced me to think about my impending future after my high school experience. Being from Mississippi I was not an Aggie from birth, my mother attended the University of Texas makes hissing noises* and my father, Thomas Braly Jr., attended a little school on Mackinac Island that ceased to exist only 4 years after opening. So with little to no major direction or fixed plans for my future I went with what I know and love, the water. All of the schools I applied and got accepted to had a sailing team or had maritime related courses, but Texas A&M here at Galveston just seemed to work
I was standing with hundreds of my peers in an extremely claustrophobic and humid hallway, awaiting to receive my high school diploma. My hands trembled as I slowly walked alongside the podium where my principal quietly congratulated me and handed me my diploma. As I proceeded to my assigned seat, I gawked at the high quality piece of paper that seemed insignificant at the time, but would knowingly open many doors for me in the future. I was nervous. Nervous about walking down a path without a final destination, all alone.
Have you ever thought what it would be like to grow up? Over the past 9 months or so, I see change “growth” every single day. I recently just started high school, at Piedmont around 14 years old. My school year will end May 25th 2018, and by that time I could share over what feels like a million lessons learned. This school year I’ve spent my all time worrying about school, grades and the pom team i made. The life during high school is something you’ll never forget until the day you die. Everything to me about high school, is fun and enjoyable but then I realized I’m actually growing up and becoming more independent.
I am notorious for being clumsy. Sometimes I envision how my senior graduation will turn out, full of trepidation that I will trip on stage as I am approaching my principal to receive my diploma. Regardless, I realize that as the number of days left in high school decreases, it does not matter what happens on stage; all that matters is that I am finally graduating. OR
My high school education has prepared me for my next steps after graduation. There has been people that have help me get prepared for the next step and some of the education has helped me for the next step. School has prepared me because I known the basic skills needed out in the real world. Like math has help me get prepared for the money troubles and English has helped my right a resume to get a better job.
When I finished high school from my home town, I decided to move to bigger city for higher study. My parents sent me to one of dad’s older brother house for stay, so I stayed there for about one year. Everybody was okay in that house except for my aunt, she never treated me good. The problem was she had two sons, so she always discriminated between son and daughter. She had a problem with the way I talk, my outfit, my hair, and many other stuffs. I had to make breakfast in the morning, then cook lunch by 11am, and I had a school from 12 pm until 3pm, and when I comeback from school, I had to cook dinner. During the weekend, I had to clean house, wash clothes, and go for grocery shopping. I was basically a servant, and I did not do well in my
I saw it. I saw as they drove into the peaceful grape fields that could be seen from any direction as the scorching sun burned our skin. I worked in those fields for eleven hours everyday with my parents. The peace was interrupted when the fields where invaded by white cars with a green stripe on both sides of the vehicle. Men in uniforms came out of the vehicles and started taking away some of my family’s closest acquaintances. I was seven years old when I discovered the reason my family lived in fear of stepping one foot outside the house unless it was absolutely necessary. The thought that they would take my parents away from me made fear overwhelm me until I dropped on my knees. My father grabbed my mother and I and ran as fast as we could
Throughout my high school education, there have been many factors that contributed to my performance. Some were out of my control and others were solely my actions. I take full responsibility for not pushing myself to try harder in school. Some circumstances made this difficult, at the time I lived at home with my mother, sister, and brother but then one day it all changed. First, my brother joined the Marines and left home and soon after my sister followed and joined the Air Force and also left. Since my mother is a single parent, my siblings contributed a lot financially and helped her tremendously. For this reason, she began to work even longer hours. To attempt to help my mother, I started working a lot when I turned 16. My mistake was
My goal after high school is to go college for 4 years and take all the class that requires for my career, bank service. I want this job to be my career because it’s an indoor job, and it has to do with helping people organizing their finances, and not only because it’s an indoor job but also because it’s kind of a challenging job.