My bucket filled with images represents my surface and deep culture unique to me. I found out where I got my passions and which people influenced my culture, and what I need to do to continue to keep my culture and faith to be something I’m proud of.
The way i live my life, is influenced heavily by my surface culture. To represent my surface culture on a physical object, I took a step back and thought how do others see me. A huge part of this comes from the effect other people have on my life. In my surface culture representation there is a picture of Jesus Christ representative of my christian faith. I inherit my deep down morals, behaviours and beliefs and similarly my faith from my parents. Next, I have a graduation photo of me
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To begin I have a few quotes and mottos that I believe represent my approach to school and football. The phrases are “work hard in silence, let success be your noise”, “Think Training's Hard? Try Losing”. And W.W.J.D. these phrases represent my traits when it comes to working hard, being humble and trying my best to make good decisions and follow Jesus as the ultimate role model. My deep culture also features a picture of the subway bowl, the BC high school football championship. I train and work in football to make it once again to the subway bowl, a game my team lost in last year. I am proud to have made it that far, but strive to win the subway bowl in my final year of high school football. Next, is a picture of a messy room, similar to mine. A part of my personality is being messy at times and it's something that doesn’t bother me all that much. I am writing this essay currently with my cat Felix beside me, a companion to me for the past 16 years. My cat can calm me down when I’m mad and cheer me up when I’m sad and our relationship is important to me. Lastly, I have a picture which represents relaxation and meditation, as well as a man watching football. With the choice to do anything, on the weekend, I’ll often choose to just watch football or one of my many favourite TV shows, over going out and staying out
Throughout my life, I have struggled with accepting my cultural identity. My parents were born and raised in India, but I was born here, in the United States, and hence, born an American citizen.
I think that my family realized that I had crossed the threshold between childhoods when I began to form my own opinions. This first took hold when I took part in poverty stimulation at my local shelter. I was giving a character and a story behind the card I was given; the story made me become emotionally attached to this name I had been assigned and the family in which I came from. The experience made me question the prejudice of the society I was living in. How many times had I avoided eye contact with the people on the side of the road begging for money? I began a long journey of soul searching and questioning the beliefs my parents had raised me on. My thoughts were continually brought back to a book by C.S Lewis, it was called Out of the Silent Planet; a character named Weston believed that individual human lives don’t matter, they must be sacrificed to save mankind.
My “outside” cultural influences I have: America is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world culturally. We have German-Americans speaking German, Filipino-Americans speaking Tagalog, Irish-Americans speaking Irish, Scandinavian-Americans speaking Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, etc., Welsh-Americans speaking Welsh, Japanese-Americans speaking Japanese, Iraqi-Americans speaking Arabian, Mexican-Americans speaking Spanish, and all Americans united in the common goal to create the best possible nation in accordance with our Constitution.
The artifact represents personal objects and meaningful moments, person influence on our own life. This is one of the assignment in our program to share our artifacts toward our colleagues and professors. This will take in more about different culture, uniqueness, identity and values of our schoolmates and how they reflected in their life.
Post WWII in 1957 my great Grandad left their homeland of England to immigrate to Canada by plane which took 10 hours to fly from --------- to New York City. The ride was stressful and sickening, my Papa, Colin who was only _ remembers puking on the plane.
The reason I believe that it is important for me to have a cultural artifact is because I need something to take the blow. By this I mean that I need something to absorb all of the shock during difficult situations. My artifact is something that I can use when I am feeling upset and it will make me feel better. Others may only use their artifact if they are sad, but in my case, I can use it when I am: happy, sad, scared, or angry.
On March 24, 2017, I went to Evangeline Downs in Opelousas, Louisiana. I arrived there at around 12:30 a.m. Before I was able to get there I had to meet my boyfriends cousin at Walmart. I met him at Walmart because I was not allowed to get in the race track side of the casino where all the horses are without a racing I.D. The only way I could get through the security gate was by my boyfriends cousin.
I experienced my pop culture moment when I was a senior at my high school. My transportation to go to my school was buses. I took the same buses to school from freshman year, but I have never noticed what I notice in my senior year. Every morning I wake up to go to school at 8 a.m. I would see people going to work, schools etc. but one day I notice there was a group of white women who is going to their work wearing sari (sari is a garment which is long and usually it’s draped around women’s body. Asian women mostly wear it). I found that very odd because they didn’t look like to me that they would know anything about the roots of sari or the culture. I thought they were mocking the culture because the saris that they wearing weren’t 100% correct. I used to see them wearing traditional Indian cloth and I
The final object I chose to describe my culture is my Christmas stocking. To me this stocking represents my traditions and faith in an elegant little display. Within the first few months of my birth, my parents had me Baptized as a Roman Catholic and that has been my faith ever since. We as a family celebrate the story of Christmas every year with prayer and festivities to go along with our
I was thirteen when I moved to the United States. July 7, 2007 was the day my brothers and I packed up our belongings and left Haiti. It was a very exciting day because I got the chance to be on an extremely large white and blue airplane for the first time, and most importantly, reunite with my parents, whom I did not know because my father left Haiti when I was three years old, and my mother left a several years later. As a teenager, I had the mindset of living in a fairytale land. I did not think about the possible challenges I might encounter after leaving my homeland. The idea of adjusting to a new culture, learning a new language, and socializing with others that do not have the same tongue as me never ever crossed my mind. Little did
What is culture? Culture is the idea of what is wrong or right, the concept of what is acceptable within our society. Culture serves us as a guide, taking us to the "right way" and helping us to make sense of things that surrounds us. There are many different cultures around the world. A lot of them are similar in specific ways and others are just completely different, this difference explains why we think that people from different backgrounds are "weird".
I experienced my pop culture moment when I was a senior at my high school. My transportation to go to my school was buses. I took the same buses to school from freshmen year but I have never notice what I notice in my senior year. Every morning I wake up to go to school at 8 a.m. I would see people going to work, school etc. but one day I notice there was a group of white women who went to work wearing sari (sari is a garment which is long and elaborately draped around body. Asian women mostly wear it). I found that very odd because they didn’t look like to me that they would know anything about the culture that the sari is originated from. I used to see them wearing traditional Indian cloth and I used to wonder how did they get interested
How many different “hats” do we each wear on a daily bases. From our careers, to our family and friends we all have different identities that we claim and live out day to day. These identities help us define who we are. “When we identify ourselves, we draw on a host of different characteristics associated with various social groups to which we belong” (King 2012, pg. 429). My ornament is explaining the social identity through a snow-women and her many hats.
I come from a small rural farm where I was born and raised all my life and where I grew up with two loving parents and one sister. Ever since I was a young girl, religion has always been a big part of my life because I was born and raised Catholic. My mothers’ side of the family is German Catholic decent and my fathers’ race is German and Cherokee Indian. Even though they are mainly German combined I have always found it interesting that I have Native American blood running through my veins. It is obvious that my parents are both Caucasian and were middle class individuals when I was growing up. I would now classify my parents to be in the higher class because they are worth more now then twenty-five years ago. Even though my parents have more money now than what they did when growing up on the farm, a strong work ethic was important to my parents. I am thankful they instilled this within me because I have always worked hard for everything in my life and I know that this will payoff for me one day. My parents also told me that education will get me further in life and it has. I am the first of my family to graduate from college let alone getting my masters as well. So when looking
I couldn’t just draw one image to represent my culture because I believe one’s culture entails a variety of different aspects. I drew a cross because a cross represents Christianity. Religion is a big part of one 's culture because it represents one’s beliefs. I then drew a dictionary to represent language becauses language gives culture meaning. Lastly, I drew the symbol for recycling, police officers, and peace. To some, these symbols mean nothing because of the culture they grew up in, to others these symbols have an important meaning to them. Every culture has its own set of symbols that each have different meanings.