
Personal Narrative: My Trip To Luther College In Decorah, Iowa

Decent Essays

My day began with Fergalicious blaring from my cell phone to wake me up at 5:45 a.m. It took me several minutes to muster the strength to roll out of bed. It was time to visit Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. After a warm shower, an hour of primping, and a quick breakfast my mom, dad and I were on our way to Decorah. The hour drive seemed to last an eternity. Several things were running through my head during this long drive. I was reminiscing on my visit to the University of Iowa that I went to the day before, and how at home I felt in Iowa City. I was also thinking about all the things I could be doing besides this college visit. Eventually we pulled up to the Luther campus my mom turned to me in the back seat and pleaded: ¨Julia, try to keep an open mind about this college. Your dad and I know that you really enjoyed Iowa yesterday but we would appreciate it if you would keep an open mind today.¨ I replied with ¨I will try my best¨. …show more content…

After about 10 minutes of this excruciating awkwardness we were able to proceed inside to look at some information boards. 99.9% of the boards included something about music...I am not musically inclined what so ever. Next, we were invited to sit in on a student lead presentation. The presentation started off with a cheesy video of some students dancing around the campus to ¨Uptown funk¨. The next hour and a half were filled with girl talking about her ultimate frisbee team, and another boy talking about his success with theater and the chess club he started. Let’s just say that I would have fallen asleep if it wasn’t for the subzero temperatures in the lecture hall we were seated in. Then, we broke into smaller groups and were drug around the campus for a tour. There was another girl in my group. I decided to be nice and start up a conversation with the girl. I

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