I was born with Fibular Hemimelia, a condition that leaves my left leg significantly shorter than my right leg. To decrease the length discrepancy, I have had countless surgeries between the ages of 8-14, which placed me in the hospital for long periods of time. These were very challenging times where I had to manage my pain, parents, and school. The only way to fix my medical condition was through leg lengthening or amputations. I decided to have leg lengthenings, which meant that I pulled my bones apart a cm every day and had 21 rods through my leg. I didn’t handle the pain the best at first — I would scream and refuse to move. However, because of other things going on I had to suck it up. While I was in the hospital handling pain I also
Some people think of them as animals. Some people think of them as objects. Some people think of them as friends. Then there are the few who think of them as family. Horses have always been like family to humans, except sometimes closer. There are many benefits to owning or being around horses. They come in many different colors. There is a multitude of breeds, also. Additionally, they have a long history with humans. Horses have unique behaviors. Showing horses has been the past-time or even career of many people. Furthermore, caring for horses can be a handful, but is definitely rewarding. Finally, riding horses is not just a hobby or a sport, but an action of your heart. Horses are wondrous creatures that have lived with man or
On average, over 6 million people break bones each year in the United States; most of these cases will heal without problems. On August 11 of 2007 I was one of those 6 million people. It was just a normal day, summer was starting to wind down as school was about to begin. I was at a play day rodeo in Dupree for the better part of the day, I won $10 for being the champion of the ribbon jerking event. I was so happy to have received that money! My grandparents decided to have supper at their house for me and we went on our way to go visit them.
One obstacle I have faced, and will continue to face, revolves around my feet. When I was born, the doctor immediately informed my mother that I was happy and healthy, however, my feet happened to be upside down and backwards. In the next few weeks, my parents met with scores of doctors to learn about my condition, know as bilateral Clubfoot. The most notable of these doctors was Dr. Ignacio Ponseti, arguably the most learned doctor in the field of Clubfoot, who said to my mother: “my best advice would be to prepare him for a desk job”. Since my birth, I have had two sets of surgeries on my feet, have had casts on both legs for years, and was in a wheelchair for almost a year at the age of five. The innumerable challenges posed by my disorder
I retreated to the waiting room where my parents sat hopefully, hope which does not exist. I couldn’t bear to tell them, my parents whom have cared for me and love me, I can’t bear to see them worried. “I consulted with the doctor, I have decided to have part of my leg amputated.” I said this as calmly and confidently as I could, as if I had chosen to do this, hoping they would think it was my choice and diminish their distress with such a procedure. My father and mother stood up, smiling at me, a smile I will never forget.
In the Earlier years of Korea, the two main religions were Buddhism and Confucianism. Confucianism was a religion that was founded by the ancient chinese philosopher Confucius. Confucianism was created to form a new type of government. It would be a government where peace and order would be the two main priorities. Confucianism made its way to Korea during the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392).
I was thirteen, and I had just come home from a school softball game. My friend Dalton had invited my sister and I to come and swim at the neighborhood pond. My sister stayed home, but I got permission to go. After a while of swimming, Dalton looks at me claims that he’ll jump out of a tree near the bank if I jump out. Of course, I accepted my friend’s little dare and climbed into the tree, focusing on the seven-foot-deep drop-off off of the bank. Regrettably, I didn’t jump far enough. My right leg landed in the drop-off, but my left leg hit the clay, which caused all of my weight to shift to my left foot. I felt an immense pain in my ankle and started screaming while crawling over to the bank as Dalton ran to get my mom. After I finally made it to the emergency room, I found that I had broken my fibula at an upward slant, which caused the upper part of the bone to slam down into my ankle.I had completely blown out every ligament and tendon on the left side of my ankle. I had to have a plate and four screws implanted into my fibula along with the surgical repair of all of my ligaments and tendons. The entire ordeal left me extremely interested in the human body, and this interest was heightened when I had to get my appendix removed a few months later and again when I took Anatomy and
In the middle of my freshman year I was taken out of school for two months because I needed spinal surgery for severe scoliosis. Because of my spinal deficiencies, it was very difficult for me to do everyday activities like running, carrying a backpack, sleeping, and at times even breathing became a challenge. This surgery is very delicate and took about eight hours to complete. I knew this surgery was crucial and risky, but I was not afraid to have it. In fact, I was more excited than scared to have the procedure because I was tired of being in pain and having my condition continue to worsen. I went into the surgery room brave, without any other thoughts than coming out of surgery with a positive result. My doctor put two metal rods permanently
Being a typical 9 year old, I bawled my eyes out. When I moved my arm, it hurt even more. My mom came over to see what all the commotion was all about and I told her what had gone on. I also told her that whenever I moved my arm, it hurt and it felt very weird. She told me we would have to head to the hospital in Columbus to go get an X-Ray to see if it was broken. Thankfully, this was after my older brother’s band’s performance. He came over to us, and my mom told what was about to happen and what we were about to do. He wasn’t happy, to say the least. After about 5 minutes of arguing, my brother lost and my mom took the rest of us to Columbus. As we got into the car, she told me to keep my arm as still as I could, to which I did. We didn’t go to the hospital right away, however, we went to McDonald’s instead to try and make me feel better with some ice cream. It worked, and made me feel glad, even until I got into the hospital. I had never had a broken bone before up until that point in my life, so I didn’t know what to expect. We sat in the waiting room for about 5-10 minutes, until the nurse came into the room to tell us that the doctor was waiting. We got into
It was 5 am. My grandpa and I woke everyone up so we can get ready so we can go out and get set.We all got dressed we grabed our gun and seat then we started to walk to the stands. We walked for about 30 minutes to get to our stands. First my anut got to her stand then my uncle split up. My grandpa and I keeped on moving. We walked for 15 mintues to get to our stands. Finally I got to my stand. The steps on the stand was frozen. It was really hard to get uo I slipped the first time and I hit my knee and it really really hurt bad. I got up finally the cold breez touched my face my face got really red like an apple. There were barley any trees in front of my on the sides of me were a lot of trees I couldnt ever see though them. The clear opening
Leadership is a skill that takes time and dedication to obtain and requires the ability to inspire a positive attitude in those around you. The leadership roles I have obtained will be useful in improving myself and the environment around me. I have been on the varsity lacrosse team since freshman year. Now that it is my senior year, I was appointed by my head coach as team captain. The position of captain has given me the opportunity to encourage younger players to continue the sport and settle disputes within the team while also providing the players with a mentor outside of lacrosse too. I met one of the incoming freshman players by inviting her to sit with me at lunch. This allowed me to build a friendship with the girl and establish a level of trust among the team.
On July 21, 2001 my mother was in an accident at work and she had to have her leg amputated. I was just three years old, and my older brother was four. It took roughly 2 years, and more than 16 surgeries for her to have the ability to walk again. As a child this situation impacted my life traumatically and ever since I was old enough to understand what happened to her I have been inspired to help people who suffer from similar circumstances. Due to poor judgment and amateur choices made by my mothers’ doctors, she still to this day continuously has problems with her leg, which could have easily been avoided. If my mother would have had access to extraordinary or even adequate doctors she would have been able to return to my brother and I much
Growing up I wanted to be exactly like everyone else, as every kid does. No one wants to endure something that sets them apart from their peers and opens a vulnerability to be taunted. This why I tried my best to keep it a secret from my friends, teachers and coaches that I am completely deaf in my left ear. When I was born, the hospital ran hearing tests on all new infants and they discovered that I could not hear out of my left ear. Over the course of the next few years, my parents tried to find the cause and a cure through additional testing and an MRI, but learned that nothing could be done. Once I started school, I was old enough to realize that I was a little different than other kids my age.
Think of your favorite thing in the world to do. Something that defines you. Something that you can only experience from your eyes. For me it is soccer, and through that came a rite of passage that will be with me forever.
It was a brisk cold morning in Alaska. Three of my cousin and I woke up to the birds chirping. It was a little before church services began. My cousins and I asked our parents if we could ride our bikes and scooter down to the Metro Cafe to get hot chocolate topped with whip cream and sprinkles. They said, ” yes just watch for cars.” Then we left the house, we could hear the faint sounds of the children playing at the park that was across the street from the church. Once we got moving one of my cousins had to pee so we stopped in at the church where her mother volunteered, so she could use the bathroom. While she was in the bathroom my other cousins and I traded what we were riding. I, unfortunately, was stuck with
According to the globalist.com, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget states that the person reading this right now has a life worth roughly seven to eight million dollars. Other agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, have the number set at 9.1 million. It’s interesting to think on this number considering that some people will never come close to making or seeing this amount of money. Although, at the same time, studies have conducted that you as a human being are worth that much. So if we are worth so much, for example nine million, then an estimated 13,032,000,000 dollars in human lives have been wasted since 1976. This is the year that the death penalty was reinstated. This was a wrong move on the government’s part