Over the past two summers I have done quite a bit. In the summer of 2013-14 I went to the Summer leadership Academy. SLA is a one week boot camp for AFJROTC cadets. With approximately 10 schools including Dickinson high school. I was appointed guidon bearer. We woke up at 0430 and went to the field for PT, and had breakfast at 0600.throughout the rest of the day we did several activities from navigation class to the marksmanship course. At the end of boot camp I was awarded the Spirit award and Distinguished graduate award. In the summer of 2014-15 I stayed home to help my cousin in his home repairs. From redoing some of his deck to building a shed. We also worked on his car changing the oil, brakes, rotors, spark plugs
During the my sophomore year of high school, I decided to join a club at my school name Intercat. Intercat is a great way to help out in my community and my school. Over the time I contribute a positive change in my school by joining the Teen Suicide Prevention and Awareness which we learn how to help someone out if we notices that they are going to a hard time. In my community I have done Feeding America, Keeping Moreno Valley Beautiful, Rotary Thanksgiving Dinner, Ride Moval, Helped out the Senior Center cleaning, The Springtastic Festival, I helped out with the Senior Citizen Prom and a lot more.At the end of my sophomore year I did 84.5 hours of community services. I loved helping out so I did it again, my junior year during for school
The summer incoming freshman year I worked 95 hours at The Medford Lakes camp with no pay. The following summer I worked 3 hours of community service packaging lunches for The Food Bank of South Jersey. The same Summer I worked 17 hours for the MYAA Killer Bee Tournament. So far this year I’ve already contributed to our school as a part of Student Executive Council. Kids for Wish Kids also helped raise 10,000$ for its foundation which I was a part
During my weekends when I was not playing in baseball I would be volunteering at Waldron Wings which was a Domestic Violence shelter housing women and children who left their broken home. I volunteer at this facility up into its closing at the beginning of my sophomore year. Often times amidst the week I would tutor kids at my own conviction at the Haughville Library just because I would see them struggling and it only made me yearn to liberate their ignorance. Which leads to another one of my ventures which is Toys for Tots which I participated in faithfully in eighth and ninth grade. A group of peers and I would go “Christmas Shopping” and supply kids who were not fortunate enough to receive gifts with toys and games they could only dream of having. I am a high-honor roll student which is evident from me receiving this letter. On top of that, I always dreamed of leaving a mark on my high school career one days and this is one of the many ways attain this goal and impact my
The first key insight from The Leadership Challenge reading is that a leader can never get anything extraordinary accomplished by their self. “Leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow. It is the quality of this relationship that matters most when engaged in getting extraordinary things done,” (Kouzes & Posner, 2012, pg.30). We have all been part of a team in which too many Indians suddenly decided they want to be chief. A good balance of chiefs and Indians ensure that the work of the group is accomplished.
Question: What quality in leaders has been lacking in recent years? Connect your leadership experiences to what you see in the real world.
For the duration of this Intermediate Leadership Experience (ILE) the five concepts that stood out to me most are the dehumanized climate from Interpersonal Communication, the Contemporary Motivation Model from Leader Influence, Ethical Dilemmas used in Military Ethics from Leadership and Followership, Discipline Model (DM) Arena 1- Prevention from Leader Influence on Subordinate Behavior, and from Effective Negotiations the Who, Stakes, and Situation concept. These concepts standing out lets me know that I am still developing as a leader. To define myself as specific leader or with a specific style, I would say that I’m adaptable. These concepts also let me know that regardless of what I already know there is always something to learn
My journey in attending Howard University was not easy nor smooth sailing. The process in determining whether or not I would be a Howard Bison, was strictly contingent on the financial means of my family at the time.
Describe a specific example(s) of your personal growth and development through your leadership experiences in college. See the help text for additional direction.
My leadership outlook is collectively designed from my life experiences, ascertainments, achievements, and failures. I see leadership as an excursion simultaneously taken by leaders and followers to a mutual destination. Great leaders have clear core values, a course of action, an organized, suitable, and effective team, and unambiguous communication that will lead their team to this common goal. The best leaders have definitive vision and mission statements. They often refine these statements to ensure the requirements needed to successfully accomplish the vision and mission of every area of their lives including their family, their organization, and their unit is feasible.
I believe that my leadership experience while at Bowling Green State University has inspired many of my peers to demonstrate their own forms of leadership and collaboration. After becoming a certified Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) basketball coach, I often encouraged many of my friends and peers to try this rewarding experience. I was successfully able to persuade 3 of my peers to pursue their own coaching positions at St. Aloysius. Granted, 3 people may not be a large when looking at the student body of BGSU as a whole, but I believe in the strength of the domino effect. I am hoping that my 3 peers will now influence other people to pursue positions of leadership. In regards to the community as a whole, I believe that my coaching experience
Over the course over the summer, I completed 125 hours of volunteer work with the Street Team for the sport athletic market department here at North Carolina State University. Throughout the summer, the summer interns put together a master list of different events throughout the community and university for the other volunteers and me to attend. Each month I would be scheduled to attend different events in which I would promote NC State athletics. It was required that I arrived 30 minutes to an hour prior of start time to set up what was needed for occasion. There was a checklist created to make sure that I had everything that was needed to run a successful event. Mainly, the objective was to promote NC State athletics by handing out and distributing giveaways and apparel. Usually there would be a prize wheel stationed on our table,
Many varied management and leadership philosophies exist and no single style or approach can be considered to be the ‘correct’ one. Regardless of management and leadership philosophies, self-reflection has played, and will continue to play, a significant role in the shaping of a managers leadership philosophy. Depending on the level of consciousness that a manager has in regards to self-reflection, along with how they communication their management and leadership philosophies, will affect their performance as a manager. Like all managers, my management and leadership philosophies have developed through experiences and the meaning assigned with these. The philosophies that I have previously
The purpose of this personal assessment is to devalue an incident in which I believe I performed my very best, within my leadership capability, according to organizational policies, and lawful regulatory compliance while protecting cultural competence and our organization from any legal repercussions. Business environment will continue evolve and it is pivotal to the success of the organization that all potential leaders acquire the fundamentals of understanding human behaviors within a multicultural atmosphere. Different situations will arise in which leadership will need to focus on the many aspects of one’s personal beliefs, culture as a whole, and productivity at the least. What is evident is the diversity within
A particular leadership and character building experience I would like to highlight is my 5-year participation in the Southwestern Company Sales Program while in college from age 16 through 20. As Independent Dealer and Student Manager, I successfully surmounted the obstacles distinctive of the program such as selling door to door; organizing my own business; working at least 75 hr. a week every week of the summer; recruiting, training and motivating my own team; and, at the same time, overcoming the language and cultural barriers. The obstacles I had to face at the age of eighteen were so difficult that very few people in the company thought I would overcome them. But, I proved them wrong, and in recognition of my achievements, I received awards such as: the “Sizzler's Trip Award”, granted to student dealers with high level of sales during all summer; the “I Wanna Win Award”, won as a result of the level of sales during the last two weeks of the summer; “The President's Recommendation Award”, won for recruiting, motivating and training the largest Mexican Group in the 100 plus Company´s at age 19; further awards such as “The Salesman Ship Award”, “The Gold Seal Award”, membership in “The President's Club” and other recognitions.
transformation and changes in leadership styles that occurred as a result of my attendance to the