
Personal Narrative: My Sophomore Year Of High School

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With every year that goes by, it seems that high school gets to be more stressful for students. With big stakes and college applications ahead of many of my younger peers, there also seems to be more stress and less opportunities taken towards learning. From the countless classes that I have taken over my time in high school, the ones that I did not do so well in the beginning turned out to be the ones I have learned the most from. To give an example, let me talk about my first F I have ever received on a test in my life. In my sophomore year of high school, I decided to take the infamous Algebra II Honors taught by one of the toughest teachers at my school. The class in the beginning was a struggle because I was not understanding the concepts and I was scared to ask for …show more content…

I thought I did mediocre, but when seeing the score I got, I began to flutter my eyes in silent tears. This was the first F I have ever received on a test. I first thought that I was a complete failure and that I should drop the class immediately. I conversed with my teacher and she said you have two options, you can give up or you can persist forward. I obviously tired to be sincere and told her that I do not want to waste her time, because if I can barely get a quarter of the questions right, then I should not even been placed in her class. She looked at me and said, "Then I guess you will give up then? Even though you are going over this one bump, and you just decided to end it like that, huh?" She made me feel even worse for giving up. From then on, I came in and I started to do the work, but it took me forever to master the concepts. I noticed that I needed more practice than the majority of the other kids. It was not that I was bad at math, it was that I needed to work harder to understand the problems. I will say it, there were a few more sob stories coming after that, with future tests I would

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