What is your relationship with writing? We all have to write, whether we like to do it or not. Writing is a crucial element to a normal, functional life. This touches work, school, family, and interpersonal relationships. Everyone’s personal dynamic with writing is a little different. These differences are molded by our past experiences in school, family, and work. My relationship with writing is different than I see in most. I prefer to write academic, data driven, objective, and noncreative things. This has had a profound impact on my life. I find advantage, and disadvantage in my writing habits. I realize it may be limiting to confine myself to only what I am comfortable with though.
My past experiences are at the very core
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This includes work, school, and our personal relationships with each other. I find an advantage at work in the fact that I like to, and I’m good at writing objective content. This is especially true because I plan to work in finance; something very fact and data driven. Writing objectively is very important in most jobs. It’s also a skill that not everyone is enjoys, or is good at. This means I’ll be good at writing reports, memos, emails, and other business correspondence. In school, my relationship with writing varies subject to subject. I wouldn’t enjoy a creative writing course so much. However, I find that most subjects such use an objective style of writing. I found this to be a tremendous advantage in fact based courses. When it comes to writing in my personal life, I find my objective writing tendencies to be a huge disadvantage. The most important thing about creatively writing is being able to express yourself. I’m not so good at this. I feel an impact in that my friends and family often don’t know how I’m feeling because I lack the core writing skills to express them. I would like to fix this by familiarizing myself with writing from the heart rather than my
My earliest experience with writing was my learning period that formed not only my style of writing but how I studied and the ability to apply words and concepts into a structured format. The process at first was difficult because it was my first time being exposed to structured writing which caused me to put it off until the last minute or lose interest in the topic I was writing about. The rowdy classroom was eager to release near the end of the day, but we knew we had to face one of the more uninteresting subjects of the day: middle school English.The teacher thoroughly explained our assignment which made each one of us cringe. The class finally initiated work mode and I was clueless. I would start to make progress but would be constantly
I see myself as a creative person and one of the ways to express my creativity in the past has been through my writing. Most of my experience with writing has been enjoyable, which led to all my writing assignments for school to be tolerable. I not only see higher level writing as a chance to pass a class and get a good grade, but I also see how it leads me to better express my interests and points of view on whatever I choose to write about.
My original attitude about writing in general was that I was not good or interested at it. My current attitude for writing has changed a lot. In English 1101 and 1102, the teachers would make us write about topics they chose and it never intrigued me. In this class, we got to pick some of our topics and it helped me become more interested. Now, I feel more interested in writing when I get to write on a topic I like. I believe I have learned to include sensory details into my writing through this class and it really intrigues the
Upon entering Columbia College, writing was one of my weaker areas. It was very important that I gained the necessary knowledge and confidence to become a better writer. I didn’t know how to express myself and felt as though my writing was not my interest. As a result of taking English 101, I have gained a better understanding on how to properly research and build a satisfactory paper. Every paper that was assigned seemed like a struggle to complete. Before entering this class, I did not know the meaning of a thesis or why it was important, however, I obtained this skill quickly. I noticed that every paper has an argument and the thesis helps clarify the rebuttal. Now, I have a new outlook on writing. It’s a way to express my thoughts and allow others to see things through my eyes. There is no doubt that I still have a long way to go, but I know if I continue to write, I will get better. Just as I developed more skills in class, the various papers assigned helped to better structure the writer in me. In addition, the subject areas were not only interesting, but very informative and made it much easier to write about my experiences.
Writing is one of life 's most important skills and I have learned a vast amount about writing through my high school experience. I have learned that writing is not a strict, structured piece of work, but a free place to express facts and opinions. Personally, I have mixed feelings about writing; I enjoy the independence, but often have a hard time connecting all of my thoughts in a coherent way. Just as most high school students, my writing style and ability has grown and morphed throughout my years, and I still have much to learn.
A learner’s ability to communicate effectively through writing to his/her target audiences is a major prerequisite for academic success. It is also a major pillar of success in one’s career across all areas of practice. Even though, writing clearly is critical to one’s academic and career success, I have not always loved writing. In fact, for a long time I despised writing. At one point, I had a feeling that my writings skills were bound to remain stagnated throughout my life. However, time has proven that I was wrong. My attitude and outlook towards virtually all genres of writing has changed positively. The various helpful methods I have been exposed to by my English teachers through different grades have helped me
While writing, I personally am inclined to show a superior style when I write. As I submerge myself into my writing I channel my flow of my inner thoughts into a style of writing appropriate for the piece. I can convey my sense of character as I compose my work. As a very opinionated person I also exceed in developing my position. I credit myself the trait of a very reflective mind. As I consider my position, I am able to filter my thoughts to construct a better understanding of my topic. Additionally, I also excel at applying word choice. I can use an array of vocabulary words that enhance the quality of my paper. When writing, I endeavor to keep my sentences full of variety and not exhaust my phrase and sentence structure.
I do enjoy writing, more so about topics that interest me. I try to find something in any topic I’m given that interests me, having that mindset helps me get through the writing process much easier. I have writers block sometimes especially while writing papers for school. I am definitely a procrastinator but, I’m trying to change that in college. I am working toward becoming a better student and writer. I want to be an Elementary School teacher, so I have to know the right techniques in order to teach students. Writing for school although it is something I don’t like, I know I have to do it in order to learn and get better as a writer. One of the few times I did enjoy writing for class was an assignment that I had to research and write about
So many aspects of our lives rely on the ability to effectively communicate. The most important aspect of my life is the relationships that I’ve formed; many of these people have helped shape me into the person that I have become. However, writing has become a major part of my life. Without having the ability to express my feelings by writing, I feel like I would merely keep them bottled up inside. Additionally, reading has allowed me to enter new worlds; you can become a world traveler by reading a phenomenal book. In conclusion, I would be a completely different person with limited experiences and restricted
In other words, I can write with clarity on even the most technical of subjects, making them accessible to readers. Along with being able to do what I love as a writer, I am also afforded great opportunities to learn and will always go the extra mile when it comes to my work.
My high school education pushed me to focus on excellent word choice and creating sentences that flow smoothly. Expressing myself via the written word has always been my preferred form of communication. Ever since I was little I enjoyed writing short stories and letters to my grandparents. The training I received in school assisted me in my development of choosing the right words to explain what I was striving to communicate in an effective fashion. Forming sentences that flowed together in an organized manner was also a skill I was naturally gifted with but have worked diligently to hone over the years. These aspects of writing are what comes naturally to me and have allowed me to sharpen other facets of my writing ability throughout this class.
The type of document everyone writes is one of the most important parts of someone’s life. Every passing year of school and college one important thing to keep in mind is what career someone would want in the future. What job would someone love or hate to do? Every passing second you write documents that defines your personality and your future success. As everyone thinks of what career they want to pursue they should also think about what type of writing is included in that career. Every career has some kind of writing included it just depends what kind. Different career has different writing skills involve, styles of writing and the amount of writing involved. From kindergarten to high school to college everyone is required to write some kinds for paper or words. As we go to higher grade we are required to write more and more in every class in the school and in college everyone is required to write 10 -12 pages of essays to help improve in writing skills. College is one major stage that teaches everyone to write in new and different skills to practice for future job. As an IT major I am more likely to write code as my daily life. Also minoring in business I will be
Writing has always played a huge role in my life. I’ve been reading writing for as long as I can remember as I have an immense love of reading. This love would grow into a love for writing as well; I still stumble upon journals and writings from my five-year-old self about the happenings in my kindergarten class. As time would go on I would discover academic writing, and how to convey my thoughts on what was the topic of student that particular year or semester in my schooling. Later, writing would become a constant for me, and a comfort; I was known to my friends as always having a journal, and a pen on my person. I learned to write down my feelings and my thoughts, song lyrics that were in my head, reflections for the day. I learned how
We must all go through the experience of writing. Writing experiences are harmful and tragic, while others offer a sense of joy and pride. Some writing experiences are viewed as a formulated acquired skill and others as a beautiful and eloquent form of art. The process of our perception into what we write and convey is confounding because each person perceives it differently that the next.
This should answer my view on writing, my experiences and identity through writing. One can deduce my strengths and definite weaknesses.They started as letters. The first day I met her, I wrote her a letter. She faux-pouted and then smiled at me, my words no longer important or meaningful compared to the look in my eyes. That was the first letter I ever wrote to her. The next forty or so, I haven’t a clue what they were about anymore, and they’re just as well lost to the wind; but I’m now convinced beyond any doubt that they were what endeared me to her – these stupid, silly letters, one every day, most of them filled with whimsical dreams of Europe and love, of root-beer and summertime: like I said, stupid, silly things. We were both really young, and arrogantly, hopelessly naive. We had no idea the kinds of things awaiting us; but back then, really, it didn’t matter so much. We were in love, so it goes, and when you’re in love, you think you’re invincible, you think you’re endless, you think you’re forever.