Past- During my tenure at Darton State College (DSC), I begin my freshman year wanting to become a Physical Therapist. I spent two summers before I went to college going to Shreveport, Louisiana to observe one of my mother’s best friends, Charles. Charles had his own practice in Shreveport and was practicum instructor for Louisiana State University’s Physical Therapist program. My goal while at DSC was get admitted into the Physical Therapy Assistant program offered at the college. After two semesters of prerequisites I was successfully admitted into the Physical Therapy Assistant program at DSC. However, after c my completing one semester in the program, I knew Physical Therapy was not my shown field. I wanted to go into the field mainly
East Carolina University is and has always been a dream school for many students including myself. I have grown up hearing about the University and it is nothing short of spectacular. Many family members of mine have attended East Carolina, and I have always pictured myself at this school. It would be an honor to be a pirate. Throughout high school I have struggled in Science and Math. I know I could have done better in high school but in life you can always do something better, im eager to push myself more and work harder than ever to succeed as an adult, if given the chance There are many times when I should I have put school in front of my extra curricular activities such as dancing, art, work, tennis, and swimming. However, all of those
My history with Florida A & M University started before I was born. Looking back from day one, my family specifically my mom, cousin and aunts instilled in me what was the definition of a true Rattler. Some have defined a true Rattler as a go getter who stops at nothing to accomplish their goal. Some have defined a true Rattler as a well spoken and confident student attending FAMU. Others, simply would define a true Rattler as a student who has fallen on the hill going to class. Considering these definitions and countless others, I possess the solid qualities for attending Florida A & M University and becoming a true Rattler.
When I think about what I could contribute to Florida A&M University based on the knowledge that I do have with your institution is that i’m a extremely committed student who has beliefs that you can do anything that you set your mind to. There may be some times when I may feel discouraged but why must if I feel like that if things aren’t easily handed to you. You must chase your dreams, and when you do that things will slowly fall into place (not exactly how you planned for it to be at times). I learned that through the many obstacles I had to experience to make me the well informed women I am today. The best activity, interest, experience, and achievement in my life was being a Big member of “Big brother, big sister”. Becoming a mentor for
I believe that I have significantly strengthened my application since the last PTCAS cycle. In August of 2014, I gained admittance into Delgado Community College’s physical therapist assistant (PTA ) program. I completed the program in July of 2015. Over the course of eleven months, I excelled academically and maintained a 4.0 GPA. Prior to attending DCC, the only observation hours I had completed were in two different out-patient clinics. During my time in DCC’s PTA program, I was assigned to four different clinical rotations. Three of my rotations granted me the opportunity to observe the practice of physical therapy in a skilled nursing facility and in two different acute care hospital settings. My fourth clinical rotation was an out-patient
Hey folks! I’m Shea Casey, and I’m an upcoming Sophomore (yikes!!) at SUNY Geneseo, along with being a proud member of the Geneseo Volleyball family. Even though I have a year of college under my belt, every time I think about going back up to Geneseo, I get excitement butterflies. I cannot even put into words how perfect Geneseo is for me, and I think all the rest of us can agree with that. From the beautiful campus, to the great academics, to the ever-lasting friendships, I can say SUNY Geneseo is a once in a lifetime experience. Just the volleyball community alone is one of the major reasons Geneseo felt like home right as I set foot on campus. This team has created unbreakable bonds with some of the best people I’ve ever met, to the point that in this upcoming semester, all of this year’s freshmen are living in the same dorm building…on the same floor…with 4/6 living in the same suite (we just can’t get enough of each other). I cannot wait for August 18th, when all my best friends are together again playing the sport we love in a place we love.
On August 10, 2016 I started my journey at Roanoke Valley Early College. My older brother and sister both attended RVEC and they would always try to tell me what to expect. The RVEC experience is an experience that had to experience myself. My first month at RVEC has really been a learning experience. I’ve had some good experience and only one bad experience, but I guess that’s just part being in early college.
When I started Chaffey College I did not had a college major in mind. My educational plan was set up to take general education for the first two semesters. It took me a month to realize I wanted to be a Dental Assistant. There was a waiting list for the program, but, fortunately I could obtain all the documents need it to be qualified. Now, my education plan is set up to graduate from Chaffey College by 2018. I will end up with an Associate Degree as a Register Dental Assistant. My education plan was set up to graduate in less than 3 years with the best experience and knowledge I could get. Being in college had made me increase my education goal, not only will I get a career in the Dental field but I will continue to become a mathematics teacher
If I could go back in time and relive a particularly difficult moment in my life, I will work part-time in the weekend in high school. I want to save my money. I want to travel other state. I also want to see my childhood friends. I wish I spend more time to have fun with my friends when I was young. When I first came here I went to school and I didn't how many class I have to take the class and to pass the MACS. I spent one more year to get my diploma. I wish if I know all this I will take class that require. I will go to Middlesex Community College early to practice the MACS because they have MACS class. After I going Middlesex Community College I pass the MACS. It is very helpful to go there. I learned a lot of MACS how to answer the open
Growing up with high expectations my mind has always been set on the idea of college. However when thinking of the “right” college for my future, I never knew If I would be able to fully commit and choose which one was best for me. I wanted something that would be comfortable for me that also meets my criteria that would make the college transition a bit easier. Since I’m going into something new, my decision would end up being based on the class sizes, the costs being affordable, the majors and degrees available for Nursing, and the location and how close it is to my family. It was a hard decision however one school had it all, which is why I’ve decided to further this chapter of my life at West Texas A&M University.
Sonoma State University was first introduced to me a year ago when I went on a tour of SSU with my school. Twenty of us went on a trip to Northern California to see schools such as University of San Francisco, San Francisco State, Holy Names University, UC Berkeley, and of course, Sonoma State University. I fell in love with SSU the minute I stepped on campus, the campus is so full of trees, unlike the desert-style campuses of many Southern California schools near where I live, and amazing buildings that inspire me by just being around them. When I took a tour of SSU, my tour guide was a part of the Hutchins Program, and she was so passionate when she told my group about it. I had never heard of a program that allowed students to get their degree and teaching credential in 4 years, so after that tour I began to research and tour schools with these kinds of programs, and yet none of them have impacted me quite like the Hutchins Program.
The majority of my academic tenure at San Antonio College has been on some kind of nonacademic probation period. Much of this stems from when I had enrolled at the college I was not aware of the direction I was headed or if I even had made the right decision to enroll into college period. Much of the SOBI reports filed on me many of them I had felt they were injustices and even unfair nonetheless even some of the sanctions. This is just my opinion but I felt I could have appealed many of them and possibly some would have had them overturned by making the choice to follow the appeal process.
The last few months have been extremely difficult and life changing to say the least. I've grown in so many ways that I didn't think we're possible. As much as I bitched, cried, complained and bitched some more about school, its an opportunity that I will forever be grateful for. It's so rewarding to know that I'm one step closer to reaching my goals!
As a child of the 2000s and 2010s, President Barack Obama has been a constant in my turbulent time of adolescence. He was elected the day after my tenth birthday and has now left office shortly after my eighteenth. Though it may seem audacious to compare myself to the (now former) leader of the free world, he and I currently face similar stages of our lives. We’re both in periods of transition. As he has left his home and career, I prepare to do the same. In June, I’ll graduate and leave the world of free, public education forever. In August, I leave Virginia Beach, the only home I’ve ever known, to start the next chapter of my life at Duke University. At such a pivotal point in my life, it only seems fitting to have a chat with someone who has been an incredible role model for both me and the nation.
May 27th, 2017. The day one chapter of my life ends and a new chapter and journey begins. College is an important time in my life because this when I find out who I am and who I want to be. Without a shadow of a doubt, Lipscomb University is where God is leading me.I began my college search the beginning of sophomore year and as I went through an alphabetical list of colleges and universities, I came across a unique name that caught my eye, Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee. After an hour of exploring what Lipscomb offered on their website, I knew I needed to visit. At the top of my list for what my ideal college experience looked like was, "God". I want a Christian college with my desired field of study, Nursing.
My college experience first started in the spring of 2014, when I went on my first college tour with the Economic Opportunity Commission of Nassau County, Inc. On this college tour, we visited prestigious Historically Black Colleges and Universities such Spelman College and Morgan State University. It was not until the Spring of 2015 when I discovered my dream school. On this college tour, we visited Lincoln University and it was love at first site. My first perception of Lincoln was that this institution has such a rich culture and family like campus that I wish be a part of. This original perception has not changed now that am enrolled and finished my first semester at Lincoln University. My first semester of college at Lincoln University was a life changing experience. The lessons and people that I met will last a lifetime. My first month at Lincoln University was a challenging time. It took me awhile to grow out of my protective shell interact with