After reading the list of 34 strengths on page 101 in Strengths based Leadership; I decided to try and pick out the top 5 that I felt applied the most to me. Choosing; Analytical, Developer, Futuristic, Input and Relator I found consistently the top 5 had to do with research, learning, the bigger picture, and relationships. I always pride myself in my ability to really see both sides of a situation as well as reading a person or in other words it does not take me long to figure out what type of person someone is and I would guess 8 out of 10 times; I am usually dead on with what I discover in the first 15 minutes with a person. As for analyzing; some might say I “over analyze” specifically in my personal life but as well in business. …show more content…
My five strengths were Individualization, Relator, Learner, Ideation, and Intellection. Allow me to explain how I utilize these strengths currently: Under the category of Relationship building Individualization and Relator were my strongest strengths. Both similar in relating to others, having the ability to see and understand others uniqueness, knowing what they are about and what motivate others. As an individualist I can sense other’s needs, what motivates them and what is unique about them often, quicker and easier than someone that scores lower in this area. Strategic thinking an area of great strength for me, scoring highest in the areas of Leaner, Ideation and intellection aligns with relationship building and offers a strong sense of people. Being a learner; I enjoy studying others as well as processes. It is difficult for me to just “settle” I must know what it takes; how to accomplish a task; what motivates others and the outcomes of such. Along with this I grow bored easily; I would not do well in a mundane position where the same tasks are required day in and day out. I require challenges and enjoy gaining knowledge and understanding
As an individual my top three strengths would be one, thinking deeply about something that I am interested about or something personal. Two, remembering, if it's something important to me I would definitely remember it. Last but not least three, being observant, is something I tend to do frequently especially when curiosity kicks in. As for my weaknesses I only have two which are leadership and patience. Leadership is something I have struggled with
When looking at my strengths the specific strength that stands out on top is Individualization. Individualization states that I will look for what is unique about each person, and this gives me the ability to build productive teams. This coincides with my short-term career goal to join a great company and manage a productive team. With Individualization, I will be able to notice what is distinct about each person and how they interact with others. This will be extremely helpful to manage and organize an effective team. I am able to tailor my supervising and teaching skills to let everyone in the team excel in their specific strength.
Strengths are “natural talents and abilities that have been supported and reinforced with learned knowledge and skills.” (Daft, ch.15) My personal strengths have developed over time and will continue to evolve as I learn more about leadership and management. My strengths are: an Internal Locus of Control, Authentic Leadership and Emotional Intelligence.
Upon completion of the StrengthsFinder survey, I found that my five greatest strengths are responsibility, relator, restorative, achiever, and harmony. After reviewing the results from the survey, I was not a bit surprised because those are the strengths that I flourish on. Some of these strengths are not something that you are born with; they are talents of your personhood that make you who you are (Clifton, Anderson, and Schreiner, 2006, p. 2).
According to the StrengthsFinder survey, my five greatest strengths are: communication, achiever, woo, competition and ideation (Clifton PH.D, Anderson, PH.D, & Schreiner PH.D, 2006). I have utilized the above mentioned strengths in various ways, such a talking with classmates, being ahead of schedule, and trying to come up with ways to get homework done.
My five strengths in order were Positively, Belief, Achiever, Significance, and Relator. I think positively really describes me. I look for the best in every situation and my glass is always half full and never half empty. I enjoy life and thankful I am alive. I constantly try to motivate others and I have the best sense of humor which has been essential in living my life. If I am giving a task, I complete it better and faster than most people do. I hate to be late and I hate when other people are late. It makes me think that their time is more important than mine. My second strength is Belief and I have a strong belief in God and salvation. Nothing is greater than him and all things are possible through him. I live by a strong set of core
We all have strengths and weaknesses and we have to identify them in order to be ourselves and help us become more fit to achieve our goals. As identified by the Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment my top five traits are achiever, competition, adaptability, developer and empathy. These are what I will use as my strengths to he me become successful and achieve my goals for the future. I can apply each and every one to help build my career path and ensure a great deal of success. I look at this as a guideline giving my tips on what how to be effective in my
The strengths listed from my self-assessment were responsibility, analytical, achiever, intellection, and input. I feel that these strengths are fairly accurate when we are talking about my leadership abilities. I am a very responsible leader and in this sense of responsibility has been a gateway to the other strengths that I posses. The other listed strengths I agree strongly with is achiever and input. I do see myself as someone who is always striving to achieve more. Because I am an "achiever" this goes along with the input side of strengths. A
My top five strengths include being an achiever, deliberative, consistency, discipline, and relator. One strength that is most relevant to my instructor is deliberative. I am the type of person who takes life and work seriously in order to accomplish my goal. I am extremely responsible about any type of tasks given to me. Being deliberative helps me stay away from serious risks. I tend to plan my future ahead of time and anticipate any conflicts or obstacles I might face. I have certain people who are extremely trustworthy and keep my distance from negative people.
Lastly, is occupational wellness. When it comes to my occupational wellness my three strengths are the fact that I love my I love all my co-workers, I'm grateful for the job that I have, and I learned so many new things.
According to the Strengths Quest survey, my five individual strength areas fell within the larger areas of external, motivation, internal and interaction which involve connecting, mobilizing, energizing, and reflecting. My five strengths found were strategic, activator, communication, analytical, and competition (Clifton, Anderson, & Schreiner, 2006). Each of my five strengths really paint a true picture of who I am as an individual and as an educator. Being aware of my strengths has allowed me the opportunity to choose the right career path and opened the door for many opportunities to do something great with the students I work with. Having my students succeed in life is my goal as an educator and human being regardless of their upbringings,
My five greatest strengths were futuristic, focus, achiever, restorative, and strategic. I have always utilized my futuristic strength. Being able to picture my future so vividly helps me to accomplish my goals. It helps me focus on what needs to be done in the present time. My focus strength is helpful at my current job. Being a 9-1-1 operator, I have to be able to focus on the calls I am working on. I also plan to utilize my focus strength when it comes to school. This strength can be utilized by planning and prioritizing my life and being able to focus on accomplishing those tasks. The achiever strength is one that I utilize daily, as well. I have always been one to make lists and go through with completing those tasks. The restorative strength
My strengths include being able to include people in a group and ask for their opinion. This was developed by realizing that not being listened to is something that frustrates me while working in a team, and I don’t want people to ever feel that way if I can help it. Another forte I have is being humble enough to follow someone else’s plan or method if I feel it would work better than my own. I figure if it is better for the final outcome, why would I not follow the better plan. It is especially important for leaders to be able to take their ego out of their decision making process, and I think I do that
I feel that my great strengths are inclusive of my personality type and that I am empathic. I am an extrovert by nature. I love to talk to people. I feel that people enjoy speaking with me. Often times, I can ask a stranger, “How’s it going?” and that person will share their life story. I think that this ability to relate to others, will assist me with client relationships. I think that my greatest strength is the ability to be empathetic, but not become emotionally involved. This is not to say that I will not be emotionally invested; I would not let my emotions get in the way of what is best for the client.
Living with an open mind also helps me be more creative. It lets me look at the world around me with fresh eyes, and it helps me gain confidence in myself and my own ideas.