
Personal Narrative: My Relationship With Writing

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What is your relationship with writing? We all have to write, whether we like to do it or not. Writing is a crucial element to a normal, functional life. This touches work, school, family, and interpersonal relationships. Everyone’s personal dynamic with writing is a little different. These differences are molded by our past experiences in school, family, and work. My relationship with writing is different than I see in most. I prefer to write academic, data driven, objective, and noncreative things. This has had a profound impact on my life. I find advantage, and disadvantage in my writing habits. I realize it may be limiting to confine myself to only what I am comfortable with though.

My past experiences are at the very core …show more content…

This includes work, school, and our personal relationships with each other. I find an advantage at work in the fact that I like to, and I’m good at writing objective content. This is especially true because I plan to work in finance; something very fact and data driven. Writing objectively is very important in most jobs. It’s also a skill that not everyone is enjoys, or is good at. This means I’ll be good at writing reports, memos, emails, and other business correspondence. In school, my relationship with writing varies subject to subject. I wouldn’t enjoy a creative writing course so much. However, I find that most subjects such use an objective style of writing. I found this to be a tremendous advantage in fact based courses. When it comes to writing in my personal life, I find my objective writing tendencies to be a huge disadvantage. The most important thing about creatively writing is being able to express yourself. I’m not so good at this. I feel an impact in that my friends and family often don’t know how I’m feeling because I lack the core writing skills to express them. I would like to fix this by familiarizing myself with writing from the heart rather than my

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