In the year of, 2016 I went to Vancouver, British Columbia for the summer. My family and I wanted to go bike ridding on this very long path. I never did consider myself a nature person but I have a better understanding of its beauty. The hardest paper was biking around the river, I thought I was going to fall in by how close the path was to the river. In stanely park, there was some animals like squriels ducks and a variety of birds. They costantly were in our way of the path. Another time I was in contact with nature was in grade six when my school and I went to the forrest. Our teacher was telling us about citzens who are trying to protect the forrest from any possible damage. After the forrest we went to the field close to our school. We
When I was a kid, a girl lived next door to me. She was beautiful, graceful, and overall a kind person. Her name was Riley. I remember the times where I hung out with her. She was a cool girl who didn’t mind a boy hanging around with her. We often spent our time swinging on a rope in the park and playing tag. In time, I felt… attached to her. I wanted to tell her this. However, something happened.
Five Miles Away, A World Apart: One City, Two Schools, and The Story of Educational Opportunity in Modern America, written by James E. Ryan is a story about educational opportunity. It starts off by describing two very different schools in Richmond Virginia that are only about five miles apart from each other. The first school, Freeman High School is a suburban school, while the second school, Thomas Jefferson or “Tee-Jay” High School is a city school. Ryan explains how even after all of the Supreme Court rulings to make schools more integrated and more equal that city and suburban schools are still very unequal and not very integrated. Freeman and Tee Jay schools are a great example of this. Freeman is predominantly white but is becoming more and more diverse. Today, the school is made up of 73% white, 13% African-American, 7% Hispanic, and 6% are Asian. The majority of students in this school come from middle-class families. Tee-Jay is also diverse but is predominantly black. Today, the school’s student body is made up of 82% black, 16% white, and 2% are Asian or Hispanic. Most of the students at Tee-Jay High School come from poor families. In this book Ryan goes through the past, present, and future of educational opportunity and specifically goes into how school district lines affect education.
Although I am Canadian and still carry Canadian traits, adopting new traits from being in a different environment has helped me grow and become a better individual. Someone who doesn't move will forever lack certain traits because you are not exposed to different environments. Being from a different country, I have different thoughts on an American than Americans, but after being in America my perspective has altered. Being able to adapt to situations and environments, just as the frontiers had, has lead me to take more pride in my individual self. Going trough life significant life experiences has made me appreciate values of Americans like freedom and justice. The western mythology has helped shape this nation and is responsible for many
It was a regular Sunday morning, precisely at 8:00, I was walking my dog Sham. He may look cute but he will snap and bark at any stranger (but that is completely irrelevant). Anyway, all of a sudden the authorities came and evicted everyone out of their homes! I caught up with my parents and they acknowledged that we had to move to Canada because of the virus.
Actually, the theory is that black women, regardless of socioeconomic status, are simply exposed to more psycho-social stress. I mean, what person is not exposed to psychological stress? Anyhow, the stress produces hormones that are believed to play an important role in triggering labor in pregnant women; in black women, may trigger early labor and other pregnancy problems. Personally, I lost my first baby due to “incompetent cervix” yet, for my three boys, I had to receive progesterone, and sacrilege, to reach full-term. With my last baby, the doctor told me that she believes it’s not the cervix that causing the premature delivery, but the progesterone level during pregnancy. However, we left it at that because we left the country. I believe
My trip to the Grand Canyon was the best experience I ever had so far in my life. My grandparents from Korea came along with us. Even though I saw them last year it was still an enjoyable moment that I had. Grand Canyon is located in Arizona so what our family did was fly to Las Vegas early in the morning and arrive in Nevada around 9 o’clock am. Driving to Grand Canyon was also five hours with heavy traffic. Driving and stopping every hour was hard to do but at the end it was all worth it. It was good that I had couple electronic devices and my family to keep me in company.
My parents weren’t the first people in their family to move to Canada. Two of my dad’s brothers had lived in Canada for ten years prior to when we moved. Due to the downfall of Iran’s economy and constant war threats towards the country, my parents decided after they had me that in order to build a better life for not only me but also themselves, that the best choice was to move to another country. They’ve always dreamt of moving to Canada, so when they got the news that they were granted their VISA, they were overjoyed and eager to start a new life. They said that when the date got closer they began to have second thoughts. Imagine living somewhere for your whole life, your childhood, your teenage years and your adulthood, then having to leave
I remember my first day in Canada like it was yesterday. The day I thought my dad had been hit by a car and my mom almost having a heart attack. It all started when we first got to the hotel, in Ontario, Mississauga. My father thought it would be a great idea to explore the area and buy some groceries. My mom, two brothers and I were exhausted due to a fourteen-hour flight from Dubai to Toronto so we decided to stay and take a nap. I woke up at 7 pm to silence. I thought my dad had come back and took a nap, but when I went to wake up parents, it was only my mother. At that point, I started freaking out, it’s been 4 hours since my father left. I woke up my mother and told her my dad hadn’t come back yet. My mother tried to call my father, but his phone was off. She then went to the security of the building and talked to him. The security guard asked my mother
When my family and I moved from Canada to United States 6 years ago, it was very hard for me and I had to meet and make a new group of friends. I was born in Canada, and I lived in Ottawa all my life until my family and relocated to Atlanta in 2011. At the time of the move, I was eleven years old and I had just finished Grade 5. I remember when my mom told me that we were moving to Atlanta, Georgia I didn’t know where that city was because I only knew the cities in Canada and not in Georgia. I was very sad and excited to move to a new city. I knew I would lose my friends in Canada but I also knew I would get to meet and make some new ones when I get to Atlanta.
As I walked to the parking lot where my mom had arrived to pick me up from school, my sister ran out of the car, ran towards me and yelled excitedly, “We’re going to Canada!” Having grown up in Kuwait for my whole life of 15 years, I could hardly believe my sister’s words. Going to Canada! I had only been out of the country twice, each time just to vacation and visit family in the Philippines where both my parents are from. I had always imagined what life would be like outside of Kuwait, and now it was finally going to be real. My 15-year old self was devastated - We were leaving the only home I had known for 15 years. It did not take long for my sisters’ excitement to die when we realized that we would be leaving our friends and everything we’ve ever known and not returning for a long time. Life in Kuwait for 15 years was comfortable and we were more than financially stable. Moving to Canada without a job offer in place meant that we would have to start from the beginning all over again. Goodbyes were hard but my parents encouraged us to see the joys of moving to a place where we could start over and become accepted citizens of a country. Arriving in Canada, I experienced the biggest culture shock of my life. Vancouver, BC was cold, wet, and loud. I had thought adjusting would be relatively easy; I spoke English with a slight accent but I was very shy that it confused some of the other kids to think I couldn’t speak English. I did not understand the culture, which took a
When people are on winter break, most want to go out and play in the snow, but who knew that the snow could be one's worst nightmare when stubbornness comes into play. Most people go out on an enjoyable snow-white day to sled down snowy hills and fling semi-hard snowballs at each other. No one would think that maybe sledding down the snowy hills could be so dangerous when they are having fun, and trying to show off. I certainly did not think that it was dangerous, but boy was I so wrong. Normally being a Los Angeles girl, going up to Big Bear is such an amazing experience, because down in the Los Angeles region it does not snow at all. However, I was not ready to face what was slowly going to change me in the mountains of California.
In our course book, Van Gogh was the father of expression. He expressed, “Painting things not as they are but as they feel.” (Lewis & Lewis, p. 391). I found in observing the many painting he made. Van Gogh was a very tortured soul. I was not impressed by the dark colored paintings. They were telling me he was a depressed, troubled man and made me feel depressed. The Vincent Van Gogh painting I have chosen is an oil canvas he made in Arles, France: June 1888. Van Gogh called it “Fishing Boats on the beach at Saintes-Maries. (Van Gogh Gallery, 2015). I felt by looking at this painting it was different from the others. The fishing boats on the beach seemed to be clearer and detailed to my eyes. The colors he used seemed to be on an even and bright
“When I'm in Canada I feel this is what the world should be like”. The reason this is true is because everybody is so friendly. In the summer I saved all my money up just so I can go to Canada. On the first week of June I mowed my back yard every two days and slowly but surely. By the time July comes around I was elated to find out that I have saved a total of 10,000 dollars.
Trying to find memories is like looking for treasure. You look at the surface and see something mediocre, but you dig deep and find something cool, pretty, and meaningful. It took a while to think of a fond memory, but once I thought of some, it was hard to choose a favorite. Growing up I have had many great experiences in the form of vacations. Between going to Disney World, owning a vacation home, hanging out with my grandparents in Arizona, traveling to Canada and more. They all make amazing memories that I will forever cherish. The vacation spot we go to the most, though, is Wisconsin Dells. A few times I have been allowed to invite friends to come with. When I am allowed to bring friends, it is always a ginormous amount of fun. We goof off in the hotel room, play in the arcades, and swim in the water parks.
My heart was thumping heavily, as the bus took a turn towards the mountains. I didn’t know why I had agreed, but it was too late to turn back.