
Personal Narrative: My Stereotypes Who I Am

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Do you want to know what reveals who I am? Keep reading and then you will find out. I’m going to be talking about what reveals who I am. This is going to be my topic through the whole story. I am going to be talking about multiple things in this essay. If you want to find out, then keep reading. My interests reveals who I am. My interests are shooting, hunting, fishing, survival, and soccer. Those are my interests. Those interests say that I am an athlete and an outdoorsman. I grew up shooting in the country and I find it very entertaining. I have been shooting my whole life. I have shot a 22. Long rifle, 22. Revolver, 22. Pistol, 20 gauge, 410, 30-30, 44, Ar-15, Henry rifle, 20 gauge slug, and a 17. I acquire most of those guns. Next, is hunting. I didn’t grow up hunting, but I started a few years ago. I have been hunting quite a bit. I have killed a deer, a wild hog, and 2 pheasants, and quite a bit of black birds. I went to Tennessee for hog hunting and I go to Kentucky for deer. I stay local when i’m pheasant hunting. …show more content…

I have caught a big bass in the Eureka Lake before. I was 15 inches. I have caught a significant amount of other fish in the Eureka Lake. The best place that I go fishing at is Lake Evergreen. I have caught million’s of crappie, blue gill, bass, sunfish, and strippers. Fourth, is survival. I love watching survival shows. The shows are supposed to test the persons competent to survive. I never tried any of the stuff that is on the shows, but I have always wanted to try it. I know a ton about survival tips and I think I could do it but I have never tried. I love that kind of

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