Do you want to know what reveals who I am? Keep reading and then you will find out. I’m going to be talking about what reveals who I am. This is going to be my topic through the whole story. I am going to be talking about multiple things in this essay. If you want to find out, then keep reading. My interests reveals who I am. My interests are shooting, hunting, fishing, survival, and soccer. Those are my interests. Those interests say that I am an athlete and an outdoorsman. I grew up shooting in the country and I find it very entertaining. I have been shooting my whole life. I have shot a 22. Long rifle, 22. Revolver, 22. Pistol, 20 gauge, 410, 30-30, 44, Ar-15, Henry rifle, 20 gauge slug, and a 17. I acquire most of those guns. Next, is hunting. I didn’t grow up hunting, but I started a few years ago. I have been hunting quite a bit. I have killed a deer, a wild hog, and 2 pheasants, and quite a bit of black birds. I went to Tennessee for hog hunting and I go to Kentucky for deer. I stay local when i’m pheasant hunting. …show more content…
I have caught a big bass in the Eureka Lake before. I was 15 inches. I have caught a significant amount of other fish in the Eureka Lake. The best place that I go fishing at is Lake Evergreen. I have caught million’s of crappie, blue gill, bass, sunfish, and strippers. Fourth, is survival. I love watching survival shows. The shows are supposed to test the persons competent to survive. I never tried any of the stuff that is on the shows, but I have always wanted to try it. I know a ton about survival tips and I think I could do it but I have never tried. I love that kind of
It all started in second grade with bickering, name calling, darting eyes and especially tattle taling. She was mean and irritating and would tell the teacher on everything I did. I was so disgusted with people who picked their noses, that I decided to tell on Hannah every time she did. Even though everyone did it, I always told on Hannah. Over the years it would continue, until seventh grade. My mortal enemy became my friend.
FUN! CHEEKY! GIGGLES! Those are the best words to describe @amandaware1 who is, quite easily, one of the few so-much-fun-my-sides-hurt #models I've met so far. Completely and utterly entertaining to hang out with, if not slightly insane, I genuinely didn't want to leave her place after filming her cook her classic #breakfast dish which - yes really - included GLUTEN-FILLED WHITE PROCESSED BREAD. If ever there was a sign that you're back in England that would be it. We poke fun (way too much) at health trends, healthy eating and get down to the details on what made the Aussie (former #ANTM I'll have you know!) babe choose infinitely grey London over the golden coast. Also, editing this was the easiest video so far and every time I replay it,
My conformed profile is ISTP; which means that in both work and school I'm a person who's difficult to get to know well, due to the 'walls' that I used to circle myself with; keeping my time and energy out of everyone's hand, which causes me to be prejudged by others, most of times, before they get to know me better, in both of work and school, people think that I'm not interested in their life or in their talks, which is a totally true, but absolutely not out of disrespect, simply because I can't force myself to care, and I am not that good with pretending to want to hear everyone's story and what did they have for breakfast. The more people around me, the more powerless I become, and to be fair; I don't put all of the people that I know on
Growing up in New York, there were many invaluable experiences I wouldn’t have traded for any other childhood. What I attain is great intercultural intelligence and being able to defy stereotypes and discrimination. As a melting pot, I remember having an African American best friend and, in high school, I learned more about many different Asian heritages and cultures.
Ironically, even though my generation tends to be more liberal that certainly has not been the case for my friends. Specifically, my male friends tend to fit every “redneck” stereotype and are hard core republicans. Coming from a small school, I was stuck with them regardless of if I liked it a lot. Surprising, I grew to love it and look it as another opportunity. I tend to be very outspoken with people I feel comfortable around. Because of this my friends are sure to know where I stand on issues. Being the only direct and vocal democrat in our friend group set me for endless debates, name-calling, and even an occasional agreement. The debates I had with my friend were often long and aggressive, especially when I tend to be the lone wolf in
There was a time when I was young, innocent, stupid, and a scaredy cat. This happened when I was about 9 years old, when the world consisted of cartoons, school, and lots of sugar. My brother on the other hand preferred stuffed animals and dolls, and he had this one stuffed doll that looked like a farmer that wore a blue overall and had orange hair. I and my brother shared a room and he would always align all his stuff animals and dolls in an orderly fashion on the desk where they all were pointed towards us, when we were asleep.
Uncomfortable situations are not fun for anybody, but sometimes things are not what they seem. Last summer on an average Friday I was preparing myself for my big lacrosse tryout the following day. At the same time I was also preparing myself for the wide spread of personalities on the team, but listening to all the stereotypes and experience, I thought I knew what they would be like. I assumed I was walking into a tryout with a bunch of rich, snobby, arrogant cities boys, which knew daddy had money. As I drove the boring, simplistic hour and a half drive that’s all I could think about. I was concerned when I should have been excited. As I arrived at my grandparents, I settled myself down and prepared for bed, it was going to be an early morning and a long day.
Life is like a compass. It leads us to find new things about ourselves, and to ask new questions. Throughout history we have seen many age groups portrayed. Babies cry a lot, and live to make their parents lose sleep. Toddlers are the golden children that secretly hid the older siblings favorite things. The Grade Schoolers are at that age where they start to gain responsibility. Teenagers text all day blaring music as loud as they can, with their windows down. These are stereotypes, but some can be accurate depending on the person.
When I was younger, I had a lot of trouble talking to people. I was shy, the kind of shy that brought books to bible school classes and read them underneath of desks just to avoid socializing. People were scary, I did not know to interact with them. So I turned to spending a lot of time working with and researching animals. When I was in 3rd grade my neighbor gave me a key to his dog kennel so I could play with his puppies. I remember walking up to his house every day after school for an hour or two that year. In tenth grade, I started fostering parrots.
When living in Seattle, WA with my mother, things were not going well. I moved back to Atlanta with my father when I turned 11 years old. Ever since then, many blessings have come into my life. I attained the hobby that allured to me the most which is photography. My love for photography started five years ago. In seventh grade, I used an old digital camera to take photos of casual subjects such as animals, nature, and portraits. In Eighth grade, my parents bought a professional digital camera for the family, but I ended up using it way more than intended. That was when I built up the quality of my work and my photography improved. I consider myself as a bubbly person and If I am passionate about something, I will work for it. My extracurricular activities inhere of photography, marching band, and soccer.
Once a young man asked me how I would write the word, “love”. I brought out a paper and
“Are you Indian or Pakistani? What’s the difference between Pakistani, Indian, or Arabian? They’re all the same.” These are common questions and statements that are said to me. Many people assume that there is no polarity between the many Asian ethnicities, but I am here to prove that that’s wrong and break the many stereotypes made about me and who I am as a person. You might think of me as an Indian or Pakistani girl. As an illustration, Asians are identified to have a brown like shade to their skin and a black dark hair, but on the inside, I am just like an average American girl liking many of the things that most American girls like. I am brown on the outside, representing my Asian ethnicity, but I am white on the inside, representing my everyday American self. Not a lot of people know that I am from
My favorite journey that I’ve taken in my life is my trip in Chicago. I went with my friend, her mom and sister, and my mom. We went to a concert, went to North Avenue beach, and ate out at many restaurants, which included Chicago style pizza. I have not decided on an occupation that is my favorite, but hopefully this changes later in my life. One talent that I would like to have would be a musical talent. One thing I’ve always thought was cool was playing an instrument, like a violin or piano. One of my favorite writers is John Green, however, I don’t have a favorite hero in fiction. My favorite names include Spencer, Carter, and Claire, although I’m sure there are more. The thing that I most dislike is when people are mean to others. My greatest fear is of bats. Something about them just freaks me out. These are just some of my favorites in my
In the first telling of my personal narrative, I did not consider including what had led me to a point where I began to embrace my identities and become proud of my heritage as Korean. There were many factors that led me to be who I am today. The reason for leaving out the information was because there were so many people and occurrences that led me to the point where I am now. For example, moving to different elementary school where there were more diverse body of students, annually performing at the Mosaic in the Korean pavilion, my parents being a positive role model, and becoming a volunteer teacher at the Korean Language School are some of the reasons which have led me to be who I am today. As I was surrounded by people who were interested
What interests do you have? I have many interests but the most intriguing one would be riding. Riding allows me to have fun and enjoy myself with friends and family. I like to ride at Four Seasons, Mountain Ridge, Scott Having, and Mines and Meadows. These places is where i have fun riding the most.